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Les Houmets

O Uicipeid
Suidheachadh Les Houmets

'S e aon de na h-Eileanan a' Chaolais a th’ ann an Les Houmets. Tha e a’ gabhail a-steach Houmet Benest/Houmet Benêt, Houmet Paradis agus Houmet Hommetol (Omptolle).

Tha e suidhichte anns a’ Chaolas Shasannach san taobh an ear Guernsey.Tha e na phàirt den Bailiwick of Guernsey.

Chan eil duine a’ fuireach an seo an-dràsda.

Tha an t-ainm Les Houmets ceangailte leis a’ chànan Seann-Lochlannais, tha an iar-leasach -hou (holm) a’ ciallachadh: "eilean".

Sgrìobh Victor Hugo mu dòigh-bheatha na daoine anns an leabhar aice: The Toilers of the Sea (Les Travailleurs de la mer). Mar eiseimpleir mu Gilliat, prìomh- caractar anns an ùr-sgeul, a bha a’ fuireach ann an Houmet Paradis:

"This house was called the Bû de la Rue. It was situated on the point of a tongue of land, or rather of rock, that made a little separate harbour in the creek of Houmet Paradis. The water was very deep here. This house was all alone on the point, almost off the land, with just enough land for a small garden. The high tides sometimes inundated the garden. Between the port of St. Sampson and the creek of Houmet Paradis rises a steep hill, surmounted by the block of towers covered with ivy, and known as Vale Castle, or the Chateau de l’Archange; so that, at St. Sampson, the Bû de la Rue was shut out from sight..."

Chaidh an leabhar a sgrìobhadh anns na 1860mh, ach chluich an sgeulachd anns na 1820mh, nuair a bha daoine a’ fuireach anns an eilean fhathast.

  • Hugo, Victor Les Travailleurs de la mer

Ceangal a-mach

[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]
Eileanan a' Chaolais
Bailiwick of Jersey JerseyLes ÉcréhousLes MinquiersPierres de LecqLes Dirouilles
Bailiwick of Guernsey GuernseyAlderneySarkHermBrecqhouBurhouOrtacLes CasquetsJethouLihouCrevichonLes Houmets