local random = require("Module:Random")
local m = {}
local facts = {
"Most people's names don't have the letter X in them...",
"Evil Zingus has the power to destroy the universe.",
"3 + 2 = 5",
"You can read Wikipedia... for FREE!!",
"WWW stands for World Wide Wwwwhwhwigwgowheossogoe39i3wj0wapogjo;3",
"Swallowing gum is bad for you.",
"If you have superpowers, you're NOT REAL... Sorry...",
"The Icelandic language is AWESOME!!!!",
"French people are real...",
"Sometimes, cars have problems.",
"Carbonated drinks are called carbonated coz they contain carbonation.",
"'{' is not a letter.",
"Hello Simon"
m.main = function()
local chosen = random.main("array", {["t"] = facts})
return chosen[1]
return m