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in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie
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LucienBOT is mostly used for resolving interwiki links. It is designed to operate simultaneously on multiple sites to reduce server load. The bot has been given bot status on some larger sites, but may still not have it here.
You can learn more about me at my spanish or meta page, or leave me a message here.
Thank you! --Lucien leGrey (kontak) 17:03, 11 Oktober 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]


[wysig bron]

I am leaving a comment here, because it is important for this Wiki that we can easily access all comments regarding a bot's activity here.

Your bot currently has 300+ edits over four months. Please consider applying for global bot status and refrain from running your bot here until you have done so. Anrie (kontak) 10:24, 17 Februarie 2010 (UTC)[antwoord]