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My Name is Jeffery

CTR=Choose The Right

My Goals with life

stick with hope in things that are true
make things easy to understand by all
No endless confusing Ideas
No Rummers
No assuming
The Right Answers

My Goal with life(personal & public) is to stick with the truth, and I hope I can help simplize and make things easy to understand by all. I plan to have vary open mind until I grow a testimony for my self. I do not like assuming, every one assumes and it blinds every one form the truth. There are numberless wrong answers to every thing. And bad ideas can be tragic.

That is why it is so impotent to find the truth(facts) and be able to Choose The Right. And to stick with it until our understanding of it is clearer.

enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.

40YThis Wikipedian was born on 19 May 1984 and is 40 years, 5 months, and 2 days old.

This User is a fan of Jimbo Wales who is The Founder and The President of Wikipedia. Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge.

   — Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia -

This User loves searching for the main source of everything
This User likes templates

God and man


World Dicriptions >< God's Dicriptions


Harold Camping falts prophet.
___ >< -OCD
-OCD informal expressions
-o excessively meticulous
-o perfectionistic
-o absorbed
-o otherwise fixated

Latter-Day Saints


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints www.LDS.og The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The truth sets us free, it stands on its own feet, we do not need to deffend it, we just need to let the light shine forth.

Are you ready for the truth? If you are then you will fallow what Christ said "Matt. 7: 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:" www.Mormon.org

Still are LDS_____________________
Gordon B. Hinckley
Thomas S. Monson
_________ singer
_________ singer
_________ Actor
Mitt Romney

was LDS___________________________
Randy Bachman

Other Faiths & Beliefs of Men


Oh, I am so glad that I studied, pondered, and prayed about this. There are billons of other roads I could of gone down. What you believe changes your life forever. It is one of the most important decisions each of us will make.



[Monolatrism] One God for our universe and other gods for others.
[henotheism] Believes in one God with out denying the existence of other gods. [Deism]
[monotheism] Believes there is only one God.
[Irreligion] There maybe a God or there is not. [Ignosticism]

Major groupings within ChristianityList of Christian denominations list of Christian denomination by number of members
Personal Religion, Organized Religion, Organized Religion And Communalism, Fundamentalism And Extremism

Judaism Jewish population
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Social Darwinism
Wicca >>> Witch-hunt >>> Witchcraft Acts >>> Fraudulent Mediums Act 1951 >>> The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000
Church of Satan, Satanism
Hinduism India Holy Cows, many God's with many hands
The Latter Day Church of Christ = the Kingston Clan by Charles W. Kingston

Dangerous Religions

Temple People
Jim Jones lead the Jonestown 900 Massacre. They did not think for them selves. He was a pastor for the Methodist Church. They attend classes on socialism. In these broadcasts, Jones “portrayed the United States as a ‘capitalist’ and ‘imperialist’ villain, while casting ‘socialist’ leaders such as former North Korean dictator Kim I1-sung, Robert Mugabe, and Joseph Stalin in a positive light”

Family of David
Charles Bruce Longo. salt lake city shilo Inn suicide. He attended the Episcopal Church growing up. Margit Birgitta Ericsson. He wrote to Spencer Kimball. Sterling Peacock, Gil Hibben and Paul Chipman were his friends. Longo was excommunicated in June 1969.

The Shepherd's Rod
David Koresh = Vernon Wayne Howell. born-again Christian. joined Shepherd's Rod church who also were expelled from Seventh-day Adventist Church. Branch Davidians = The Shepherd's Rod

Heaven's Gate
39 suicide

Aum Shinrikyo
Shoko Asahara lead this Japanese cult. Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway Archie the Prophet

Brian David Mitchell said he would lead the church after Ezra Taft Benson

other list
* Dangerous cult
* Doomsday cult
* List of terrorist incidents
* Lone wolf (terrorism)
* List of people who have claimed to be Jesus
* List of hostage crises
* School shooting
* List of massacres in Russia

Group belife systems


List of conspiracy theories >< historical method[[Historiography >>> The history of written history]]

