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Muzea w Izraelu

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Muzea w Izraelu – w Izraelu działa ponad 200 muzeów, posiadających w swoich zbiorach duże zbiory sztuki zarówno współczesnej, jak i starożytnej. Burzliwa historia tego państwa sprawia, że duże są też zbiory militariów.

  • Ammunition hill museum
  • Dom Ticho (Anna Ticho House Museum)
  • Ariel Center for Jerusalem in the First Temple Period, Jad Ben-Cewi
  • Armenian Museum
  • Bible Lands Museum
  • Bloomfield Science Museum, Jerusalem
  • Botanical Gardens (Jerusalem University)
  • Burnt House (Katres House)
  • Chagall Windows
  • Chamber of the Holocaust
  • David Palombo Museum
  • Davidson Excavation and virtual reconstruction center
  • Greek Orthodox Museum
  • Gush Ezyon Museum
  • Islamic Museum of the Temple Mount
  • Muzeum Izraela (Israel Museum)
  • Jerusalem Artists’ House
  • Mini Israel
  • Model of Jerusalem of Second Temple period
  • Montefiore Museum
  • Instytut Sztuki Islamskiej (Museum for Islamic Art)
  • Museum of Psalms
  • Muzeum Archeologiczne Franciszkańskiego Studium Biblijnego
  • Museum on the Seam
  • Musical Instruments Museum
  • Muzeum Herzla
  • Nature Museum
  • Old Yishuv Court
  • Rabbi Kook Museum
  • Muzeum Rockefellera (Rockefeller Archaeological Museum)
  • Saxum Visitor Center
  • Shai Agnon House
  • Shfela Museum
  • Siebenberg House
  • Tax Museum
  • The City of David
  • The Israelite Tower
  • The Last Battle for the Old City Museum
  • The Menachem Begin Heritage Center Museum
  • The Ramparts Walk
  • The U.Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art
  • The Western Wall Tunnels
  • Theatre Archives and Museum
  • Cytadela Dawida (Tower of David – Museum of the History of Jerusalem)
  • Underground Prisoners Museum
  • Wohl Archaeology Museum
  • Wolfson Museum – Heichal Shlomo
  • Muzeum Jad la-Szirjon (Yad Lashiryon (Armoured Corps) Museum)
  • Jad Waszem (Yad Vashem Memorial)
  • Archaeological museum „Beit Miriam”
  • Beit Abraham Krinizi
  • Ben-Gurion Museum
  • Bialik House
  • Bible Museum
  • Chaim Weizmann Museum
  • Digital Art Lab
  • Dondikov House - Rechowot
  • Egged Museum of Passengers Traffic
  • Muzeum Ziemi Izraela (Eretz Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv)
  • Etzel Museum
  • Gebo Gallery
  • Geological museum
  • Hagana Museum
  • Havayeda, Holon
  • Havayeda, Rechowot
  • Helena Rubinstein’s pavilion for Contemporary Art
  • Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej Herclijja
  • History Museum of Gadera and „Bilu”
  • Ilana Goor Museum
  • Muzeum Historii Tel Awiwu (Independence Hall (Dizengoff’s House))
  • International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame
  • Israel Children’s Museum
  • Muzeum Batey ha-Osef (Israel Defense Forces History Museum)
  • Jewish Battalions Museum
  • Keren Sahar Vintage Auto Museum
  • Lechi Museum - Beit Yair
  • Man and the Living World Museum
  • Mazkeret Batya Historical Museum
  • Meir Dizengoff Museum
  • Minkov Museum
  • Museum „Etzel in 1948 year”
  • Museum of Human Sciences and Environment
  • Muzeum Diaspory (Museum of Jewish Diaspora - Beit Hatefusoth)
  • Museum of Provisional Peoples Council and Administration
  • Museum of Russian Art, Ramat-Gan
  • Muzeum Sztuki Nachuma Gutmana
  • Muzeum Palmach
  • Petach-Tikva museum of Art
  • Physical education and sport exhibition in Israel
  • Pierre Gildesgame Maccabi Sports Museum
  • Postal and Philatelic Museum
  • Qedem Museum
  • Ramla Museum
  • Rishon Le-Zion Museum
  • Rokach House
  • Rubin Museum
  • Shalom Aleichem Museum
  • Tel-Aviv Artists House
  • Muzeum Sztuki Tel Awiwu
  • The Archaeological Museum of Kfar-Saba
  • The Ayalon Institute
  • The Babylonian Jewry Museum
  • The Clore Garden of Science
  • The Founders Room
  • The Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery
  • The Jabotinsky Museum
  • The Mikve Israel Visitor Center
  • The Museum of Jewish Heritage
  • The Old Courtyard
  • The Rehovot Municipal Art Gallery
  • The Yechiel Nahari Museum of Far Eastern Art
  • Time For Art – an Israeli Art Center

