A list of WeirdMedia Creations
[edit]- (CLL) (Movie) (1998) (Linkton Studios)
- (The Claw) Jamison (2013-2014) (Darkwest)
- +Me=Me (2009) (Canton Inc)
- ...And More! (1995-1999) (Stillman Productions)
- ...Starring Me! (2003-2004) (Stillman Productions)
- 1 To 1 (1999-2000) (Wctv Productions)
- 1,2,3, Stop! (1998-1999) (Blazer Studios)
- 13 Men (1994–1996) (Wctv Productions)
- 2-Ice In A Lifetime (2000–2003) (Stillman Productions)
- 2H? 2H? (1990-1992) (Wctv Productions)
- 4-Wheeled City (1993-1996) (Hi-Five Studios)
- 5 VS. (1989-1990) (Blazer Studios)
- 555 (2009) (Birchmand Studios)
- 6 Legged Adventures (1982-1984) (Crazytown Studios)
- ??? (2007-2008) Birchmand Studios
[edit]- A Day In The Life Of David Flemming (2016-2017) (Stillman Productions)
- A Poo In Afghanistan (2009-2010) (Don Callen Productions)
- Abnormal Sam! (2015-2016) (Don Callen Productions)
- Access Card (TV Movie) (2007) (Linkton Studios)
- Adventures At Red Track Station (1980-1983) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Adventures In Argo-Land (2008-2009) (D.Golden Studios)
- Adventures Of Super Glow (1986-1989) (Crazytown Studios)
- Adventures Of Super Peel (1992-1994) (Wctv Productions/D.Golden Studios)
- Adventures Of Zacky Gold (1989-1991) (E Studios)
- Afternoon Ms. Spoon! (2004-2008) (Crazytown Studios)
- Ages(2007) (Brikton Studios)
- Airplane Birdies (1989-1992) (Fort Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Album To Album: With Hank Torlan (2013-2017) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Ammerman (Movie) (2011) (Strange Pictures)
- An Hour That's Worth An Hour! (2001-2005) (Stillman Productions/Mckin Studios)
- Ancient Rubbish!(2003-2004) (The Mel Warks Company)
- Answers (2010-2011) (Stillman Productions)
- Are You Good? (2016-2018) (Don Callen Productions/Mckin Studios)
- Arial (TV Series) (2002) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Armour Fish (2002-2004) (Crazytown Studios/Birchmand Studios)
- Assorted (1998-1999) (Brikton Studios)
- Automan (1998-2000) (Bigmill Studios)
- Aizgo Adventures (2017-2018) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Adventures Of Chef Burger (1990-1992) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Adventures Of Gun-Man (2005-2006) (Hi-Five Studios)
- The Adventures Of Mort (2008–2009) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Adventures Of Super Painter! (1982-1985) (Crazytown Studios)
- The Adventures Of Yes-Man (1998-1999) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Alholics (2001-2004) (Stillman Productions)
[edit]- B.B's Adventures (1984-1986) (Birchmand Studios)
- Babies (1992-1998) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Badguys And Goodguys (1987-1989) (East Sun Actions Inc)
- Badguys INC (2005-2007) (Milfort Studios/Fern Productions)
- Badmittion Bunny (2001-2004) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Badness Madness And Radness (2012-2013) (Mckin Studios/Don Callen Productions)
- Bananas! (2004-2005) (D.Golden Studios)
- Barney's Kill Squad (1987-1991) (Darkwest)
- Beary (1974-1976) (Fort Studios/Lotlaughs Studios)
- Ben In Black (Movie) (2004) (Blazer Films)
- Berg (2017-2021) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios/Darkwest)
- Best Before... (2010-2012) (Stillman Productions)
- Beyond Argarth (Movie) (1995) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- Beyond Argarth (2005-2010) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- Beyond Argarth 2 (Movie) (2000) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- Beyond Argarth: Future Generations (2011-2015) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- Big Head Elementary (2000-2006) (Darkwest)
- Bike-Crash (1989-1991) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Bill: The Commercial Guy! (2017-2020) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Billy Brown (1985-1988) (Crazytown Studios)
- Billy! (1987-1989) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Birdies (1976-1981) (Fort Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Bizarre T.V (2015-2020) (Leon Inc/Baffin Television Productions)
- Blackend Backhand (1989) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Blade The Clown (1992-1996) (Darkwest)
- Blast! Haunted Mansion (1995-1996) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Blender! (2006-2008) (Lotlaughs Studios/D.Golen Studios)
- Blockz(1981-1983) (Crazytown Studios)
- Bob Buildyard (2002-2006) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Boiled Egg (2004-2007) (D.Golden Studios)
- Bots (1986-1987) (Fort Studios)
- Bouncer And Grey (1980-1983) (Hi-Five Studios/Crazytown Studios)
- Box-Arm (1988-1990) (Lantern Co.)
