My username of "DaaBoss" is really just an irreverent reference to authority, so don't think I wish to be looked up to or viewed as an authority. What I have to say should be judged on the merits of the words in an individual contribution, and not who said them.
In my "real life", I am sometimes referred to as the "boss", and I am in fact a CEO of a company you might recognize. The myth of course, is that the CEO or boss dictates or changes very much of what happens. In reality, a CEO's job is only to influence others that will change what happens. A successful CEO will be able to change a few things that significantly alter the course of the corporate ship.
I don't really care who the boss is, and I'd certainly prefer to NOT be the boss. It is much easier to follow the directions from someone else and it certainly is safer than "inventing the commands" to be followed, and then be responsible for the outcome.
I hope that any changes I make on this site are helpful and will make a difference to others.
PS -- IF you are trying to get me to do something on this site, or anywhere on the internet that Google indexes, please just put the FOLLOWING word, (with a short message about what you'd like me to do about it): HASHtag#DaaBoss