Viva Zapata!, is a 1952 movie directed by Elia Kazan starring Marlon Brando, Jean Peters and Anthony Quinn.
Slightly modificated version of Image:Viva Zapata movie trailer screenshot (16).jpg.
This image is a screenshot made by myself from a public domain movie's trailer. Trailers for movies released before 1964 are in the Public Domain because they were never separately copyrighted.
Note that it may still be copyrighted in jurisdictions that do not apply the rule of the shorter term for US works (depending on the date of the author's death), such as Canada (70 years p.m.a.), Mainland China (50 years p.m.a., not Hong Kong or Macao), Germany (70 years p.m.a.), Mexico (100 years p.m.a.), Switzerland (70 years p.m.a.), and other countries with individual treaties.
'''''Viva Zapata!''''', is a 1952 movie directed by Elia Kazan starring Marlon Brando, Jean Peters and Anthony Quinn. Slightly modificated version of Image:Viva Zapata movie trailer screenshot (16).jpg. This image is a screenshot made by myself from
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