- Box-N-Drive (1990-1991) (Hi-Five Studios/Ranch Productions)
- Bread St. (1988-1991) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Breadtag! (2008) (Bigmill Studios)
- Breakfast With Peggi (1998) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Breddi's Adventures (2003-2006) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Breddi's I Just Had To Tell A Tale (2004-2005) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Bring It On! (1989-1992) (Crazytown Studios)
- Broken Television (2002-2004) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Brothers (1987-1991) (Lotlaughs Studios/Jon Howard Productions)
- Bugforce! (2010-2013) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- Bull Chase Horsey! (1978-1981) (Crazytown Studios)
- Bushaty Bush (2001-2004) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Butler Boy! (1988-1990) (Blazer Studios)
- Butter! The Classic Adventures (1972-1975) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Butter! The Hero (1989-1991) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Bad Weirdnoise! (2001) (Sunvally West Productions)
- The Banana Boys (1985-1987) (Crazytown Studios)
- The Bat Jackson Show! (1996-2001) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- The Bazolo Forest Project (Movie) (2014) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- The Bear League (1976-1980) (Fort Studios)
- The Beary Show (1982-1985) (Fort Studios/Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Ben And Groomer Show! (2014-2019) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- The Blackhand Bros. (1989-1992) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- The Blast Zone (2017-2021) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- The Blue Hound (2001-2004) (Crazytown Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- The Blue Show (2001-2006) (East Sun Comedy Inc/Jon Howard Productions)
- The Book (2006-2007) (Stillman Productions/Fern Productions)
[edit]- C-Hockey (1980-1983) (Crazytown Studios)
- CALMedy Unleashed (2009) (TV Special) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc/Hi-Five Studios)
- CALMedy Unleashed 2 (2010) (TV Special) (Lotlauhgs Comedy Team Inc/Hi-Five Studios)
- Cabinai (The Jungle) (1993-1994) (Bigmill Studios)
- Camera Boy (2016-2017) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc/Hi-Five Studios)
- Camp 808 (1991-1994) (Lotlaughs Studios/E! Studios)
- Can (2003) (The Mel Warks Company)
- Canyon T.V (2006-2007) (Bigmill Studios/Fern Productions)
- Carrot-Tops! (1976-1980) (Fort Studios/Sunvally West Productions)
- Cars Island (2007-2008) (Crazytown Studios)
- Carz (1999-2004) (East Sun Comedy Inc/Jon Howard Productions)
- Cecil The Box Boy! (2015-2017) (D.Golden Studios)
- CheezeVille! (2004-2008) (Outweird Co.)
- Chemist Lab (1995-1996) (Fonnle Inc/Brikton Studios)
- Cinamon-Bear (1979-1981) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Cindy & Cindy (1980-1982) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Classy Cats! (1980-1984) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Clipz (1997-2000) (Fonnle Inc/Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Clockers! (2017-2022) (Concept! Television Productions/Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Clothing That Talk (2004) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Cloud Bros. (1977-1980) (Crazytown Studios)
- Concept! News (2018-Present) (Concept Television Productions)
- Concerts (2007) (Baffin East Company)
- Conqueda (2005-2006) (East Sun Action Inc/Fern Productions)
- Cool Kid (1988-1992) (Fort Studios)
- Corn! (1995-1997) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Cowboy Fred (2007-2008) (Blazer Studios)
- Cowboy Woody (1989-1991) (Hi-Five Studios/Fern Productions)
- Cowpokes! (1987-1988) (Ridge Productions/Rip Studios)
- Crack The Egg (1982-1984) (Baffin East Company)
- Cranky Pants! (2007-2008) (Wctv Productions)
- Crash Cars! (1988-1996) (East Sun Action Inc/Jon Howard Productions)
- Crash Coverage (2002-2004) (Stillman Productions)
- Crazy Barn (1988-1994) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Crazy Camel(1978-1982) (Crazytown Studios)
- Crazy Carson! (1990-1995) (Lotlaughs Studios/Jon Howard Productions)
- Crazy House! (1980-1981) (Crazytown Studios)
- Crazy Magnets! (1989-1991) (Crazytown Studios)
- Crazy Sports News! (1999-2001) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Crazytown (2002-2003) (Crazytown Studios)
- Crime Stoppers (2002-2004) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- Crow Ave. (1997-2000) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- Cuchie (1979-1982) (Fort Studios)
- Cut & Paste (2018-2020) (Concept Television Productions/Hi-Five Studios)
- The Cape (1986-1988) (Fort Studios/Jon Howard Productions)
- The Cat (T.V Movie) (2003) (Sunvally West Productions)
- The Chef (1990-1992) (Hi-Five Studios)
- The Chosen One (1989-1993) (Jim Dyer's Studios)
- The Complex (2001-2003) (Stillman Productions)
- The Countryside (1996-1999) (Strange Gold Treasures/Hi-Five Studios)
- The Crazies (1993-1996) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Crazy Family (1988-1989) (Crazytown Studios)
- The Crazy Guys Show! (2009-2010) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc/Hi-Five Studios)
- The Cutie-Cat Show (1992-1993) (Bigmill Studios)
- The Cutting People (1991-1992) (Bigmill Studios)
[edit]- Dancing Remote! (2002-2004) (Bigmill Studios)
- Darkhorse (1997-1999) (Darkwest/Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- David & Elias' Mysteries (2001-2003) (Stillman Productions/Hi-Five Studios)
- David & The Robot (2004-2006) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Dawson In Lawson (2010-2013) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Dead Guys Alive! (2004-2008) (Sunvally West Productions/Jim Dyer's Studios)
- Destructo-Bot (1979-1980) (Lantern Co./Fern Productions)
- Diaperman (2005-2006) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Dillville (2011-2014) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Dinoland (1988-1989) (Fort Studios)
- Dippy (2004-2006) (D.Golden Studios)
- Dirt Horse (1994-1998) (Bigmill Studios)
- Dog-T-Moggers! (2010) (Wctv Productions)
- Doggy & Owner (1999-2001) (Bigmill Studios)
- Dogmoggers! (2006-2009) (Wctv Productions)
- Dogz (2005) (The Mel Warks Company)
- Dollface (2000-2004) (Darkwest/Rip Studios)
- Don't Ask Me! (1999-2004) (Wctv Productions/Stillman Productions)
- Don't Wake John! (2016-2018) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- Doodelz (2004-2006) (Hi-Five Studios/Rip Studios)
- Double Trouble! (1979-1982) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Downtown (1996-1999) (East Sun Action Inc)
- Dr. Eerie (2013-2015) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Dr.Leg: Dream Therapist (2018-2020)
- Dr. O.B's Best (TV Special) (2003) (Linkton Studios)
- Dr. Vallaninton's Evil Creations! (2002-2004) (Fern Productions/Hi-Five Studios)
- Dr.Globe (1991-1993) (Lantern Co./Hi-Five Studios)
- Dragons (1990-1998) (Hi-Five Studios/Mckin Studios)
- Drama Of The Cows! (2001-2005) (Strange Gold Treasures/Sunvally West Productions)
- Duck (1990-1993) (Hi-Five Studios/Sunvally West Productions)
- Duneald (1990-1992) (Perchdale Television/East Sun Comedy Inc)
- The Dead Keepers (2017-2020) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios/Lantern Co.)