Hajfa i okolica

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  • Albadia - the Arab Bedouin Heritage Center
  • Beit Aaronson
  • Beit Fisher
  • Beit-Hagefen Art Gallery
  • Muzeum Beyt ha-Totchan (Beit ha-Totchan)
  • Castra Cultural Centreundefined
  • Chagall Artists House
  • Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum
  • Colosseum art gallery
  • Dagon Grain Museum
  • Ethnography Center of Acre and the Galilee
  • First Aliya Museum
  • Gallerina – gallery of art, craft & coffee
  • Muzeum Hajfy (Haifa Museum of Art)
  • Hamizgaga museum – Nachsholim
  • Hana Senesh House
  • Ha-Slick Be Nahalal
  • Muzeum Hecht (Hecht Museum, University of Haifa)
  • Illegal Immigrants Detention Camp
  • Israel Railway Museum
  • Janco - Dada Museum
  • Juara museum
  • Mane-Katz Museum
  • Museum of Dolls
  • Narodowe Muzeum Morskie (National Maritime Museum)
  • National Museum of Science, Technology and Space
  • Ralli Museum (Ceasarea)
  • Shtekelis Prehistory Museum
  • Studio Oman
  • Terezin House
  • The „Khan” Museum of the History of Hadera
  • The Art Gallery in University of Haifa
  • The Museum of Edible Oil Production in Israel
  • The Thomas Lemay Gallery
  • Muzeum Sztuki Japońskiej Tikotin (The Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art)
  • Wilfrid Israel Museum
  • Yad Yaari Museum
  • Ancient Kacrin park
  • Antiquity Museum in kibbutz Sdot-Yam (Caesarea)
  • Archaeological museum at Kibbutz Ein Dor
  • Bar-David Museum of Jewish Art and Judaica
  • Beit Gabriel on the Kinneret
  • Beit Hameiri Museum - Jewish Settlement
  • Beit Hashomer Museum
  • Beit Shturman Museum
  • Beit Uri and Rami Nehushtan
  • Beit Ussishkin Nature Museum
  • Beit-Shean Museum
  • Elsaraya – Art and Culture Gallery
  • Golan Archaeological Museum
  • Gordon’s House
  • Hanita Museum and Antiquites
  • House of the Anchors, Fishing Museum
  • Israel Bible Museum
  • Kfar Tavor Village Museum
  • Kinneret Museum
  • Kiryat Shemona History Museum
  • Knights Banqueting Halls - Acre
  • Lavon Sculpture Garden
  • Liebermann House
  • Man in the Galilee Museum - Yigal Allon Centre
  • Medicine and Pioneers Museum
  • Memorial museum of hungarian speaking jewry
  • Mishkan LeOmanut, Ein Harod
  • Museum „Dubrovin Estate”
  • Museum „Wall and Tower” - kibbutz Nir David
  • Museum of Golani Division Heroism
  • Museum of Nahariya
  • Museum of Photography
  • Museum of Pioneer Settlement
  • Museum of Prehistory
  • Museum of Regional and Mediterranean Archaeology
  • Museum of the Underground prisoners
  • Museum of Yarmukian Culture
  • Old Gesher and Battle Museum
  • Tal Gallery in Kfar Vradim
  • Tefen Open Museum
  • Tel-Hai Museum
  • The Al Basha Bath (Turkish Bathes)
  • The Archaeological Museum of Hatzor
  • The Farmer’s House
  • The Holocaust and Resistance Museum
  • The Kinneret Courtyard
  • The Music Box of Zami
  • Trumpeldor House

Południe Izraela, Negew i Ejlat

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  • Abraham’s Well Museum
  • Arad Visitors Center
  • Ashdod Museum
  • Ashdod Museum of Art - Monart Centre
  • Beit Hativat Givati Museum
  • Ben-Gurion’s Desert Home
  • Dolphin Reef (Ejlat)
  • Ekron Museum
  • Geological Museum (Micpe Ramon)
  • Havayeda, Kiryat Gat
  • House of the Scribe (kibbutz Almog)
  • Muzeum Izraelskich Sił Powietrznych (Israeli Air Force Museum)
  • Joe Alon Center - The Bedouin Culture Museum
  • Kibbutz Yad-Mordehai Museum - „From Holocaust to Revival”
  • Mitzpe Revivim Museum
  • Museum of Fighting Glory in memory of David Mudrik
  • Museum of Negev
  • Muzoologi
  • Omer Open Museum
  • Stronghold Opposite Gaza
  • The Carlsberg-Israel Visitor Center
  • The Glass Museum of Arad
  • The Open Museum in Kibbutz Negba
  • Underwater Observatory - Marine Park

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