Groups that Preform Gay Marriages______________________

Mind over Media!!!____________________________________________
subliminal messages - Innuendo - Doublespeak + Euphemism - dysphemism + Pun + Word play

Detailed belife systoms


- Social loafing is the thinking "because I'm in a group then my effort will not matter."
- clinical depression is from a destructive form of pessimism caused by hopelessness.
- Amoralism; Moral nihilism; nothing is wrong
- Moral skepticism; no one has any moral knowledge
- Moral syncretism; attempt to reconcile dis-parate or contradictory moral beliefs,
- Moral relativism; -1. Descriptive point out disagree, -2. Meta-ethical might say "It's moral to me, because I believe it is", -3. Normative “we ought to tolerate the behavior of others”.

+ Christian ethics; Noahide Law Genesis 9, Lev 17-18, >>> The Law of Moses >>> Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 28:16–20, Acts 15:19-21,
+ Moral absolutism; certain actions are absolutely right or wrong
+ Religious values:
+ Rationality: Good, Better, Best
+ Fallibilism; this consists in being open to new evidence that would disprove some previously held position or belief, and in the recognition that "any claim justified today may need to be revised or withdrawn in light of new evidence, new arguments, and new experiences."
+ Ben Franklin's 13 virtues

Epistemology; critical thinking
Ambivalence;"a ship tost too and froe on the sea." positive and negative feelings, "cold feet" and "sitting on the fence"
Transgenderism Narcissism

This World in need


(God so loved the world that he sent his Son)
God loves us, should we not love the world with a Chirst like love as well?
(love your enemies, bless those that curse you, do good to those that despitefully use you, 2 evils don't make a right, revenge shall be mine sayith the Lord)
world population
who are our world enemies?
who are our world friends?

Recycling Facts http://www.factmonster.com/science/environment/recycling-facts.html
Child labour in the diamond industry

____Media Leaders____


(No man is an iland, were are they leading the world? were are you leading the world?)
viral video meme
A leader influence others.

List of comedians

shirley temple
Jack Lemmon
Julie Andrews
2010 (?)Lindsy Lohan(?) in rehab
2010 (-) Lady Gaga (-) really bad, I am afaid worse then Britny Spears

a girl form hungrey and love disney liked these singers
- (?)Ellie Goulding(?)
- (?)Krystal Meyers(?)
William Bradley "Brad" Pitt
Justin Bieber
Sylvester Stallone Rocksy Rambo]]
Matt Damon
Patrick Swayze
Sarah Brightman
Rebecca Black Friday song viral video
Myleene Klass
Johnny Cash

Older Leaders
Abraham Maslow

Michael Ballam wrote Music and the Mind, http://www.cerebromente.org.br/n15/mente/musica.html



2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami

____Man Disasters____


Khojaly Massacre Sexual addiction 1070's

____God given weaknesses/gifts____


Autism OCD ADD

Country Study


The Law of the Land
"We the people"
I love being an American!

Index -0 Home -0 Town -0 State -0 Country -0 World -0 Univers



Ethics moral philosophy
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
Collar workers
Freedom of association
Human rights

I think that others would not be so agruy with Police if they could learn what they expected of us. we need more communication.
[] delegate how does one become one? could I?
ethical code list of examples
Environmental ethics
Gun laws in the United States (by state)

[] delegate how does one become one? could I?
Paralegal>>> Lawyer

__Federal Government__


Constitution of the United States
Articles of Confederation
United States Census Bureau

Law Schools
Yale Law School Annual tuition $46,000
Harvard Law School Annual tuition $45,840

lived for ??600 years?? 10 BC, Ancient Rome ,Roman civilization shifted from a monarchy >>> oligarchic republic >>> autocratic empire

Myth April 21, 753 BC
descended from the Trojan prince Aeneas[1]
Economy of the United States
the Latins and the Sabines
named after a woman named Roma.
the 8th century BCLatin tribe of Italy
1st King Forum Romanum
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) : when disaster strikes too big for the state.
Niccolò Machiavelli Political Sicence

Law Enforcement
Area 51 Military base
INS United States Immigration and Naturalization Service they take ilegal imigants
IIC international criminal court
Joseph Kony