- The Detective (1994-1996) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Diaper Kids (1981-1982) (Hi-Five Studios/Draken Studios)
- The Dog Twins (1985-1987) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Don Callen Show (2013-2015) (Don Callen Productions)
- The Dumb Police Officers (1982-1984) (Birchmand Studios)
- The Dumb Police Officers (Movie) (1991) (Birchmand Studios)
[edit]- Echo-Man (2009-2010) (Fern Productions)
- Eerie Eyeball (2000-2001) (Darkwest)
- Ele-Phant (1976-1978) (Hi-Five Studios/New Bright Studios)
- Electric Quest (2000-2003) (Hi-Five Studios/D.Golden Productions)
- Electric Troll (1996-1998) (Hi-Five Studios/D.Golden Productions)
- Elias' Mysteries (1994-1996) (Stillman Productions)
- Encounters! (2000-2015) (Stillman Productions)
- Eraser Man (2007-2008) (Bigmill Studios)
- Everything In The Dark (Pitch Black) (2004) (Sunvally West Studios)
- Evil Bearnievel (2000-2004) (Darkwest)
- Eye-Eye Sir! (2005) (The Mel Warks Company)
[edit]- Face-Bot(1981-1984) (Fort Studios)
- Fairy Tales: Rewritten! (2012-2017) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Fantastic Fringe! (2006-2008) (Bigmill Studios)
- Farmer Dan (1985-1986) (Crazytown Studios)
- Fast Action (2013-2015) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Fire Patrol (1980-1984) (Crazytown Studios)
- Firehouse! (2006-2009) (Lotlaughs Studios/Jim Stone Productions)
- Fleein' Flea (2002-2003) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Fluff Filth (2009-2011) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Fluffie Toy War! (1990-2000) (Lotlaughs Studios/Jon Howard Productions)
- Flyer 1.0 (1985-1988) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Flyer 2.0 (1990-1994) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Fondue Fork (1994-1995) (Crazytown Studios)
- Food Force! (2009-2012) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Forgotten Files (2013-Present) (Leon Inc/Baffin Television Productions)
- Fox & Trump (2016-2017) (Darkwest)
- Fran's Imagination (1977-1980) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Frank Mask(1980-1985) (Fort Studios)
- Frankie! (1976-1978) (Fort Studios/New Bright Studios)
- Freakshow University (2011-2013) (Bigmill Studios)
- Freaky Fridays! (1993-1995) (Darkwest)
- Freaky Frying-Pan (1993-1994) (Darkwest)
- Fred-Ted (1974-1976) (Fort Studios/New Bright Studios)
- Friends Of The Hidden Room (1989-1990) (Hi-Five Studios/Birchmand Studios)
- Frogg Eat It (1999-2001) (Birchmand Studios)
- Frozen Village (1989-1991) (East Sun Action Inc/Jon Howard Productions)
- Funny Family (2004-2005) (Hi-Five Studios/Lotlaughs Studios)
- Future-Pasta-Ristic! (2004-2007) (Hi-Five Studios/Rip Studios)
- The "F" Guys (2000-2005) (Darkwest)
- The Fast Talkin Jammie! (1997-1999) (Wctv Productions)
- The Feet Brothers (1974-1976) (Fort Studios)
- The Fish (2015-2016) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- The Force (2014-2015) (East Sun Action Inc)
- The Fur (2000) (Movie) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
[edit]- Generally Music (2007-2008) (Brikton Studios)
- Genie! (1990-1991) (Baffin Television Productions)
- Ghost Horse (2018-2021) (Concept Television Productions/Hi-Five Studios)
- Giziemo Tales (2003-2005) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Gloman (2009-2010) (Wctv Productions)
- Glomobi: Dusk (2002-2003) (Wctv Productions)
- Goflop Brothers (1996-1998) (Stillman Productions)
- Gonfold Gardens (2002-2006) (Stillman Productions)
- Good Morning Frank Wilt! (2009-2012) (Don Callen Productions)
- Good Wilson (1997-1998) (Stillman Productions)
- Gotcha! (2007-2008) (Stillman Productions)
- Gou + Jarance (2007-2008) (Perchdale Television Productions)
- Grapes The Bear (1988-1992) (Fort Studios/New Bright Studios)
- Green & Stinky (1990-1996) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Grenchlor (2003-2005) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Grenweld! (1978-1980) (Fort Studios)
- Gretchen (1981-1984) (Hi-Five Studios/Crazytown Studios)
- Grey Warrior (1979-1980) (Lantern Co.)
