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==[[Dam page]]==

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Theanphibian/conversion tool
Tokuyama Dam
Tokuyama Dam
Left side:Ibigawa, Gifu, Higashisuibara

Right side:Ibigawa, Gifu Higashisuibara

Coordinates 35° 39 55° N
river(s) Kiso River-Ibi River
Lake of the dam To be named
Dam Type Rock fill dam
Numerical Characteristics
Height 161.0 m
Length 427.1 m
Dam volume 13,700,000
Reservoir Volume 660,000,000 m³
Utilized Volume 380,400,000 m³
River basin area 254.5 km²
Reservoir area 1,300.0 ha
Dam use Flood Control・Irrigation


Owner EPDC

→Ministry of Construction
Chubu Office
→Japan Water Agency

Operator EPDC

→Chubu Electric

Electric Generators
Tokuyama generator


Construction Company Kumagai Gumi

Taisei Corporation
Asunaro Aoki Construction

Construction start/end 1971/2008
Notes    350 billion yen total cost
Template (Talk Info) WP:E

{{User:Theanphibian/new version
| picture = image:Tokuyama-958-r1.JPG
| address = Left side:Ibigawa, Gifu, Higashisuibara
Right side:Ibigawa, Gifu Higashisuibara
| coordinate = 35°39′55″N 136°30′08″E / 35.66528°N 136.50222°E / 35.66528; 136.50222
| rivers = Kiso River-Ibi River
| lake = To be named
| type = Rock fill dam
<!-- Numbers -->
| height = 161.0
| length = 427.1
| dam_volume = 13,700,000
| capacity_volume = 660,000,000
| storage_volume = 380,400,000
| catchment_area = 254.5
| inundation_area = 1,300.0
| utilization = Flood ControlIrrigation
| owner = EPDC
Ministry of Construction
Chubu Office
Japan Water Agency
| utility = EPDC
Chubu Electric
| generators = Tokuyama generator
| construction = Kumagai Gumi
Taisei Corporation
Asunaro Aoki Construction
| started = 1971
| finished = 2008
| notes =   350 billion yen total cost

Theanphibian/conversion tool
Image:Arimine Dam survey.jpg
Right river bank:Toyama, Toyama, Arimine
Left river bank:Toyama, Toyama, Arimine
Coordinates 36°29′22″N 137°26′55″E / 36.48944°N 137.44861°E / 36.48944; 137.44861
river(s) Joganji river, Wada river
Lake of the dam Arimine Lake
Dam Type Concrete Gravity Dam
Numerical Characteristics
Height 140.0 m
Length 500.0 m
Dam volume 1,568,000
Reservoir Volume 222,000,000 m³
Utilized Volume 204,000,000 m³
River basin area 220.0 km²
Reservoir area 512.0 ha
Dam use Hydroelectricity
Owner Hokuriku Electric
Operator Hokuriku Electric
Electric Generators
Wada I
Wada II
Arine I
Construction Company Maeda Corporation
Construction start/end 1956/1959
Template (Talk Info) WP:E

{{User:Theanphibian/new version
| picture = image:Miyama-568-r1.jpg
| address = 左岸:栃木県那須塩原市百村字深山
| coordinate = 37°05′21″N 139°54′16″E / 37.08917°N 139.90444°E / 37.08917; 139.90444
| rivers = 那珂川水系那珂川
| lake = 深山湖
| type = アスファルトフェイシングフィルダム
<!-- Numbers -->
| height = 75.5
| length = 333.8
| dam_volume = 1,967,000
| capacity_volume = 25,800,000
| storage_volume = 20,900,000
| catchment_area = 66.4
| inundation_area = 97.0
| utilization = 灌漑上水道発電
| owner = 農林省関東農政局
| utility = 電源開発
| generators = 沼原発電所
| construction = 大林組
| started = 1968年
| finished = 1973年
| notes = 

Theanphibian/conversion tool
Okutadami dam


Coordinates Template:ウィキ座標2段度分秒
river(s) 阿賀野川水系只見川
Lake of the dam 奥只見湖


Dam Type 重力式コンクリートダム
Numerical Characteristics
Height 157.0 m
Length 480.0 m
Dam volume 1,636,000
Reservoir Volume 601,000,000 m³
Utilized Volume 458,000,000 m³
River basin area 595.1 km²
Reservoir area 1,150.0 ha
Dam use 発電
Owner 電源開発
Operator 電源開発
Electric Generators

