Neidio i'r cynnwys

Sgwrs Defnyddiwr:DafyddTudur

Ni chefnogir cynnwys y dudalen mewn ieithoedd eraill.
Oddi ar Wicipedia
Shwmae, DafyddTudur! Croeso mawr i Wicipedia — y gwyddoniadur rhydd. Message in English | Message en français
Diolch am ymuno â Wicipedia ac am eich cyfraniadau diweddaraf — fe obeithiwn y byddwch yn mwynhau cyfrannu yma.
Prosiect amlieithog i greu gwyddoniadur rhydd yw Wicipedia. Fe sefydlwyd y fersiwn gwreiddiol yn Saesneg yn 2001, a'r fersiwn Cymraeg yn 2003, a bellach mae 281,228 erthygl gennym. Rhowch gynnig ar y dolenni defnyddiol isod, a dysgu sut gallwch chi olygu unrhyw erthygl o ganlyniad. A chofiwch — dyfal donc a dyr y garreg.
Y Caffi
Tudalen i ofyn cwestiynau ynglŷn â Wicipedia.
Cymorth ynglŷn â defnyddio Wicipedia.
Porth y Gymuned
Gwelwch beth sy'n mynd ymlaen a beth
sydd angen gwneud yma.
Golygu ac Arddull
Sut i olygu erthygl ac arddull erthyglau.
Y rheolau hawlfraint yma.
Cymorth iaith
Cymorth gyda'r iaith Gymraeg.
Polisïau a Chanllawiau
Rheolau a safonau a dderbynnir gan y gymuned.
Cwestiynau Cyffredin
Y cwestiynau cyffredin a ofynnir gan ddefnyddwyr.
Tiwtorial a'r Ddesg Gyfeirio
Dysgu sut i olygu cam wrth gam gyda'r Tiwtorial,
a chyflwynwch eich cwestiynau wrth y Ddesg Gyfeirio.
Y Pum Colofn
Egwyddorion sylfaenol y prosiect.

Dyma eich tudalen sgwrs lle gallwch dderbyn negeseuon gan Wicipedwyr eraill. I adael neges i Wicipedwr arall, dylech ysgrifennu ar dudalen sgwrs y defnyddiwr gan glicio ar y cysylltiad iddi, ac wedyn clicio ar y tab "sgwrs".

Ar ddiwedd y neges mewn tudalennau sgwrs (fel yr un yma), gadewch ~~~~, a bydd y cod yma yn gadael stamp eich enw ac amser gadael y neges. Os ydych am gael cymorth gan weinyddwyr, rhowch y nodyn {{Atsylwgweinyddwr}} ar eich tudalen sgwrs.

Fe obeithiwn y byddwch yn mwynhau cyfrannu yma,
Y Wicipedia Cymraeg

Cofion cynnes, Deb (sgwrs) 20:23, 19 Mehefin 2015 (UTC)[ateb]

Ia wir - croeso cynnes Dafydd! A melys moes mwy o'th gyfraniadau! Rwan dw i'n deall pwy fu mor brysur ers Rhagfyr 2014! Mae'n rhaid mod i'n dwp! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 07:22, 30 Ebrill 2017 (UTC)[ateb]

You are invited!

[golygu cod]
You are invited...

The Celtic Knot: Wikipedia Language Conference - Programme now live.

  • Hosts: The University of Edinburgh and Wikimedia UK
  • Supporting: Celtic & Indigenous Languages.
  • Objective: The main objective for Celtic Knot 2017 is the coming together of practitioners in the same room at same time; strengthening the bonds of those working to support language communities into a 'knot' and leading into action. Attendees can expect to learn about and discuss innovative approaches to open education, open knowledge and open data that support and grow language communities.
  • Date: 6 July 2017 - Booking is now open.