Terrorist and other crimes against humanity al-Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden As Salafist jihadism, they believe that the killing of civilians is religiously sanctioned, and they ignore any aspect of religious scripture which might be interpreted as forbidding the murder of civilians and internecine fighting.[10][29]
Ku Klux Klan

back home
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Xe Services LLC like millitary but not.

tariff Taxation in the United Stateson trading contrys

Daughters of the American Revolution
Higher education in the United States
() Utah Republican Party M-F 9-5pm, 117E. SounthTemple SLC, Utah 84111 office 801-533-9777, 800-230-UTAH, www.utgop.org . Sara Nitta sarah@utgop.org.
() Utah Democratic party

2011-09-21 ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal Moves Forward President Obama forcefully articulated in his State of the Union address that “starting this year, no American will be forbidden from serving the country they love, because of who they love.” The materials stress that training is not meant to change troops’ individual beliefs about gays and lesbians.
2011-10-25Reports Surge in Government Requests for User Data google's transparency report Electronic Communications Privacy Act

running for President/politics


Ron Paul Monetary economics
Newt Gingrich
John Forbes Kerry



List of circulating currencies
Stimulus (economic)
International Criminal Court
What happened on 9/11/2001 genocide > Stages of genocide and efforts to prevent it
Federal Republic of Nigeria
2010 Mexican Drug War
Libya >>> 2011 uprising and coalition intervention
Alcoholics Anonymous
Economic geology
Etymology Folk etymology where words come from
Google mulling part in Yahoo takeover scheme to edge out Microsoft [2]
Monarchy of Thailand
Great Pacific Garbage Patch Japanese Debris Plume From Tsunami Migrating Across Pacific Ocean http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17121086

George Soros has been one of them there when an economie has crashed. He is like one of those birds that eat dead stuff.

Extraterrestrial life; Giordano Bruno, Anton Maria Schyrleus of Rheita.

Life Theories

Universe Theories
intelligent design
M-theory our universe and others are created by collisions between dimensions.
Big Bang expanded out of nothing and will crush back in to nothing.
Anthropic principle
* weak principle; the physical universe must be compatible with the conscious life.
* Strong principle; conscious life, in some sense, needed to exist.
Falsifiability cosmologists Paul Davies, George Ellis
Occam's razor selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions
Allende meteorite Largest found



What has been working for a long time? How long? What could end their business? How could they adapt? "the Lord made those that were fallowing his commandments prosperuse"
what is prosperuse?
Vertical market
[]The Richest Man in Babylon
Insourcing Outsourcing
[www.dartmouth.edu] Fred Rogers, Dr. Suss
() Donate to Wiki

__Business Leaders/Theories__


[Frederick Herzberg]

__Values__ [4]

__Enabling laws__
The Copyright Act of 1976

__Disabling laws__

__could study next__
[] Facebook
[] Google Inc.
[] Walmart
wallece & Gomit grand day out

[] ? Acer Computers: talk to Wendy about what she did with the wii
[] BofM Videos
[] curby vacumes
[] pest control
[] secrity
[] DirecTV
Verizon Wireless
Cutco Corporation Mon says that Julia Child got in to TV shows because of an artical about how Amarica has dull knives.

__Business Groups__
High-definition television
Gas prices Saudi Arabia $0.16
Steve Jobs

__Compeating Businesses__


Google's Androids VS. Apple's iOS Microsoft Word VS. Corel Co.("Cowpland Research Laboratory")Is suing Bill Gates for making it difficult for Word Perfect to be able to compete with Word 11/23/11

__Longer lived Businesses__


What is new and growing? Will it be able to compeat with older businesses? What will be ethical as one business takes the place of another?

[ ] Frank Bettger wrote "How I raised myself from failure to success in selling."

