User:Chiswick Chap/Diagrams
There are some 300 diagrams here.
Camouflage by counteracting shadow
Motion camouflage, real-point
Motion camouflage, infinite-point
Constant bearing, decreasing range: avoiding collisions and motion camouflage are surprisingly similar
The intended effect of dazzle camouflage
Melanophore cells
The herring's reflectors for camouflage
Squid counterillumination camouflage
Counterillumination camouflage with Yehudi lights
Light-producing organ of Hawaiian Bobtail Squid, Euprymna scolopes
History and philosophy of science
[edit]History of Physics
Aristotle's constitutions
The four classical elements (fire, air, water, earth) of Empedocles and Aristotle in a burning log
Aristotle's Four Causes illustrated for a table: material (wood), formal (design), efficient (carpentry), final (dining)
History of Biology
Aristotle's biology, theory of inheritance
Darwin's pangenesis theory
Darwin's blending inheritance
Weismann's germ plasm theory
Haeckel's ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny vs von Baer's laws
Alternative explanations of punctuated equilibrium
Lamarck's two-factor theory, not at all what everyone thinks
Lysenkoist vegetative hybridisation (Lamarckian, or horizontal gene transfer perhaps)
Land bridges for Hooker to explain Aus, NZ, S.Am plant group similarities as common descent in Flora Antarctica
Continuous grazing
Shieling plans
Companion Planting Mechanisms
Companion Planting Interactions
Hybrid origins of orange
Hybrid origins of Citrus
Polyploid wheat origins
Spelt origins
Mole cricket's exponential horn amplifier
Frenulo-retinacular wing coupling in male and female moths (praise)
Morpho butterfly scale multilayer structures
Runcaria megasporangium and cupule drawing
Parakaryon myojinensis, a cell with an endosymbiont, but neither prokaryotic nor eukaryotic
Leech moving by looping using its front and back suckers
Outline drawing of Ubysseya fretuma (Provora)
Jellyfish locomotion
Embioptera - foldable wings
Scorpion - venom squirting
"How the Turtle Gets its Shell"
Sexual reproduction: the barnacle uses its long penis to reach across to another individual nearby.
Labelled images
Daffodil flower parts, labelled
Turtle skeleton infographic
Leech anatomy in cross-section
Early and modern deuterostomes
Strawberry vs peapod anatomy
Apple anatomy, flower and fruit compared
Wilson's matryoshka doll group selection model
Wasps are paraphyletic
Whales are paraphyletic
Tree secondary growth diagram
Path integration diagram
Emerald Swallowtail Papilio palinurus scale structure
Buttercup structural and pigment coloration
Vitamin C biosynthesis in plants
Vitamin C biosynthesis in vertebrates
Bilaterian (or rather, Nephrozoan) body plan
Vertebrate body plan
Physiology of eusociality in fire ants
Fish habitat diversity
How to attract mosquitoes
Tardigrade anatomy
Batesian vs Müllerian mimicry with photos
Batesian vs Müllerian mimicry diagram
Formation of Müllerian mimicry rings
Ant mimicry types, Batesian vs myrmecophily
Evolution of Vavilovian mimicry
Pouyannian mimicry and pseudocopulation
Aggressive Mimicry of Ants
Kirbyan mimicry: brood parasite mimics host
[edit]Genetics and development
ABC model of flower development guided by three groups of homeotic genes
Haplodiploid sex determination in honey bees
Heterochrony, a change in the timing or rate of embryonic development
Tardigrade body plan and other phyla
Hybridisation and polyploidy in strawberries
Evolution of mosquito mouthparts
Mosquito Life-Cycle
Edward J. Steele's proposed Neo-Lamarckian mechanism
Neo-Lamarckian inheritance of hologenome
Interspecific relationships
Symbiotic relationships diagrammed
Micropredator Parasite Parasitoid Predator strategies compared
Ectoparasites are usually idiobiont, endoparasites koinobiont. Both strategies are found among parasitoidal wasps
