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Tratados de Orebro

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
O edifício em Örebro onde os tratados foram assinados em 1812

Dois Tratados de Örebro[1][a] foram assinados no mesmo dia, 18 de julho de 1812, em Örebro, Suécia. Negociados pelo ministro-plenipotenciário britânico na Suécia, Edward Thornton, eles encerraram formalmente a Guerra Anglo-Russa (1807–1812) e a Guerra Anglo-Sueca (1810–1812), nenhuma das quais havia visto um conflito militar sério.[2][3]

  1. the full names being the Treaty of Peace, Union, and Friendship, between His Britannic Majesty and the Emperor of all the Russias and the Treaty of Peace, Union, and Friendship, between His Britannic Majesty and the King of Sweden
  1. The treaties were drawn up in French, the lingua franca of diplomacy at that time. Neither the original French nor the official English translation used a diacritic mark when spelling Örebro and so the official name is "Treaty of Orebro" (Great Britain Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1841, p. 13; Hansard 1812, pp. cols. 174, 175).
  2. Great Britain Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1841, pp. 13–17.
  3. Hansard 1812, pp. col. 174–177.
  • Great Britain Foreign and Commonwealth Office (1841), British and Foreign State Papers (1812-1814), 1 (1), H.M. Stationery Office, pp. 13–17 
  • Hansard, Thomas Curson (1812), The Parliamentary Debates from the Year 1803 to the Present Time, 24, Hansard, cols. 174–177