  • failing at selling life insurance
  • made 40,000 sales calls in 25years.
  • = made enough to buy a 70,000 estate and retire at 40
  • "I would walk [1,000 miles] to get this book." ~Dale Carnegie~

Year, name, Creater, Cause of Flow, Revenue, Employees, competitors
1865, BASF, Friedrich Engelhorn, Chemicals & plastics, 63.87 billion, 109,140 [5] the largest chemical company in the world
2005, Redbox, McDonald’s Corp >>> Coinstar bought the company,, The New Release (aka Moviecube) DVDXpress DVDplay and Blockbuster Express (NCR)

1946, Chick-fil-A, S. Truett Cathy,, Sandwiches, chicken entrées
associated food stores
Yankee Candle Company
Intel 82,500 Emloyees
The Wall Street Journal
Playtone Media Marketing Co.

Music industry


[ctrhotspot.com] online radio

__(New) and Short lived Businesses__


Year, name, Creater, Cause of End

____, grocery kiosks,Redbox withdrew the grocery kiosks within a year due to unpopularity.
____, Video Droid, Mitch Lowe, VHS
____, MCI Inc.,
1985, Enron, Kenneth Lay, Bankruptcy
2007, magic jack Dan Borislow
____, QuickFlix NetFlex
____, Ninja Blender

(book)[Franklin Lyle] (Frank) Bettger (book) how I razed my self form failer to success by selling. is an out date book.

Nutrition Science


How does our body suppose to work?


Cofactor (biochemistry)
Enzymes proteins change in rate of a chemical reaction. inhibitors, promoters, and poisons.
Gallbladder aids mainly in fat digestion >>> Cholecystokinin(Amino acids) >>> Biodegradable plastics. Grandma says you can pass gall stones by drinking apple jucie and olive oil and save your self $3,000.

Ability / Dis-Ability


Dyslexia; Mirror writing, Art

Plant Study


Chemicals_________________________ Lycopene Tomatoes food coloring E160d, Gac2,000–2,300 Pectin mainly extracted from citrus fruits. could use guava as well. Food coloring Brilliant Blue FCF <<< disodium salt <<< Petroleum is recovered mostly through oil drilling >>> paraffin >>>

  • Microwax[17]: food additive, a glazing agent with E number E905
  • Bulleted list item
  • Wax baths for beauty and therapy purposes
  • may clog your skin in creamsAcne cosmetica
  • Coatings for waxed paper or cloth
  • Wax for frozen food,
  • Food-grade paraffin wax:
  • Shiny coating used in candy-making; although edible, it is nondigestible, passing right through * the body without being broken down
  • Coating for many kinds of hard cheese, like Edam cheese
  • Sealant for jars, cans, and bottles
  • Chewing gum additive
  • Laxative

____In Utah__________________

Cinnamomum tamala - (Malabathrum or Tejpat) Cercocarpus intricatus - Mountain mahogany birch leaf Speedwell bright eye Purslane Jade is not eddibale Violets = candyed violet flowers = makes you sleep better Mallow = the root is sweet Hog weed = the roots are sweet Broadleaf Plantain = Buckhorn= has muslin in it, it is good for skin and intentions Chick Weed / Mouse Ear = eddible milk / scotch / woolly Thistle = seeds give oil are good for colon = juice helps your eyes = seeds of the command thistle can be use as pepper (is a good better substitute) Cupressaceae; pine bush next to my home.

Amaranth [[ ____in CA__________________

Carissa macrocarpa the little red fruit on the neighborhood bushes that tasted sweet and the fruit milked like milk weed or Dandy Lions. yellow California PoppyEschscholzia californica = helps you sleep and oxidizes you as you sleep and makes you feel like you can do any thing and you can go for a long time.

_____other_________ Onion Grass Oxalis albicans Oxalis pes-caprae-Sour grass Sarsaparilla - the trees n next to the bishop store house bee balm Monarda = tea = taste like orange with ment = is eather to wake or tp sleep Ginger = keeps you awake, and be able to consanteate, is a good stimulant Spear Mint Mentha spicata = methanol helps activate different parts of the brain () guava

Russian Sage smells really good Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum incanum Henbit Mint hoar hound mint butter nut tree

cacao family

Animal Study


Emu oil

  • Bulleted list item

Food Study


list of unrefined sweeteners
List of egg dishes
Tamaridos Tamarindus
Jícama Pachyrhizus erosus
Hibiscus tea
Red Snapper
Carne asada fries
Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) http://www.femaflavor.org/
Klondike Ice-cream bar Chipotle Mexican Grill

Aero bars! mint is awesome
hickory sticks
ketchup chips
Caramilk chocolate
Dare Maple leaf cookes and also French Creme cookies!!!