A basic foraging sequence for a predator, with some variations indicated
Magnetoreception, electroreception, and mechanoception
Quantum Magnetoreception in Birds
Effect of RF interference on Magnetoreception in Birds
Platypus electrolocation
Electroreception of Capacitative and Resistive Objects in Elephantfish (file)
Electroreception of Capacitative and Resistive Objects in Glass knifefish
Ampullae of Lorenzini electrophysiology
Stargazer's paired electric organs
Stargazer Astroscopus y-graecum electric organ site
Gymnotus electric organ site
Raja electric organ site
Impedance matching in strongly electric fishes
Sensory coding for Eigenmannia's jamming avoidance response
Mormyromast electroreceptor in Mormyrid fishes
Electrocytes evolved from skeletal muscle
Lateral line works despite "noise" created by the fish itself
Lateral line rate coding
Origin of life
Stages of the origin of life
NASA's astrobiology puzzle
LUCA and its environment
Nick Lane's early cell in a hydrothermal vent, powered by an external proton gradient
Chemiosmotic coupling in a mitochondrion (redrawn)
Inferring LUCA's genome
Symbiogenesis with 2 mergers (redrawn, twice)
Primordial life with early Eukaryote/Prokaryote split
Spontaneous generation of seashells, according to Aristotle
- The Nick Lane scenario
Iron-Sulphur catalysis
Free energy in hydrothermal vent
Growth and replication
Selection for catalysis in random nucleotides
Protocell away from hydrothermal vent splits hydrogen sulphide
Ferredoxin's amino acid sequence using incomplete genetic code
Anoxygenic photosynthesis
Heterotrophy, oxygenic photosynthesis
not to mention the Template:Abiogenesis timeline ...
Sequence of diagrams
Clap 1
Clap 2
Clap 3 ... wings clap together
Fling 1
Fling 2
Fling 3 ... and fling apart
Phylogenetic trees
[edit]I've also put together a lot of phylogenetic trees. Here's a small one.
Aristotelian biology models
The soul in Aristotle's biology
Aristotle's model of information processing
Aristotle's model of inheritance
Aristotle's metabolism as an open flow model
Aristotle's model of temperature regulation
Two of Aristotle's growth laws, on brood size and gestation
Map of Mediterranean cuisines
Map of anise spirits of the Mediterranean region
Map of Operation Bertram
Location map for the Tay Whale
Map of Carl Michael Bellman's Stockholm overlaid on William Coxe's Travels, 1784
Location map for The Jungle Book
Centres of origin, based on Vavilov
Ecstatic dance across the world
Rabbit and myxomatosis introductions
Yogini temples in India
Beowulf tribes and locations
Chiswick Mall sketch map
Stockholm places seen in Fredman's Epistle 48
Map for The Leopard
Dwarf pufferfish distribution
Neolithic agriculture
English public school football codes
Domestication and races of sorghum
Names for Cagots around France
Origins of modern apple
Curry's origins
How Anglo-Indian cuisine created curry
Maps of Russian military deception at Stalingrad, with both enemy and actual dispositions
Operation Uranus Deception: German intelligence view on 18 November 1942, showing 6 to 8 Soviet armies (red). A=Army
Operation Uranus Deception: Actual Soviet dispositions on 18 November 1942 (red), showing 10 Soviet armies. A=Army, TA=Tank Army. Subsequent attacks 19-26 November 1942 (gray arrows)
And similarly at Kursk
German intelligence view of Belgorod front,
on the south of the Kursk salient,
2 August 1943
(GA: Guards Army; TA: Tank Army) -
Actual Red Army dispositions on Belgorod front,
showing concentrated forces ahead of 4th Panzer Army,
2 August 1943
Kilim slit weave
Soumak weave
Scorpion kilim motifs
Monster's feet kilim motifs
Tree of life kilim motif
Ear ring kilim motif
Wolf's mouth kilim motif
Running water kilim motif
Bird kilim motif
Ram's horn kilim motif
This is just a sample: I drew quite a few more, look in the Kilim motifs article if you're curious.
