DescriptionThe Prosomeric Model of the vertebrate central nervous system.jpg |
Figure 2 The Prosomeric Model of the vertebrate central nervous system. (A), Expression of Sonic hedgehog (Shh; reddish) and Distal-Less Homeobox 2 (Dlx2; gray) genes colored by in situ hybridization in the diencephalon of a hole mount chick embryo; Shh labels the basal plate. This photography is reproduced from Figure 2B in Martinez-Ferre and Martinez (2012). (B), Scheme of a mammalian neural tube (left lateral view) showing neuromeres (from caudal to rostral: r11-r0, m2-m1, p1-p3, hp1, hp2, ATD), plates (from ventral to dorsal: floor, basal, alar, and roof plates), and the axis (yellow line) of the central nervous system according to Puelles et al. (1987b); Puelles et al. (2008); Puelles and Rubenstein (2015); Nieuwenhuys and Puelles (2016); and Puelles (2018). (C), Magnification of the telencephalic region in B; the pallial (MP, MMP, DP, LP, VP, pallial amygdala; yellow boundaries) and subpallial (St, Pal, Dg, POA; red boundaries) FMUs are represented. (D), Magnification of the prosomere p2 in B; the thalamic FMUs (ET, DTd, DTi, DTv, DTav) are represented in the alar plate. (E), Magnification of the rhombencephalon in B; the rhombic lip is delineated by a short-dashed black line in the alar plate adjacent to the roof plate; tangential migrations that give rise to the cerebellum (pink arrows), the pontine nuclei (purple arrows), and the inferior olive (mustard arrows) are represented. The floor plate is colored in red, the basal plate in pink, the alar plate in light blue, and the roof plate, in dark blue. ATD, acroterminal domain; Dlx2, Distal-Less Homeobox 2 gene; Dg, diagonal subpallial domain; DP, dorsal pallium; DTav, dorsal thalamus, anteroventral subdivision; DTd, dorsal thalamus, dorsal subdivision; DTi, dorsal thalamus, intermediate subdivision; DTv, dorsal thalamus, ventral subdivision; ET, epithalamus; Eth, epithalamus; HM, medial habenula; hp1-2, hypothalamic prosomeres 1-2; Hy, hypothalamus; LP, lateral pallium; m1-2, mesomeres 1-2; M, mesencephalon; MP, medial pallium; MMP, mesomedial pallium; p1-3, prosomeres 1-3; Pal, pallidal subpallial domain; Pall. Amyg., amygdalar pallium; POA, preoptic subpallial domain; PT, pretectum; PTh, prethalamus; r0-11, rhombomeres 0-11; Shh, Sonic hedgehog; St, striatal subpallial domain; Subpall. Amyg., subpallial amygdala; T, telencephalon; Th, thalamus; VP, ventral pallium. |