RMS Lusitania
Bha an RMS Lusitania 'na long-loidhne a shealbh Loidhne Cunard. Chaidh a togail le John Brown and Company de Bhruaich Chluaidh, Alba. Thogadh i a bhi agus chaidh a claradh mar "Corsair Armaichte Mearseantachd", gnìomh a choisinn taic-airgid do Chunard bhon Riaghaltas Bhreatuinneach. A dh'aindeoin sin ach cha deach a h-uidheamachadh le gunnaichean. Bha i air bhualadh le spaileart bho bata-aigil Ghearmailteach air a' Chèitein 7 1915 agus chaidh i fodha an 18 mionaidean, ochd mìltean (15 km) far An Seancheann (Seann Cheann t-Saile), Eireann. Chailleadh 1,198 den 1,959 daoine air bòrd, cuid saoranaich na Staitean Aonaichte nan measg. Thionndaidh an sgiorradh am beachd follaiseach de mòran dhùthchannan an aghaidh na Ghearmailte is bha e deatamach 'san thoirt nan Stàitean Aonaichte a-steach dhan Chogadh Mhòr. Tha an sgiorradh air smaoineachadh a bhith an dàrna siorradh luinge shìobhaltach, an dèidh an sgiorradh an RMS Titanic.
Ceanglaichean a-mach
[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]- The Sinking of the Lusitania Original reports from The Times
- The Home Port of RMS Lusitania – Lusitania.net
- RMSLusitania.info - passenger and crew lists, biographies, and deck plans of the Lusitania
- RMS Lusitania on the wrecksite
- CWGC record of Lt. Robert Matthews (Lusitania Passenger), reference only
- Clydebank Restoration Trust (Clydebank social and architectural history)
- Professor Joseph Marichal (Lusitania Passenger KIA WWI), reference only
- British Wreck Commissioner's Inquiry
- Lest We Forget Moving Passenger's Stories from the Lusitania
- Lusitania Home at Atlantic Liners.com
- Lusitania Information & photos
- Lusitania Passenger Stories
- Passport to Perdition The tragic story of Lusitania victim Thoms Silva.
- The Lusitania Memorial in Cobh
- Maritimequest RMS Lusitania Photo Gallery
- Photo of one of the Lusitania's salvaged propellers at Liverpool Maritime Museum
- The Fast Lusitania
- Welsh ballad about the sinking of the Lusitania
- "1907 - 1930; Cunarders of Particular Interest". Lusitania (1907 - 1915 ; 31,550 tons; Sunk off Ireland). Retrieved 30 December 2008.
- Lusitania sinking with photos from UK National Archives and BBC videos
- Some Original Documents from the British Admiralty, Room 40, regarding the sinking of the LUSITANIA[dead link]: PhotoCopies from the The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, UK.