M. C. Escher Paradox Diagram
Tides overview
Stephen Toulmin argumentation
Transition from agriculture to developed economy
In an isosceles triangle with a sharp apex, Malfatti's circles occupy only a modest fraction of the total area; other algorithms do much better.
Alternative to Malfatti's circles in a sharp isosceles triangle: three circles stacked with a greedy algorithm occupy nearly twice as much space as Malfatti's circles.
Hans Eysenck reasoning
Influence of The Defence of Duffer's Drift
Principle of resist dyeing, such as Batik
Voyage to the Moon's antecedents
Tolkien's Middle-earth
Arda in the Years of the Lamps
Arda in the Years of the Trees
Arda in the First Age
Arda in the Second Age
The Downfall of Númenor and the Changing of the World
Valinor and Númenor
(The Old Straight Road) -
Tolkien's Imagined Prehistory
Fates of Elves and Men: Valinor serves as an Earthly Paradise.
Sketch maps
Sketch map of Valinor
Sketch map of Beleriand
Sketch map of Mirkwood
Gondor sketch map
Sketch map of the Shire
Sketch map of Middle-earth
Sketch map of Lothlórien
Circles around Beorn's hall (Marjorie Burns)
Oxford area for Farmer Giles of Ham
Tolkien, like Shakespeare, spent his childhood in Warwickshire
Infographic maps
Tolkien's moral geography of Middle-earth, explaining the case of the evil Haradrim
Shippey's model of Tolkien's linguistic map of Middle-earth
Geographic influences on Middle-earth
Sketch map of hobbit origins
Túrin Turambar locations in Beleriand
Sindarin dialects of Beleriand
Ithilien is Italy: subtle Classical allusions
Bilbo's and Frodo's ancestry analysed
Which Two Towers did Tolkien mean?
Brian Rosebury's analysis of The Lord of the Rings, as a combined Quest and Journey
Patrick Grant's Jungian archetypes analysis of The Lord of the Rings
The Rings of Power
Concealed Christianity timeline
Three Meanings of "Unfinished" in Unfinished Tales
An additional layer to the previous diagram
Tolkien and the Celtic: etymology of Brill and Chetwode
Tolkien said Orthanc had meanings in Sindarin and Rohirric; but it is also a synonym and homonym in Old English: was it an error?
The Lord of the Rings as a Framed Text
Editorial Framing of The Lord of the Rings
Deciding on A Mythology for England
Origins of Tolkien's Mythology
Editorial framing of The Monsters and The Critics
Editorial framing of The History of Middle-earth
Transmission of Evil in Middle-earth
Alternative views of Evil in the world
Morgoth, Satan, and the Fall
Derivative literature vs Tolkien fan fiction
Fates of the Silmarils
Baggins vs Huggins
Nazgûl and Ringwraith
Shippey on Lúthien and Beren
4 Hobbits mandala,
as the 4 cognitive functions -
4 Elements mandala
of Gandalf's fight with the Balrog
Image maps and timeline
The shatkarmas, preliminary purifications in hatha yoga
Growth in number of asanas
Working in Trikonasana (infographic)
Different schools teach yoga with varying emphases
Goldberg's Path of Modern Yoga
Infographic on Yogini temples, showing design for communion with flying yoginis
Khajuraho Yogini temple plan
Four stages of Khecarī mudrā
Early Bindu Model of Hatha Yoga
Late Kundalini Model of Hatha Yoga
Amaraugha and other early hatha yoga texts
Yoga as exercise's origins
- ^ Shippey, Tom (2005) [1982]. The Road to Middle-Earth (Third ed.). Grafton (HarperCollins). pp. 388–398. ISBN 978-0-2611-0275-0.
- ^ Lee, Stuart D. (2020) A Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien, Wiley: Philology 13-14 Christianity 446-460 Mythology 244-258 Old English 217-229 Modern literature 350-366 War 461-472 Invented languages 202-214 Art 487-472 Poetry 173-188
- ^ Shippey, Tom (2001). J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century. HarperCollins. pp. 5–6. ISBN 978-0261-10401-3.