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Historiae Alexandri (Clitarchus)

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Alexandri Magni imago ab eruditis Pyrgoteli, regis ipsius sculptori, adscripta, et fortasse circa annum 325 facta

Historiae Alexandri (Graece Περὶ Ἀλέξανδρον ἱστορίαι) fuit opus a Clitarcho, historici Dinonis Colophonii filio, scriptum seu de vita Alexandri Macedonis seu de rebus ab aulicis eius gestis et visis. Hoc opus in libros duodecim vel plures divisum, hodie deperditum, citaverunt Athenaeus in Deipnosophistis, Plinius in Naturali historia, aliique. Fragmenta fere 30 nominatim supersunt; censetur et alias res ab historicis Alexandri Magni recentioribus narratas ex opere Clitarchi haustas fuisse.

Ex opere Onesicriti, titulo Quomodo Alexander educatus sit, per Clitarchum, nobis venit historia de Alexandri cum Thalestria Amazonum regina amoribus (F 15).[1] e Clitarcho venit narratio de palatio Persepolitano suadente Thaide meretrice incenso (F 11).[2]

Hic index fragmentorum ex editione Felicis Jacoby trahitur:

Oportet addere fragmenta sine nomine Clitarchi tradita:

  1. Strabo, Geographica 11.5.4; Plutarchus, Alexander 46
  2. Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae 576d
  3. Fonte Timaeo? Sic Tarn (1948), cf. Hamilton (1961) p. 450
  4. Fonte Polycleto Larissaeo? Sic Jacoby (1926-1930) pp. 490-491; Hamilton (1961) p. 449
  5. Hamilton (1969) pp. 123-127
  6. Fonte Aristobulo? Sic Tarn (1948), cf. Hamilton (1961) p. 451
  7. Hamilton (1961) pp. 454-457; Badian (1965)
  8. Irene Pajón Leyra, "Little Horror Stories in an Oxyrhynchus Papyrus: A Re-Edition and Commentary of P.Oxy. II 218" in Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete vol. 60 (2014)
  9. Hamilton (1961) p. 458


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Editiones fragmentorum
  • Fridericus Dübner, Carolus Mullerus, edd., Arriani Anabasis et Indica; reliqua Arriani et scriptores de rebus Alexandri Magni; Pseudo-Callisthenis historia fabulosa (Parisiis: Didot, 1846) Textus fasc. 2 pp. 74-85 (vide pp. 446-457 versionis archive.org) (Graece, Latine)
  • Robertus Geier, Alexandri M. historiarum scriptores aetate suppares (Lipsiae: Gebauer, 1844) pp. 151-190 (Graece, Latine) Textus
  • Felix Jacoby, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (Lugduni Batavorum: Brill, 1923- ) no. 137 (vol. 2B pp. 741-752). Kommentar (1930) pp. 484-498
  • Luisa Prandi, "Kleitarchos of Alexandria (137)" (2013) apud Ian Worthington et al., edd., Jacoby Online vel BNJ (situs venalis)
  • C. A. Robinson Jr, Alexander the Great (Novi Eboraci, 1947) pp. 45-77 (Anglice)
  • Ernst Badian, recensio operis Pearson (1960) in Gnomon vol. 33 (1961) pp. 660-667; reimpressa in E. Badian, Studies in Greek and Roman history (Oxoniae: Blackwell, 1964) pp. 250-261, vide pp. 258-259
  • Ernst Badian, "The Date of Clitarchus" in Proceedings of the African classical associations vol. 8 (1965) pp. 5–11; reimpr. in E. Badian, Collected papers on Alexander the Great (Londinii: Routledge, 2012) pp. 113-119
  • Elizabeth Baynham, "The ancient evidence for Alexander the Great" in J. Roisman, ed., Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great (Lugduni Batavorum: Brill, 2003) pp. 3–29
  • A. B. Bosworth, "In search of Cleitarchus" in Histos vol. 1 (1997) pp. 211-224
  • A. B. Bosworth, "Ptolemy and the will of Alexander" in A. B. Bosworth, E. J. Baynham, edd., Alexander the Great in fact and fiction (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2000) pp. 207-241
  • Chrysanthos S. Chrysanthou, "P. Oxy. LXXI 4808: ‘bios’, character, and literary criticism" in Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik vol. 193 (2015) pp. 25-38
  • Robin Lane Fox, "P.Oxy. 4808 and Historians" in Krzysztof Nawotka et al., edd., The Historiography of Alexander the Great (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018) pp. 91-104 Textus
  • J. R. Gardiner-Garden, Greek Conceptions on Inner Asian Geography and Ethnography from Ephoros to Eratosthenes (Bloomington, Ind., 1987) pp. 28-30, 33-34
  • J. R. Hamilton, "Cleitarchus and Aristobulus" in Historia vol. 10 (1961) pp. 448-458 JSTOR
  • J. R. Hamilton, Plutarch: Alexander. A commentary (Oxonii: Clarendon Press, 1969) pp. xlix-lxii et alibi
  • Nicholas G. L. Hammond, Three Historians of Alexander the Great: the so-called Vulgate authors, Diodoros, Justin, Curtius. Cantabrigiae, 1983
  • F. Jacoby, "Kleitarchos 2" in Paulys Real-Enzyklopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft edd. G. Wissowa et alii (Stuttgart, 1893-1972 ~ ~) vol. 11 pars 1 coll. 622-654
  • V. Parker, "Source-Critical Reflections on Cleitarchus’ Work" in P. Wheatley, R. Hannah, edd., Alexander and his Successors: Essays from the Antipodes (Claremont Californiae, 2012) pp. 28–55
  • Lionel Pearson, The lost histories of Alexander the Great (Novi Eboraci, 1960) pp. 212-242
  • Paul Pedech, Historiens compagnons d'Alexandre. Lutetiae, 1984
  • Luisa Prandi, "Il passato nell'opera di Clitarco" in Ancient Society vol. 23 (1992) pp. 87-104 JSTOR
  • F. Schachermeyr, Alexander in Babylon and die Reichsordnung nach seinem Tode (Vindobonae, 1970) pp. 81-104, 211-224
  • F. Schachermeyr, Alexander der Grosse. Das Problem seiner Persönlichkeit und seines Wirkens (Vindobonae, 1973) pp. 152-55, 658-62
  • P. Schnabel, Berossos (1923) pp. 33-67
  • "Zur Datierung Kleitarchs" in Fritz Schachermeyr, Alexander in Babylon und die Reichsordnung nach seinem Tode (Sitzungsberichte der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-historische Klasse vol. 268 pars 3. Vindobonae: Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1970) pp. 210-224; exemplar mutuabile
  • Rüdiger Schmitt, "Cleitarchus" in Encyclopaedia Iranica Online (Anglice)
  • W. W. Tarn, Alexander the Great. Vol. 2: Sources and studies (Cantabrigiae, 1948) pp. 5-55
  • Andrea Zambrini, "The historians of Alexander the Great" in John Marincola, ed., A companion to Greek and Roman historiography (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) pp. 210-220

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