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== Overview ==
Stren, sometimes called Ztren, is a card game similar to Solitaire. Its name is the reversed spelling of Nerts (or Nertz), the card game which it is based on. Stren is a variation of Nertz in which the major elements of play are backwards. It is at this time a rare form of Nertz.

== History ==
The creators of Stren are Ryan Mayberry, Susie and Allie Caudill, and Scott and Megan Ruhmann. The game was developed around 1 AM on Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Lubbock, TX. The idea for this variation of Nertz came after all five players had prepared their stacks and discard piles. Ryan had several Kings showing in his discard stacks and joked that the group should play Nertz backwards. They instantly began working out the details of how such a deviation might be played. Before the round started, it was established that the game would be played in reverse for that round. As the designated game starter, Megan began each round of Stren by calling “Og” instead of “Go”. Scott won the first round of this game by calling both “Stern” and “Stren”. There was some confusion about the precise name of the game, and a discussion took place after the first round. Stern, Stren, and Ztren were all suggested, and the group eventually settled on Stren.

== Game Play ==
The two major differences between Nertz and Stren are in the discard stacks and the central play area. Players may stack cards on their discard piles in ascending order with alternating colors. Each stack in the center begins with a King, and cards of the same suit are played in descending order on top of those. When a player has played all 13 cards, he/she must call “Stren” to end game play. Otherwise, the rules are the same as Nertz.