- Grimley (1999-2002) (Bigmill Studios)
- The Gold Crew (2008-2015) (Hi-Five Studios/ East Sun Action Inc)
- The Great Bread Caper! (1999-2001) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Great Bread Caper! (TV Movie) (2002) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Greens (1985-1990) (Crazytown Studios)
- The Group (1999-2004) (Stillman Productions)
- The Grump Of Luzza' Flats (1984-1989) (Crazytown Studios)
- The Gurran Skattet Show (2002-2006) (Hi-Five Studios)
[edit]- Hal At The Wheel (1987-1990) (Hi-Five Studios/Perchdale Television Productions)
- Half Bros. (1996-1998) (Jim Dyer Studios/Rip Studios)
- Half Hour Of Music (2004-2009) (Wctv Productions/Fern Productions)
- Half Inch Harry (1993-1996) (Sunvally West Productions/Jon Howard Productions)
- Hampton T.V! (2017) (Don Callen Productions/Outweird Co.)
- Hampton's Horror Tales! (2007-2011) (Don Callen Productions/Outerweird Co.)
- Handy Mandy (1998-2001) (Strange Gold Treasures)
- Happy 70 (2002-2007) (Darkwest/East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Happy Bird/Sad Bird (1980-1984) (Crazytown Studios)
- Happy Guy! (2004-2005) (Blazer Studios)
- Happy-Go-Pukie! (1985-1988) (East Sun Comedy Inc/Birchmand Productions)
- Hardwork I.N.C (1997-1999) (Franco Productions/Sun Vally West Productions)
- Harold Chrichlar: Tales Of A Night Janitor (1990-1993) (Stillman Productions)
- Harry! (1997-1999) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Harry's Act (1978-1981) (Crazytown Studios)
- Hat (1983-1986) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Headless Bros. (1991-1992) (Bigmill Studios)
- Headless Hiker (1990-1992) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Heclor (1998-2003) (East Sun Action Inc)
- Henry In Television Land (2015-2016) (Don Callen Productions)
- Henry Snow (2004-2006) (Bigmill Studios)
- Henry The Orange Elephant (1975-1977) (New Bright Studios)
- Hero Bunny! (2009) (Wctv Productions)
- Heroboy! (2009-2015) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Hey Art (2010-2011) (Ranch Studios)
- Hey Mack! (2009-2010) (Bigmill Studios)
- Hi-Ho Darrel Mc-Farrel! (1994-1996) (Crazytown Studios)
- Higgin-Botton-Hal (2006-2007) (The Mel Warks Company)
- High Concept T.V! (2018-Present) (Concept Television Productions/Hi-Five Studios)
- High-Rank Bear (1983-1987) (Lotlaughs Studios/Jon Howard Productions)
- Hightop Hills (2000-2002) (Darkwest)
- Hiller & Jude's; Waste Of 30 Minutes (2002-2003) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Hoppity (1989-1991) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Horror-Heads! (1995-1997) (Darkwest)
- Horseland Tales (1999-2005) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios/T. Lanning Productions/Darkwest)
- Horseplay (1996-1999) (Strange Gold Treasures)
- Horton Horse (1999-2003) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- House Of Louise (2018-2020) (Concept! Television Productions)
- House On Dream Rd. (2006) (Darkwest/Jim Dyer's Studios)
- Hula Hoopla! (2000-2003) (Crazytown Studios)
- Hungry Mon! (2007-2010) (Lotlaughs Studios/E! Studios)
- Huston Scope (1996-2001) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- The Harrison Brothers (1992-1995) (Sunvally West Productions)
- The Hendersons (2008-2009) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- The Heros Of What! (2015-2017) (D.Golden Studios)
- The Hey-Hey Adventures Of Salad Dressing (2001-2003) (Crazytown Studios)
- The Horrible Adventures Of Red Claw! (1993-1997) (Darkwest/Hi-Five Studios)
- The Horse Project (2014-2015) (Sunvally West Productions)
[edit]- I Am Bunny! (2003-2006) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- I Broke Your T.V Set! (2000-2004) (Stillman Productions/Mckin Studios)
- I Broke Your T.V Set! (TV Movie) (2002)
- Ice Skatin' Sally (1983-1986) (Crazytown Studios)
- In The Wall (1980-1982) (New Bright Studios)
- Interviews (1995-2000) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc/Stillman Productions)
- Island Politics (2016-Present) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- It Happened Here! (2008-2009) (Bigmill Studios)
- It's Always Sunny In Our Town (1999-2002) (Darkwest)
- It's Your Hair! (2008-2009) (Blazer Studios)
- Ivan Zonders (2013-2014) (D.Golden Studios)
- The Infamous; Camp Camp! (2015-2018) (Don Callen Productions)
[edit]- Jacey & Friends (1999-2001) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Jack & John's Funny Show (1998-2000) (Hi-Five Studios/Lotlaughs Studios)
- Jack (2003-2004) (Sunvally West Productions)
- James & Carlos (1975-1978) (Crazytown Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Jammie & Raildough's Adventures (1976-1980) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Jammie's Classic Adventures (1970-1973) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Jane (2002) (Movie) (Jim Dyer's Studios)
- Jared The Waterboy (1986-1989) (Crazytown Studios)
- Jared's Band (2018-2023) (Concept Television Productions/Perchdale Productions)
- Jason & Buds (1998-2000) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Jelloton (2013-2014) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Jenga & Blockman's Adventures (1989-1996) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Jenga (1977-1980) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Jepora' Day (2003) (The Mel Warks Company)
- Jimmy & The Legends (2006-2011) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Jimmy And The Blowfish (2003-2005) (Stillman Productions/Perchdale Television Productions)
- Jimmy Jon Jon (1999-2001) (Strange Gold Treasures/Jon Howard Productions)
- Jimmy! (1974-1976) (Crazytown Studios)
- Jingles (1977-1979) (New Bright Studios)
- Jiskberg (1999-2000) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Jodey In Space (2008-2011) (Lotlaughs Studios/Jim Stone Productions)
