[edit]One of the most immediately useful derivational affixes for the beginner is the prefix mal-, which derives antonyms: peza (heavy), malpeza (light); supren (upwards), malsupren (downwards); ami (to love), malami (to hate); lumo (light), mallumo (darkness). However, except in jokes, this prefix is not used when an antonym exists in the basic vocabulary: suda (south), not "malnorda" from 'north'; manki (to lack, intr.), not "malesti" from 'to be'.
The creation of new words through the use of grammatical (i.e. inflectional) suffixes, such as nura (mere) from nur (only), tiama (contemporary) from tiam (then), or vido (sight) from vidi (to see), is covered in the article on Esperanto grammar. What follows is a list of the main lexical affixes. Many of these, however, behave as any other word, in that their relative order in a compound is determined by semantics, not grammar; they are considered affixes for their historical derivation.
When a root receives more than one affix, the order does matter, as affixes modify the entire stem they're attached to. That is, the outer ones modify the inner ones. Most affixes are themselves roots, and as such have an inherent part of speech. This is indicated by the final part-of-speech vowel in the suffix list below. A few affixes do not affect the part of speech of the root; for the suffixes listed in the tables below, this is indicated by a hyphen in place of the final vowel.
List of lexical suffixes
[edit]-aĉ- | pejorative (expresses negative affect or a poor opinion of the object or action) | skribaĉi (to scrawl, from 'write'); veteraĉo (foul weather); domaĉo (a hovel); rigardaĉi (to gape at, from 'look at'); belaĉa (tawdry, from 'beautiful'); aĉigi (to screw up); aĉ ! (yuck!) |
-adi, -ado | frequent, repeated, or continual action (often imperfective); as a noun, an action or process | kuradi (to keep on running); parolado (a speech); adi (to carry on); ada (continual) |
-aĵo | a concrete manifestation; (with a noun root) a product | manĝaĵo (food, from 'eat'); novaĵo (news, novelty); glaciaĵo (an ice[cream]); bovaĵo (beef); aĉaĵo (junk); aĵo (a thing); |
-ano | a member, follower, participant, inhabitant | kristano (a Christian); marksano (a Marxist); usonano (a US American) [cf. amerikano (a continental American)]; ŝipano (a crew member); samkursano (a classmate, from 'same' and 'course'); samideano (a kindred spirit, from 'same' and 'idea'); ano (a member) |
-aro | a collective group without specific number | arbaro (a forest, from 'tree'); vortaro (a dictionary, from 'word' [a set expression]); homaro (humanity, from 'human' [a set expression; 'crowd, mob' is homamaso]); ŝafaro (a flock of sheep); ŝiparo (an armada, from 'ship'); anaro (a society [group of members]); aro (a herd, group, set) |
-ĉjo | masculine affectionate form; the root is truncated | Joĉjo (Jack); paĉjo (daddy); fraĉjo (bro); amiĉjo (dear friend); la iĉjoj (the 'boys') |
-ebla | possible | kredebla (believable); videbla (visible); eble (possibly) |
-eco | an abstract quality | amikeco (friendship); boneco (goodness); italeca (Italianesque); ecaro (character [sum of qualities]) |
-eg- | augmentative; sometimes pejorative connotations when used with people | domego (a mansion); virego (a giant); librego (a tome); varmega (boiling hot); ridegi (to guffaw); ega (great, humongous) |
-ejo | a place characterized by the root (not used for toponyms) | lernejo (a school, from 'to learn'), vendejo (a store, from 'to sell'), juĝejo (a court, from 'to judge'), kuirejo (a kitchen, from 'to cook'), hundejo (a kennel, from 'dog'), senakvejo (a desert, from 'without water'); devenejo (provenance, from deveni 'come from'); ejo (the appropriate place) |
-ema | having a propensity, tendency | ludema (playful), parolema (talkative), kredema (credulous); brulema (flammable); emo (inclination); malema (unwilling) |
-enda | mandatory | pagenda (payable), legendaĵo (required reading) |
