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Talk:Mayan genetics

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Please note that your content has not been edited in the appropriate format for Wikipedia. I will try to fix some of these glitches, but this is apparently due to some of the problems with cutting and pasting in the submission of the assignment. Hoopes (talk) 19:53, 11 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Some specific statements do not make sense, such as, "The Maya consist of the largest geographic area in Mesoamerica." Your geographic description left out several significant areas. In the formatting shift, citations to specific references have been lost. Please restore these in the places indicated. 20:01, 11 March 2014 (UTC)

In general, your entry is far too detailed and specific for an encyclopedia entry. While details of specific studies can be cited, they must be referred to in the context of specific investigations indicated by cited publications. I don't know whether your original entry had hyperlinks to relevant articles, but these are essential for a non-specialist to be able to follow the discussion (they are also one of the most significant features of Wikipedia articles. In general, the language of your entry sounds as if it had been lifted directly from published articles. In fact, it reads as a series of statements that have been assembled from technical abstracts. (There are also far too many verbatim quotations.) This is not appropriate for a Wikipedia entry, which is intended to be accessible by an informed but general audience. Furthermore, you need to provide full citations (including page numbers) and a complete citation for Anne Justice's dissertation. Hoopes (talk) 20:13, 11 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Your section on Y-chromosome studies is incomprehensible as is. You do not provide the reader with enough information to assess what is presented. Hoopes (talk) 20:38, 11 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

A more appropriate entry structure would have been to provide a general background to the study of Mayan genetics as well as citing some specific studies and their conclusions. For example, an opening section on the history of studying the genetics of Maya populations would have been appropriate. Keep in mind that Wikipedia is not a place to post technical studies, but general encyclopedia entries of interest to an informed public. Hoopes (talk) 20:13, 11 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]