- Jodey's Ring (1995-1998) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Jodey's Ring (1999) (T.V Movie) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Joey & The Alleycats (1980-1983) (Crazytown Studios)
- Jon & Joe's; Horror Town! (2015-2017) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Juicy Juice: Out Of The Pages! (2001-2002) (Birchmand Productions)
- Junk (2008) (Wctv Productions)
- The Jon Leon Show! (2018-Present) (Jon Leon Productions/Perchdale Productions)
- The Journal (2005) (Movie) (Strange Pictures/Jon Howard Productions)
[edit]- Kat Twins (1983-1988) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Keko (1989-1992) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Kenny G.G (2005-2009) (Stillman Productions/Fern Productions)
- Kent Smurf (1983-1986) (Birchmand Productions)
- Kick-It (1990-1993) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Kickie-Man (1999-2001) (East Sun Action Inc)
- Kill Bob! (2015-2016) (Darkwest)
- Killer Birds (2009-2011) (Darkwest)
- Kinder (1990-1995) (Hi-Five Studios/New Bright Studios)
- Kiss The Chef (2000-2002) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Kitty Von-Shmitty (2003-2005) (Strange Gold Treasures)
- Knights (2000-2001) (Fern Productions)
- The King (1996) (Movie) (Lanton Co.)
[edit]- Lab Homes I.N.C. (2015-2016) (D.Golden Studios/Lotlaughs Studios)
- Lamb Chops! (2008-2011) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Land Of The Letters! (1980-1982) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Lantern Tales (1990-1992) (Lantern Co./Jim Dyer's Studios)
- Larry And Bob (2006-2010) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Laugh Of Evil Lads (2006-2009) (Wctv Productions/Jim Stone Productions)
- Legal St. (2010-2013) (Outerweird Co./Don Callen Productions)
- Legal Statement (2014-2016) (Outerweird Co./Don Callen Productions)
- Let Jim Eat! (2010-2011) (Hi-Five Studios/Rip Studios)
- Lionz (1985-1987) (Fort Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Litterbugs! (2005-2006) (The Mel Warks Company)
- Little Mischief Adventures (1990-1992) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Little Ms. Bookworm (1997-2001) (Strange Gold Treasures)
- Locked-Out! (2018-2024) (Concept! Television Productions)
- Lost Albums (2006-2008) (M Productions)
- Lost Farms (1983-1987) (Crazytown Studios)
- Lotlaughs (2000-2002) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Lucky Stiff (1999-2001) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- The Land Game (2015-2016) (Stillman Productions)
- The Late Night Crowd (1993-1995) (Birchmand Productions/Mckin Studios)
- The Life Of Oranges (2008-2015) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- The Little Big Show (2005-2007) (Stillman Productions)
- The Locals (2015-2018) (Don Callen Productions/Jon Howard Productions)
[edit]- Mad Abe (1998-2000) (Outerweird Co.)
- Magaz (1994-2002) (M Studios/Wctv Productions)
- Make Fun (1991-1993) (Stillman Productions/Ranch Productions)
- Malcom's Music (2007-2008) (M Studios/Wctv Productions)
- Masters Academy (2016-2018) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Max Birdies (2002-2003) (Fort Studios)
- Mayor! (1991-1994) (Jim Dyer Studios/Rip Studios)
- Mazzorai'! (1989-1991) (East Sun Action Inc)
- Me & My Giant (1988-1991) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Mega Pintchers (1989-1990) (Hi-Five Studios/Fort Studios)
- Midnight Black (1991-1994) (Bigmill Studios)
- Midnight Crusader! (2000-2003) (Bigmill Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Midway (1989-1992) (Darkwest/Jim Dyer Studios)
- Milton Moo (1970-1973) (New Bright Studios)
- Minci's World (2003) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Mischief Mole! (1993-1996) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Missy The Cowgirl (1973-1975) (Hi-Five Studios/New Bright Studios)
- Mitch (1992-1997) (Hi-Five Studios/Rip Studios)
- Mixed Signals (2018-2020) (Concept! Television Productions)
- Molly The Optimistic Lamb (1973-1976) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Moral House (2014-2016) (Darkwest)
- Mostly Unfamous (1997-2001) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Mountain Birdies (1978-1981) (Fort Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Mr. Death (2008) (Movie) (Strange Pictures)
- Mr. Formal (1979-1981) (Hi-Five Studios/Fern Productions)
- Mr. Leg (2002-2004) (Crazytown Studios)
- Mr. Owl (1970-1973) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Mr. Showman! (1974-1977) (Crazytown Studios)
- Mr. Toob (1972-1976) (Fort Studios)
- Mr. Toob (1986) (TV Movie) (Fort Studios)
- Mr. Toob's Rich Adventures (1980-1983) (Fort Studios)
- Mrs. M (1981-1982) (New Bright Studios)
- Murder At 5 (2011-2013) (Mckin Studios)
- Muscle Birdies (1981-1983) (Fort Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Music 101 (1986-1996) (Hi-Five Studios/Rip Studios)
- Music Today (2009-2011) (Wctv Productions)
- Musik Mix (2008) (M Studios)
- Mustache Mcgrath (1982-1985) (Crazytown Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- My Crazy School (1999-2000) (Crazytown Studios)
- My Day At The Lucenberg Hotel (1998) (Movie) (Lotlaughs Studios/Strange Pictures)
- My Remote Controlled Brother (1990-1994) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- My Son Sunny! (1981-1985) (Crazytown Studios)
- Mysteries (1980-1982) (Blazer Studios)
- The Master Explorers (2016) (Stillman Productions)
- The Mazzi's (1984-1986) (Lotlaughs Studios/E Studios)
- The Mega Reunions Show! (2004-2006) (M Studios/Brikton Studios)
- The Metals (2008-2013) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- The Mickey Mickerson Show (2005-2007) (Bigmill Studios)
- The Morning Hour (2009-2012) (Mckin Studios)
[edit]- Never Say Never (1999) (Movie) (Blazer Films)
- New Stuff! (2008) (M Studios)
- Ninja (1989-1991) (Fort Studios)
- Ninja Pizza (2005-2007) (Outerweird Co.)
