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User:Charles Matthews/Shaw

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Galenus Abrahams - Marilyn McCord Adams - Jan Albers - Thomas Allen - William Allen - Peter Annet - Susannah Arch - Edmund Arrowsmith - William Ashurst - John Aubrey



William Bagshawe - D. W. R. Bahlmann - Richard Baldwin - S. J. Barnett - Samuel Barton - Richard Baxter - John Beale (writer) - William Becket - John Bennett - Richard Bentley - Thomas Beverly - Offspring Blackall - Christopher Blackwood - Richard Blome - Charles Blount - Bridget Bostock - Robert Boyle - Henry Briel - Peter Brown - John Browne - Sir Thomas Browne - Michael Buckley - Sir Richard Bulkeley - R. M. Burns - Thomas Burwell (physician) - Joseph Butler



Henry Cadbury - Elizabeth Canning - John Cavalier - Jean Chevalier - Lady Margaret Cavendish - Owen Chadwick - Justin Champion - Thomas Chubb - Jonathan Clapham - Henry Clark - Samuel Clarke - Timothy Clarke - Clary - Tony Claydon - Matthew Coker - Henry Compton - Steven Connor - Edward Conway - Dirck Coornhert - Brian Cowan - Nathaniel Crouch - Ralph Cudworth - Barbara Ritter Dailey - John Darrell - Stevan L. Davies - Richard Davis - Peter Dear - William Cavendish, 3rd Earl Cavendish - Henry Dodwell - Charles Doe - Eamon Duffy - Richard Dugdale - John Dunton - Lydia Dunton - David Durand - Samuel Eaton - Thomas Edwards (heresiographer) - Thomas Emes - Dorcas Erbury - John Evelyn - Durand Fage - Richard Farnsworth - Nicholas Fatio - William Fleetwood - Valerie I. J. Flint - Edward Fowler - Adam Fox - George Fox - Margaret Fox - John Foxe - Sebastian Franck - Thomas Freeman - Amos Funkenstein - Robert Gell - John Gilbert - Joseph Glanvill - Norman Glass - Laura Gowing - Thomas Grantham - John Gratton - Great Tew Circle - Valentine Greatrakes - Ian Green - Anne Greene - Nehemiah Grew



H. A. (Mirabile Pecci) - David D. Hall - William Harding - Tim Harris - Peter Harrison - William Harvey - Paul Hazard - Thomas Helwys - James Herrick - Edmund Hickergill - George Hickes - Lydia Hills - Benjamin Hoadly - Nathaniel Hobart - Thomas Hobbes - William Hogarth - Robert Hooke - John Hooper (bishop) - Ralph Hope - K. Theodore Hoppen - Richard Hubberthorn - David Hume - Robert Hume - J. Paul Hunter - Michael Hunter - Anne Hutchinson - Francis Hutchinson



Ron Iliffe - M. J. Ingram - Jeremiah Ives



James R. Jacob - John Jay (Gay) - Samuel Jeake Jr. - Samuel Jeake Sr. - Ann Jeffries - Henry Jessey - John Jewel - Adrian Johns - Samuel Johnson - Nathaniel Johnston - Thomas Jolley - Susan Juster - Barbara Beigun Kaplan - Elias Keach - William Kiffin - Richard Kingston - Hanserd Knollys - R. A. Knox - Alan Kors - John Lacy - Andrew Lang - William Law - Abraham Le Moine - Justus Lipsius - David Lloyd - John Locke - Sir William Lower - Martin Luther - Daniel Lysons - Samuel Lysons - J. J. MacIntosh - Phyllis Mack - Marie Maillard - Frank E. Manuel - Elie Marion - M. Marsin - David Martin - Humphrey Maryn - Increase Mather - Conyers Middleton - William Molyneux - James Scott, Duke of Monmouth - Paul Monod - Henry More - Thomas Morris - Richard Morton - Anne Munnings - Margaret Muschamp - James Naylor - Walter Needham - John Henry Newman - Charles Nicholls - Henry Oldenburg - Robert A. Orsi - Ephraim Pagett - Thomas Parkhurst - Deaul Pead - Susannah Pearson - William Perkins - William Petty - Moses Pitt - Elias Pledger - Robert Plot - J. G. A. Pocock - Roy Porter - John Potter (bishop) - Vavasour Powell - Hugh Preston - J. Samuel Preus - Sir Richard Price - Diane Purkiss - Henry D. Rack - William Rawlings - Thomas Ray - John Reynolds - Nicholas Ridley - Richard Roach - Thomas Robins - George Rust - Elizabeth Savage - Simon Schaffer - Hillel Schwartz - Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury - Steven Shapin - Barbara Shapiro - Jonathan Sheehan - Richard Sheldon - Thomas Sherlock - Robert Shoemaker - Nevill Simmons - John Smyth - M. F. Snape - Anthony Sparrow - Baruch Spinoza - Thomas Sprat (bishop) - John Spurr - E. Spurrier - Thomas Stapleton - Nicholas H. Steneck - Leslie Stephen - Larry Stewart - Edward Stillingfleet - Charles Edward Stuart - Henry Stubbe - Arthur Ashley Sykes - Norman Sykes



Martha Taylor - Thomas Taylor - Zachary Taylor (clergyman) - Keith Thomas (historian) - Ralph Thoresby - John Tillotson - Matthew Tindal - Dennis Todd - Mary Toft - John Toland - Anna Trapnel - William Turner - Edward Burnett Tylor - Thomas Underhill - T. L. Underwood - Voltaire



George Wade - Janet Wadsworth - D. P. Walker - Charles Wallace Jr. - Horace Walpole - Alexandra Walsham - Nathaniel Wanley - Harold M. Weber - Charles Webster - James Welwood - Samuel Werenfels - John Wesley - Samuel Wesley - Richard S. Westfall - William Weston - Leonard Wheatcroft - Benjamin Whichcote - William Whiston - George Whitehead - John Whitgift - Sarah Wight - John Wilkins (bishop) - Thomas Williams - John Williams (bishop of Chichester) - Thomas Willis - Adrian Wilson - Sarah Wiltshire - Anthony Wood - Thomas Woolston - John Worthington - Christopher Wren - Clement Wrighter



B. W. Young