-ero | the smallest part | ĉenero (a link, from 'chain'); fajrero (a spark, from 'fire'); neĝero (a snowflake, from 'snow'), kudrero (a stitch, from 'sew'), lignero (a splinter, from 'wood'); okulero (an ommatidium, from 'eye'), vortero (a morpheme, from 'word'); ero (a crumb etc); eriĝema (friable) |
-estro | a leader, boss | lernejestro (a school principal); urbestro (a mayor, from 'city'); centestro (a centurion, from 'hundred'); estraro (board of directors) |
-et- | diminutive; sometimes affectionate connotations when used with people | dometo (a hut); libreto (a booklet); varmeta (lukewarm); rideti (to smile); rompeti (to crack, fracture); boleti (to simmer); ete (slightly) |
-io | a country named after a geographic feature, and now after an ethnicity | Meksikio (Mexico, from Meksiko 'Mexico City'); Niĝerio (Nigeria, from Niĝero 'the river Niger'); Anglio (England, from Anglo 'English person'); patrio (fatherland, from 'father') [cannot be used as a root io, as that means 'something'] |
-iĉo | male [unofficial] | (see gender below) |
-ido | an offspring, descendent | katido (a kitten); reĝido (a prince, from 'king'); arbido (a sapling, from 'tree'); izraelido (an Israelite); ido (a kit, pup, kid, etc.); idaro (a clan, tribe) |
-igi | to make, to cause (transitivizer/causative) | mortigi (to kill, from 'die'); purigi (to clean); konstruigi (to have built); igi (to cause) |
-iĝi | to become (intransitivizer/inchoative/middle voice) | amuziĝi (to enjoy oneself); naskiĝi (to be born); ruĝiĝi (to blush, from 'red'); aniĝi (to join [become a member]); iĝi (to become) |
-ilo | an instrument | ludilo (a toy, from 'play'); tranĉilo (a knife, from 'cut'); helpilo (a remedy, from 'help'); solvilo (solution, from 'solve'); ilo (a tool); ilaro (equipment, set of tools) |
-ino | female | bovino (a cow); patrino (a mother); studentino (a co-ed); ino (a female) |
-inda | worthy of | memorinda (memorable); kredinda (credible); fidinda (dependable, trustworthy); kriindaĵo (something to cry about); inda (worthy) |
-ingo | a holder, sheath | glavingo (a scabbard, from 'sword'); kandelingo (a candle-holder); dentingo (a tooth socket); ŝraŭbingo (a nut, from 'bolt'), piedingo (stirrup, from 'foot'); kuglingo (a cartridge, from 'bullet'); ingo (a socket etc.) |
-ismo | a doctrine, system (as in English) | komunismo (Communism); kristanismo (Christianity); ismo (an ism) |
-isto | person professionally or avocationally occupied with an idea or activity (a narrower use than in English) | instruisto (teacher); dentisto (dentist); abelisto (a beekeeper), komunisto (a communist) |
-njo | feminine affectionate form; the root is truncated | Jonjo (Joanie); panjo (mommy); anjo (granny); vanjo (nurse/nanny); aminjo (dear friend); la injoj (the 'girls', from -ino) |
-obla | multiple | duobla (double); trioble (triply); oble (more than once) |
-ono | fraction | duona (half [of]); centono (one hundredth); dekonaĵo (a tithe); ono (a fraction); onigi (to divide into equal parts) |
-ope | in a collective group of specific number | duope (two together; by twos: = po du); triopo (a trilogy); kiomope (how many together?); arope (together in a group); gutope (drop by drop: = pogute); unuopa (isolated, individual); opo (a group, unit, team); opa (collective) |
-ujo | a (loose) container, country (archaic when referring to a political entity), a tree of a certain fruit (archaic) | monujo (a purse, from 'money'); salujo (a saltshaker); lavujo (a washbasin); abelujo (a beehive); Anglujo (England [Anglio in current usage]); Kurdujo (Kurdistan, the Kurdish lands); pomujo (appletree [now pomarbo]); ujo (a container) |