- Noisebox (2001) (Fonnle Inc)
- The Number Zone! (2003-2005) (Darkwest/Rip Studios)
[edit]- O.K Anagan! (1996-2000) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Obscure Day (2011-2013) (Leon Inc/Baffin Television Productions)
- Odd Lions Odd Adventures (1999-2000) (New Bright Studios)
- Oddz Electrical Co. (2017-2018) (Don Callen Productions/East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Off Air (1989-1992) (Jim Dyer Studios)
- Oggle Boggle (2003-2004) (Wctv Productions)
- Old/New (2009) (Fern Productions)
- Old Case (2008-2011) (East Sun Action Inc)
- Olden Times (2002-2004) (Ranch Productions)
- Operation: Stay Out! (2015-2016) (Stillman Productions)
- Oreo-Man (1987-1990) (Blazer Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Organ Heartbeat & The Pretty Girls (2004-2005) (E! Studios)
- Out On The Town (1976-1980) (Crazytown Studios)
- Outerweird (2005-2007) (Outerweird Co.)
- Outfoxed (1985-1988) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
[edit]- P.G For Me! (2009-2010) (Fern Productions)
- P3, P3! (2006-2007) (Bigmill Studios)
- Parents Are Strange Animals (1989-1993) (Crazytown Studios)
- Peggi (1990) (Movie) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Peggi (2000-2002) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Peggi 2 (1994) (Movie) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Peggi Asks (2004-2006) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Peggi N Friends (2005-2020) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Peggi The Agent (2009-2011) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Peggi Town (2009) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Peggi's Classic Adventures (1965-1973) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Peggi's Drama Adventures (2007-2008) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Peggi's Island (2007-2009) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Person Pete (2004-2005) (The Mel Warks Company)
- Pickle People (2007-2009) (Darkwest)
- Piggy's Adventures (1975-1977) (Crazytown Studios)
- Pink Pal (1996-1998) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Pj Bearymore (1988-1993) (Fort Studios)
- Plant Poo (2010-2011) (Brixton Studios)
- Plastic Vally (2011-2012) (Hi-Five Studios/Ranch Productions)
- Poop House People (1989-1996) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Poor Duck (1998-2003) (East Sun Comedy Inc/Flowertone Studios)
- Pop City (1992-1999) (Darkwest/Mckin Studios)
- Poppin' Perry (1980-1983) (Crazytown Studios/Fern Productions)
- Powerfist (1986-1987) (Fort Studios)
- Proudly Bad (1982-1987) (Crazytown Studios)
- Punks (1984-1986) (Darkwest)
- Puppets 1.0 (1985-1987) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Puppets 2.0 (1991-1997) (Hi-Five Studios/Rip Studios)
- Puppets 3.0 (2004-2007) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Puppetz (2005-2006) (Wctv Productions)
- The Peggi Show (1998-2001) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Pintchers (1984-1986) (Fort Studios)
- The Pointy Ghost & Friends Show (1985-1989) (Fort Studios)
- The Pointy Ghost Adventures (1978-1982) (Fort Studios)
[edit]- R.C.V.1.3 (2000-2001) (Wctv Productions)
- Racer Bros: Next Gen. (2017-2018) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- Radio Active Cows! (1988-1993) (Strange Gold Treasures)
- Radio: On/Off (1984-1986) (Lotlaughs Studios/Jon Howard Productions)
- Rainbow Beak (1978-1981) (New Bright Studios)
- Rancid Roadstop (1982-1986) (Fort Studios)
- Ray/Lever (1986-1991) (Jim Dyer's Studios)
- Rector Vincentt (2002-2004) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Robo-Dogs (1983-1986) (Crazytown Studios/Rip Studios)
- Robotiz (1982-1984) (Miller Productions)
- Rock N Roll X (1991-1994) (Crazytown Studios)
- Rock On! (1989-1991) (Hi-Five Studios/RIp Studios)
- Rock T.V (1987-1990) (Hi-Five Studios/Rip Studios)
- Rocket Boy (1985-1988) (Crazytown Studios)
- Rockhard (1984-1989) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Rott-World (1994-1996) (Hi-Five Studios/Blazer Studios)
- Rs2See?2! (2009-2011) (Wctv Productions)
- Rubber Chicken (1988-1990) (Strange Gold Treasures)
- The R.I.P Of E.V.I.L The Ghost (2000-2002) (Hi-Five Studios)
- The Red Cowboy (1974-1977) (Fort Studios/New Bright Studios)
- The Rise And Fall Of The Racer Bros. (2016) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- The Rockin' Pig Show (1980-1983) (Miller Productions)
[edit]- Sammy Glasses (1994-1996) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Samon Rollup (1997-2000) (D.Golden Studios/Bigmill Studios)
- Samuel Adams Is... Bob (2005-2010) (Strange Gold Treasures)
- Sandrunner (1989-1993) (Fort Studios)
- Scaple (2013-2016) (Darkwest/Jon Howard Productions)
- Scaredy & The Jungle Misfits (1987-1989) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Scary Girl's Scare Fest (1999) (New Bright Studios)
- Scheduled Statement (2010-2012) (Outerweird Co.)
