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Eski Ordu Marşı

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A modern mehter marching band

Eski Ordu Marşı ("Ancient Army March") is a Rast Mehter song composed by Muallim İsmail Hakkı Bey (1865-1927).[1]


Ey şanlı ordu, ey şanlı asker
Haydi gazanfer umman-ı safter
Bir elde kalkan, bir elde hançer
Serhadde doğru ey şanlı asker.
Deryada olsa herşey muzaffer
Dillerde tekbir, Allahü ekber
Allahü ekber, Allahü ekber
Ordumuz olsun daim muzaffer.


O glorious army! O great soldier,
Come on the glorious sea of bastion smashers,
A shield in one hand and the dagger in the other,
Let's advance to the border O gallant soldier.
May everything be victorious in this sea.
Chanting the takbir, "Allah is the greatest"
Allah is greatest, Allah is greatest,
May our army be eternally victorious.