-ulo | one characterized by the root | junulo (a youth); sanktulo (a saint, from 'holy'); abocoulo (a beginning reader, from aboco "ABC's"); mamulo (a mammal, from 'breast'); proksimulo (a neighbor, from 'near'); multinfanulino (a woman with many children, from multa 'many' and infano 'child'); senindulo (someone without merit, from 'without' and the suffix -ind); aĉulo ~ ulaĉo (a wretch, from the suffix aĉ); tiamulo (a contemporary, from 'then'); etulino (a whisp of a girl); ulo (a fellow) |
-um- | undefined ad hoc suffix (used sparingly) | kolumo (a collar, from 'neck'); krucumi (to crucify, from 'cross'); malvarmumo (a cold, from 'cold'); plenumi (to fulfill, from 'full'); brakumi (to hug, from 'arm'); amindumi (to woo, from 'lovable'); dekstrume (clockwise, from 'right'); deksesuma (hexadecimal); umo (a thingamajig); um … ('uhm', 'uh', 'er' etc.) |
List of prefixes
[edit]bo- | relation by marriage, -in-law | bopatro (a father-in-law); boedziĝi (to marry one's dead brother's wife, from edziĝi 'to marry'); boedzino (a sister-wife); boamiko ([jocular] a friend of one's spouse) |
dis- | separation, scattering | disĵeti (to throw about); dissendi (to distribute); disatomi (to split by atomic fission); disliberiĝi (to escape in all directions, like pages dropping en masse from a book with a disintegrated binding); dis! (scram!) |
ek- | beginning, sudden, or momentary action (often perfective) | ekbrili (to flash); ekami (to fall in love); ekkrii (to cry out); eki (to start); ekde (inclusive 'from'); ek al la batalo! (off to war!); ek! (hop to!) |
eks- | former, ex- | eksedzo (an ex-husband); eksbovo (a steer [jocular, from 'bull']); Eks la estro! (Down with our leader!) |
fi- | shameful, nasty | fihomo (a wicked person); fimensa (foul-minded); fivorto (a profane word); Fi al vi! (Shame on you!) |
ge- | both sexes together | gepatroj (parents); gepatrano (a parent); gesinjoroj (ladies and gentlemen); la geZamenhofoj (the Zamenhofs); gelernejo (a coeducational school); gedormi (to sleep together); geulo (a hermaphrodite); geiĝi (to pair up, to mate); gea (heterosexual) |
mal- | antonym | malgranda (small); malriĉa (poor); malino (a male [jocular]); maldekstrume (counter-clockwise) |
mis- | incorrectly, awry | misloki (to misplace); misakuzi (to wrongly accuse); misfamiga (disparaging, from fama 'well-known' and the causative suffix -ig) |
pra- | great-(grand-), primordial, proto- | praavo (a great-grandfather); prapatro (a forefather); prabesto (a prehistoric beast); prahindeŭropa (Proto-Indoeuropean) |
re- | over again, back again | resendi (to send back); rekonstrui (to rebuild); reaboni (to renew a subscription); rebrilo (reflection, glare, from 'shine'); reira bileto (a return ticket, from iri 'to go'); ĝis (la) revido (au revoir, from ĝis 'until' and vido 'sight') |
There are, in addition, affixes not listed here: technical affixes, such as the biological family suffix -edo seen in numidedo (Guineafowls); a few taken from Ido, such as -oza (full of) in montoza (mountainous), muskoloza (muscular), poroza (porous); and literary or poetic proposals at varying degrees of acceptance, such as the laudative (praising) suffix -el- in skribelo (fine penmanship) [compare skribaĉo (scrawl)], or kia domelo! (what a house!) [compare domaĉo (hovel)].
Lexical (i.e. derivational) affixes may act as roots by taking one of the grammatical suffixes: mala (opposite), eta (slight), ano (a member), umo (a doohickey), eble (possibly), iĝi (to become), ero (a bit, a crumb). Also, through compounding, lexical roots may act as affixes: vidi (to see), povi (to be able to), vidpova (able to see, not blind); ĉefo (head, chief), urbo (a city), ĉefurbo (a capital). It is quite common for prepositions to be used as prefixes: alveni (to arrive), from al (to) and veni (come); senespera (hopeless), from sen (without) and espero (hope); pripensi (to consider), from pri (about) and pensi (to think); vendi pogrande (sell wholesale), from po (at the rate of) and grande (large [quantity]), etc. There is even aliĝilo (registration form), from the preposition al (to) and the suffixes -iĝ- (to become) and -ilo (a tool).