奥只見(維持流量)発電所 (2,700kW)

Construction Company 鹿島建設
Construction start/end 1953/1960
Template (Talk Info) WP:E

{{User:Theanphibian/new version
| picture = [[image:Okutadamidam-0A3N80pbxFs6g.JPG|300px|Okutadami dam]]
| address = 左岸:新潟県魚沼市湯之谷芋川
| coordinate = 37°09′13.2″N 139°15′00.3″E / 37.153667°N 139.250083°E / 37.153667; 139.250083
| rivers = 阿賀野川水系只見川
| lake = 奥只見湖
| type = 重力式コンクリートダム
<!-- Numbers -->
| height = 157.0
| length = 480.0
| dam_volume = 1,636,000
| capacity_volume = 601,000,000
| storage_volume = 458,000,000
| catchment_area = 595.1
| inundation_area = 1,150.0
| utilization = 発電
| owner = 電源開発
| utility = 電源開発
| generators = 奥只見発電所
| construction = 鹿島建設
| started = 1953
| finished = 1960
| notes = 

Theanphibian/conversion tool
No image yet available
Coordinates {{{座標}}}
river(s) {{{河川}}}
Lake of the dam {{{ダム湖}}}
Dam Type {{{ダム形式}}}
Numerical Characteristics
Height {{{堤高}}} m
Length {{{堤頂長}}} m
Dam volume {{{堤体積}}}
Reservoir Volume {{{総貯水容量}}} m³
Utilized Volume {{{有効貯水容量}}} m³
River basin area {{{流域面積}}} km²
Reservoir area {{{湛水面積}}} ha
Dam use {{{利用目的}}}
Owner {{{事業主体}}}
Operator {{{電気事業者}}}
Electric Generators
Construction Company {{{施工業者}}}
Construction start/end [[{{{着工年}}}]]/[[{{{竣工年}}}]]
Notes {{{備考}}}
Template (Talk Info) WP:E

{{User:Theanphibian/new version
| picture = [[image:Minamiaiki Dam.jpg|center|300px|南相木ダム]]
| address = 長野県南佐久郡南相木村南相木国有林地先
| coordinate = 36°00′16″N 138°39′13″E / 36.00444°N 138.65361°E / 36.00444; 138.65361
| rivers = 信濃川水系相木川左支
| lake = 奥三川湖
| type = 中央土質遮水壁型
<!-- Numbers -->
| height = 136.0
| length = 444.0
| dam_volume = 7,300,000
| capacity_volume = 19,170,000
| storage_volume = 12,670,000
| catchment_area = 6.2
| inundation_area = 59.0
| utilization = 発電
| owner = 東京電力
| utility = 東京電力
| generators = 神流川発電所
| construction = 前田建設工業
| started = 1995年
| finished = 2005年
| notes = 

Theanphibian/conversion tool
The greater valley of Ueno, Gunma
Coordinates 36°03′11″N 138°42′16″E / 36.05306°N 138.70444°E / 36.05306; 138.70444
river(s) 利根川水系烏川右支神流川
Lake of the dam 奥神流湖
Dam Type 重力式コンクリートダム
Numerical Characteristics
Height 120.0 m
Length 350.0 m
Dam volume 720,000
Reservoir Volume 18,400,000 m³
Utilized Volume 12,670,000 m³
River basin area 31.2 km²
Reservoir area 56.0 ha
Dam use 発電
Owner 東京電力
Operator 東京電力
Electric Generators


Construction Company ハザマ・飛島建設・


Construction start/end 1995/2005
Template (Talk Info) WP:E

{{User:Theanphibian/new version
| picture = [[image:Ueno-3281-r1.jpg|300px|上野ダム]]
| address = 左岸:群馬県多野郡上野村大字楢原字本谷
| coordinate = 36°03′11″N 138°42′16″E / 36.05306°N 138.70444°E / 36.05306; 138.70444
| rivers = 利根川水系烏川右支神流川
| lake = 奥神流湖
| type = 重力式コンクリートダム
<!-- Numbers -->
| height = 120.0
| length = 350.0
| dam_volume = 720,000
| capacity_volume = 18,400,000
| storage_volume = 12,670,000
| catchment_area = 31.2
| inundation_area = 56.0
| utilization = 発電
| owner = 東京電力
| utility = 東京電力
| generators = 神流川発電所
| construction = ハザマ飛島建設
| started = 1995年
| finished = 2005年
| notes = 