Stinglehammer (sgwrs) 22:50, 22 Mai 2017 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

@DafyddTudur: Haia Dafydd! Mae na ddalen prosiect, bellach ar hyn! Gweler Wicipedia:Wicibrosiect Wici365. Fe weli ddolen i dy erthyglau di yno; ond dim ond os wyt ti wedi cofrestru fel Defnyddiwr:DafyddTudur pan wnest ti gadw / cyhoeddi'r erthygl. Fel arall, bydd yn rhaid i ti eu hychwanegu gyda llaw. Mae hyn yn ffordd o weld os fyddwn ni wedi cyrraedd 365 erthygl mewn blwyddyn, hy un y dydd ar gyfartaledd! Unrhyw syniadau neu awgrymiadau eraill - tyrd a nhw! Cyn i ti gychwyn roeddwn wedi dechrau ffagio, a dweud y gwir, a rhoddodd dy erthyglau wynt yn fy hwyliau i ddal ati! Diolch! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 15:27, 20 Medi 2018 (UTC)[ateb]

Bore da, Dafydd! Dw i newydd ddiweddaru'r rhestr erthyglau ar y ddalen Defnyddiwr:DafyddTudur/Wici365. Os fedri di wneud hyn, mi gaf inna fwy o amser i wneud panad o goffi, a bwydo'r adar! Dim probs os nad wyt awydd, ond mae'n gofnod reit werthfawr. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 05:06, 10 Hydref 2018 (UTC)[ateb]

Bore da Dafydd! Croeso i ti ddadwneud fy newidiadau. Manion ydyn nhw, ar wahan efallai i nodi fod y stori'n cael ei hystyried yn ffuglen - ar ddechrau'r erthygl, yn ogystal a'r diwedd. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 06:53, 7 Tachwedd 2018 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]
Gwerthfawrogiad o'th Waith Arbennig
Carwn gyflwyno'r seren hon i ti, rhen gyfaill, fel gwerthfawrogiad o'th waith arbennig, a diflino, yn enwedig am gwbwlhau'r prosiect #wici365!

Cyflwyniad personol ydy hwn, ond gwn hefyd y bydd dy waith yn cael ei werthfawrogi gan y gymuned a'r darllenwyr am flynyddoedd lawer! Diolch! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 04:36, 10 Gorffennaf 2019 (UTC)[ateb]

Universal Code of Conduct

[golygu cod]

Hi DafyddTudur

I was asked by Wikimedia Foundation to promote this call for participation on the planned Universal Code of Conduct.

Best regards --Holder (sgwrs) 04:36, 14 Awst 2020 (UTC)[ateb]

At times, our contributor communities and projects have suffered from a lack of guidelines that can help us together create an environment where free knowledge can be shared safely without fear.

There has been talk about the need for a global set of conduct rules in different communities over time. Recently, Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees announced a Community Culture Statement, asking for new standards to address harassment and promote inclusivity across projects. [1]

The universal code of conduct will be a binding minimum set of standards across all Wikimedia projects, and will apply to all of us, staff and volunteers alike, all around the globe.. It is of great importance that we all participate in expressing our opinions and thoughts about UCoC and its values. We should think about what we want it to cover or include and what it shouldn’t include, and how it may create difficulties or help our groups.

This is the time to talk about it. Before starting drafting the code of conduct, we would like to hear from you and to solicit the opinions and feedback of your colleagues.

In order for your voice to be heard, we encourage and invite you to read more about the universal code of conduct (UCoC) [2] and then write down your opinions or feedback on the discussion page [3]. To reduce language barriers during the process, you are welcomed to translate the universal code of conduct english main page into your respective local language [4]. You and your community may choose to provide your opinions/feedback using your local languages.

We sent you an e-mail

[golygu cod]

Hello DafyddTudur,

Really sorry for the inconvenience. This is a gentle note to request that you check your email. We sent you a message titled "The Community Insights survey is coming!". If you have questions, email

You can see my explanation here.

MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 18:48, 25 Medi 2020 (UTC)[ateb]

You have been a medical translators within Wikipedia. We have recently relaunched our efforts and invite you to join the new process. Let me know if you have questions. Best Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 12:34, 13 August 2023 (UTC)