Food and Drug Administration
#REDIRECT Plum Bolster is called Spotted Dick


Grass jelly is like Jello but black
Kobe beef more unsatrated fats

Ahimsa, vegetarianism and other food customs


name, sorce, Uses/benefits, side affects.
botox >>> Clostridium botulinum >>> soil, anti-wrinkles, produces botulinum neuro-toxins types A-G that cause the flaccid muscular paralysis seen in botulism.

Diet Study


Acesulfame potassium carcinogenic National Toxicology Program neoplasms sucralose

HCG diet Human chorionic gonadotropin or human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)
Thyroid peroxidase or thyroperoxidase. Millet affects thyroid
the South Beach Diet

Dis-ease study



pink eye Conjunctivitis
Parkinson's disease Rotenone
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)
Cognitive disorder, could be too much Manganese
behavioral problems in 3-year-old children, bisphenol A (BPA) [6]
Cellulite fat deposits in the skin.

good mutations
Sickle cell disease

bad mutations
somatic mutation
germline mutation
....[the unbalanced] of a single critical enzyme can lead to a genetic disease like Phenylketonuria

Not food


Perlite volcanic glass used as filters.

Fun/Media Study




Sardines (game)
9 door knick-knocking



Erhu Chinese violin
Sara Beth Bareilles
William Fitzsimmons (musician) Nicol's or Catreana's favorite

Suzanne Ciani
Jim Brickman
Tim Janis
 ?Harld Kloser?
Thomas Wander
Harry Gregson Williams
Hayley Westenra
Journey (band)
John Lennon
Chet Atkins

Gioachino Antonio Rossini

Lisa Gerrard



Luna Negra Dance Theater
Body wave (dance move) locomotion Animal locomotion Eadweard J. Muybridge
Liquid and digits Liquid dancing

TV Shows


Howdy Doody Children's television series

American Gladiators is better then WWE



David Llewelyn Wark Griffith
good or bad ??Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Film producers____________________________
GK Films:Graham King
Bad Robot

This is my Brainstorming list, work of progress


11/16/08 At the moment I am taking a A+ class and so I will be making alot of edits based on that. I have been trying to finger out how to add these in here right but I am new at this. [ ] I gota study more about[[Wikia]!

15 pin D-shell = Digital Visual Interface (DVI)
The "Ntdetect.com" queries(asks) the Computer for info about date and time, bus types, and the number, size, and type of disk drivers. ~Test King~(test prep tests for the A+ Tests)

English - Shorthand
Murphy's law >< Sally's Law K–Ar dating Dating methed

Were is it? and how to change it?

In Windows XP go to "My Compuer" > Right click on white part then"Properties" > "Andvanced" tab > in Performance Box click "Settings" > Virtual Memory box "change"

All this is stored in a File named PAGEFILE.SYS

Tus 11/18/08 Oh yes!!!! this looks useful User:Duesentrieb/Tools

incremental backup

In a Nut Shell
It Modifys those files that have been changed.

Differential backup

In a nut shell
It adds files to the backup that were not there before.

How do you redirect a new word to a page?/Edit?

Redirect page
Incremental backup
(Redirected from Differential backup)

SC = (Subscriber Connector or Standard Connector or Siemon Connector or Snap (push-pull coupling) 2.5 mm IEC 61754-4 Datacom and telcom; extremely common

ST / BFOC = (Straight Tip / Bayonet Fiber Optic Connector Bayonet) 2.5 mm IEC 61754-2 Multimode, rarely singlemode; APC not possible

Editing wiki pages yes there is hope this is what I was looking for! other Editing links______
Wikipedia:Disambiguation > Disambiguation links
YouTube.com[7] > search "editing wikipedia"

cool stuff


  1. ^ Adkins, 1998. page 3.