- School Bus Folk (1975-1979) (Crazytown Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Scissor People (1986-1989) (Bigmill Studios)
- Scooter! (1975-1977) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Secrets Of The Hutchens' House (1999-2005) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Serious Show Update! (2006-2008) (Hi-Five Studios/Bigmill Studios)
- Several Mountain (2008-2010) (Stillman Productions)
- Shadow Birdies (1991-1993) (Fort Studios)
- Sharks: Water Police (1990-1993) (Lantern Co.)
- Shiner's Airplane (1985-1989) (Fort Studios)
- Shlack And The Beanstalk (1975-1978) (Hi-Five Studios/Fern Productions)
- Shoe World (2015-2016) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Shoulda' Coulda' Woulda' (2000-2003) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Silver Mouse (1988-1991) (East Sun Action Inc)
- Simon Bowtie (1970-1974) (Fort Studios)
- Simon's Time Machine (2007-2008) (The Mel Warks Company/Fern Productions)
- Simpleton (2012-2015) (Don Callen Productions)
- Sittin' Downer! (1985-1988) (Crazytown Studios)
- Sk8ter Boi (1993-1994) (Baffin Television Productions)
- Skelle 101 (1995) (Movie) (Brikton Studios)
- Skimpy & Bonehead (1987-1991) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Skururoff And Dinglepop (1998-2002) (Crazytown Studios)
- Skywalkers (2008-2009) (Stillman Productions)
- Slime Realm (2006-2012) (Darkwest)
- Smart-T-Pants! (2011-2012) (Blazer Studios)
- Smile For Awhile! (2007-2013) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Smile Stone (1985-1987) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Snake's Adventures (1979-1982) (Fort Studios)
- So What? (1990-1993) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Something Happened... (2015-2017) (East Sun Action Inc)
- Space-Kitten (2009) (TV Special) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Spiez (1983-1985) (Blazer Studios)
- Spinback (1998-2002) (Bigmill Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Spoon & Fork (1978-1984) (Crazytown Studios)
- Sportsmen (1989-1991) (Darkwest)
- Spunky Monkey (1985-1987) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Spygirl's Adventures (1995-1999) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Spyral (2002-2004) (Miller Productions/Jon Howard Productions)
- Square-Heads (2001-2002) (Bigmill Studios)
- Squares (1979-1980) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Squawk-Box (1989-1991) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Squeaky Head (2004-2006) (D.Golden Studios)
- Staircase (1990-1994) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Starship Brown (1976-1980) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Starship Men (1985-1987) (Miller Productions)
- Startown (1999-2000) (Darkwest)
- Stickman Sam (1991-1995) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Sticky Robertson (2006-2008) (Birchmand Productions)
- Stone (1998-2002) (Darkwest)
- Stone House (1979-1981) (Fort Studios)
- Stoopy (1997-2000) (Fonnle Inc/Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Stories Of The Terror! (1999-2000) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Strange Birdies (2005-2007) (East Sun Comedy Inc)
- Strange Brandon (1997-2001) (Bigmill Studios)
- Stranger Than Fiction (1999-2000) (Bigmill Studios)
- Stuff On Myers! (2000-2004) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Summer Birdies (2004-2006) (East Sun Action Inc)
- Sunflower Enimies (2001) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Sunflower Friends (1998-2002) (Fort Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Super Bread (2008-2010) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Super Cars, Super Heros! (1988-1991) (East Sun Action Inc)
- Super Dino (1987-1991) (Fort Studios)
- Super Dog! (1984-1987) (Fort Studios)
- Super Dog! (2003) (Movie) (Fort Studios)
- Super Girl (1985-1988) (Fort Studios)
- Super Gramps! (1997-2000) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Super Grendale! (2016-2018) (Outerweird Co./Jon Howard Productions)
- Super Kittie's Baby (1998-2000) (Strange Gold Treasures)
- Super Kitty! (1990-1995) (Strange Gold Treasures/Hi-Five Studios)
- Super Pencil Crayons! (1982-1987) (East Sun Action Inc/Rip Studios)
- Super Spies? (2005) (Movie) (Brikton Studios)
- Super Stereo! (2004-2008) (The Mel Warks Company/Hi-Five Studios)
- Super Tankler (1993-1995) (D.Golden Studios)
- Super Toilet Paper (2004-2006, 2008) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Super Zero (1999-2002) (East Sun Comedy Inc./Jon Howard Productions)
- Super-Famous! (2005-2007) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Supermom! (2006-2012) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Surgeons (2009-2011) (D.Golden Studios)
- The Scoo Baby Adventures (1991-1992) (D.Golden Studios)
- The Secret Guys! (2015-2017) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- The Spraypaint Kids (2000-2005) (Darkwest)
- The Sticky Show (1984-1988) (Fort Studios)
- The Strong & The Weak (2018-2019) (Concept! Television Productions)
[edit]- T.N.T Tonight! (2006-2010) (Stillman Productions/Mckin Studios)
- Tales From Dream Rd. (2001-2003) (Darkwest/Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- Tapdancing Birdies (1980-1983) (Fort Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Technology Advanced (1975-1977) (Tech Company)
- Teen Birdies (1989-1994) (Fort Studios)
- Terror Fingers! (1985-1987) (Tech Company/Blazer Studios)
- Terry The Pterodactyl (1981-1984) (Crazytown Studios/Jon Howard Productions)
- That Red Guy! (1989-1991) (East Sun Action Inc)
- The Tale Of The Saw Monster (1990-1991) (Lantern Co.)
