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Dečji vrtić

Obdanište ili vrtić je predškolska ustanova čija je namena vaspitanje, briga i čuvanje dece do šest godina starosti. Cilj obdaništa je da se dete prepremi za osnovnu školu, da nauči da komunicira, sklapa prijateljstva, da se zabavlja i nauči osnovne stvari o životu. Vrtić je u Srbiji, obavezan za svu decu predškolskog uzratsta i uslov je za dalji nastavak školovanja. Rad sa decom u obdaništima obavljaju vaspitači.


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  • Cryan, J. R.; Sheehan, R.; Wiechel, J.; Bandy-Hedden, I. G. (1992). „Success outcomes of full-day kindergarten: More positive behavior and increased achievement in the years after”. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 7 (2): 187–203. DOI:10.1016/0885-2006(92)90004-i. 
  • Elicker, J.; Mathur, S. (1997). „What do they do all day? Comprehensive evaluation of a full-day kindergarten”. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 12 (4): 459–480. DOI:10.1016/S0885-2006(97)90022-3. 
  • Fusaro, J. A. (1997). „The effect of full-day kindergarten on student achievement: A meta-analysis”. Child Study Journal 27 (4): 269–277. Pristupljeno September 30, 2013. 
  • Gullo, D. F. (1990). "The changing family context: Implications for the development of all-day kindergarten." Young Children, 45(4), 35–39. EJ 409 110.
  • Housden, T., & Kam, R. (1992). "Full-day kindergarten: A summary of the research." Carmichael, CA: San Juan Unified School District. ED 345 868.
  • Karweit, N. (1992). "The kindergarten experience." Educational Leadership, 49(6), 82–86. EJ 441 182.
  • Koopmans, M. (1991). "A study of longitudal effects of all-day kindergarten attendance on achievement." Newark, NJ: Newark Board of Education. ED 336 494..
  • Morrow, L. M., Strickland, D. S., & Woo, D. G.(1998). "Literacy instruction in half- and whole-day kindergarten." Newark, DE: International Reading Association. ED 436 756.
  • Olsen, D., & Zigler, E.(1989). "An assessment of the all-day kindergarten movement." Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 4(2), 167–186. EJ 394 085.
  • Puleo, V. T.(1988). "A review and critique of research on full-day kindergarten." Elementary School Journal, 88(4), 427–439. EJ 367 934.
  • Towers, J. M. (1991). "Attitudes toward the all-day, everyday kindergarten." Children Today, 20(1), 25–28. EJ 431 720.
  • West, J., Denton, K., & Germino-Hausken, E.(2000). "America's Kindergartners[mrtav link]" Washington, DC: National Center for Educational Statistics
  • McGill-Franzen, A. (2006). "Kindergarten literacy: Matching assessment and instruction in kindergarten." New York: Scholastic.
  • WestEd (2005). "Full-Day Kindergarten: Expanding Learning Opportunities." Arhivirano 2007-01-06 na Wayback Machine-u San Francisco: WestEd.
  • Schoenberg, Nara (September 4, 2010). „Kindergarten: It's the new first grade”. Chicago Tribune. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-11-07. Pristupljeno June 26, 2012. 

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