- The Terroichi Connection (2009-2010) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- The Toy Spell (2001) (Tv Movie) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
- The Triangazoids! (1993-1994) (Bigmill Studios/E! Studios)
- Them Things! (1982-1984) (Miller Productions)
- Theoryman (2014-2017) (Leon Inc/Baffin West Productions)
- Thin Camel (1986-1988) (Crazytown Studios/Blazer Studios)
- Thumb Suckin' Monkey! (1981-1984) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Timid City (1995-1997) (Darkwest/Mckin Studios)
- Tom & Joe Rob The Neighbors (2004-2010) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Tool Land (1990-1994) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Topp-World (1979-1980) (Lantern Co./Hi-Five Studios)
- Torgan (1999-2000) (New Bright Studios)
- Torque (1980-1983) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Total Drawn Island! (2009-2010) (Brikton Studios)
- Toybox Land (1997-2004) (Franco Productions/Sunvally West Productions)
- Trains (1976-1978) (Blazer Studios)
- Tree (2009-2012) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Tree Of M.I.T (2012-2013) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Triangle Angle (1999-2001) (Wctv Productions)
- Truck Mixer (2007-2008) (Bigmill Studios)
- Truck-Town (1999) (Birchmand Studios)
- Truckin' Terry (2007-2008) (Wctv Productions)
- Tuff Hut (2013-2016) (Lotlaughs Studios/Jim Stone Productions)
- Tuffdogs (1988-1991) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Tulapop's Adventures (1999-2002) (The Mel Warks Company/D. Golden Studios)
- Turning Human (2016-2017) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Twilbluck (1999-2002) (Lotlaughs Studios)
[edit]- Under The Ocean (1985-1991) (Crazytown Studios)
- Unfinished Show (2003) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Unkenny (2010-2011) (Stillman Productions/Fern Productions)
- Unusual! (2016-2017) (Jim Dyer's Action Studios)
[edit]- The V Man (1992-1994) (Wctv Productions)
- The Very Secret Adventures Of Wingman! (1998-2000) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Vamp (2015-2019) (Darkwest/Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Vision (1994-1998) (Hi-Five Studios)
[edit]- W6 (2005-2006) (Wctv Productions)
- Waitar's Day (2001-2004) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- We Solve Legends! (2009-2011) (Stillman Productions)
- Weird Case (2006-2009) (Stillman Productions)
- Weird Magaz (2000-2015) (M Studios)
- Weird! With James (2005-2006) (Miller Productions/Flowertone Studios)
- Weirdnoise (2000-2001) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Weirdnoise's Secret (2012) (Tv-Movie) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Well My Friends (2007) (Movie) (Strange Pictures)
- Wellz (1996-2000) (Strange Gold Treasures/Hi-Five Studios)
- What's Cool? (2000-2002) (D.Golden Studios/Lotlaughs Studios)
- What's New? (1993-1996) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Whos In The Crowd? (1982-1984) (E Studios)
- Whos In The House Today? (1974-1977) (E Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Why So Early? (2015-2016) (Sunvally West Productions)
- Wilf Forter's Daily Update (2011-2013) (Don Callen Productions)
- Willy (1999-2001) (Fort Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- Wilson The Walrus (1976-1978) (Blazer Studios)
- Windmill Waterson (2018-2020) (Perchdale Television Productions)
- Wingmen! (1993-2005) (Jim Dyer's Studios)
- Wingz (1988-1994) (Hi-Five Studios/Fern Productions)
- Winston White And The Dog Gang (1996-1998) (Hi-Five Studios)
- Wishler (1985-1987) (East Sun Comedy Inc/New Bright Studios)
- Wolf (2005-2006) (The Mel Warks Company/Fern Productions)
- Wolven Margret (2005-2007) (Bigmill Studios/D. Golden Studios)
- Woodlands (1985-1988) (Lotlaughs Studios/Jon Howard Productions)
- Worker (1977-1981) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- Wrestler's This Exit (1978-1983) (Crazytown Studios)
- The Weird Adventurer (2008-2010) (Outerweird Co./Don Callen Productions)
- The Wildside (1997-2001) (Fort Studios/Hi-Five Studios)
- The World Of Peggi(2003-2005) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Wreckless Paperboy (1995-1999) (Stillman Productions)
[edit]- X-E Men Adventures (2009) (Outerweird Co./Ranch Productions)
- X-Wars (1969-1990) (Lotlaughs Studios/Fort Studios)
[edit]- Yellowdog (1979-1983) (Lotlaughs Studios)
- The Ye Old New People (2005-2007) (Bigmill Studios)
[edit]- Zaph's Adventures (2008-2010) (Lotlaughs Comedy Team Inc)
- Zed (2009-2010) (Bigmill Studios)
- Zoob The Alien (1983-1987) (Crazytown Studios)
- Zugla (1980-1983) (Lotlaughs Studios)
See also
[edit]- Comedy
- Comedy film
- Farce
- List of BBC sitcoms
- Lists of comedy films
- List of comedy-drama television series
- List of theatrical comedies
- List of radio comedies
- Sitcom
- British comedy
External links