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User:Tomruen/Composite polytope

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A composite polytope is a polytope that can can be decomposed into orthogonal elements. Examples include prisms, duoprisms, pyramids, bipyramids, duopyramids.

Four operators


There are four classes that can be expressed as product operators on f-vectors.

The join, with descending wedge symbol ∨, include both f-1, and fn. The rhombic sum only includes f-1, and its dual rectangular product only includes fn. The meet includes neither and only applies to flat elements.

For instance a triangle has f-vector (3,3), with 3 vertices (f0) and 3 edges (f1). Extended with the nullitope (f-1) gives f=(1,3,3), extending with the (polygonal interior) body (f2) gives f=(3,3,1), while extending both is f=(1,3,3,1).

The rhombic sum and rectangular product are dual operators, with f-vectors reversed. The join and rhombic sums shares vertex counts, summing vertices in elements. The rectangular and meet products also share vertex counts, being the product of the element vertex counts.

The meet product, with wedge symbol ∧, is the same as Cartesian product if elements are infinite. Meets are not connected unless polytopes are polygons or higher.

An n-polytope existing in a space higher than n-dimensions, it can be categorized as skew. It does not have a well-defined interior.

Four product operators on polytopes
Operator names Symbols Powers f-vector Polytope names
Pyramid product[3][4]
A ∨ B
A ⋈ B
A ×1,1 B
n ⋅ A
n ⋅ ( )
A ∨ ( ) = Pyramid
A ∨ { } = Wedge
A ∨ B = Duowedge
A ∨ B ∨ C = Tri-wedge
n ⋅ A = A-topal n-wedge
(n+1) ⋅ ( ) = n-simplex, αn
"Rhombic sum"[1]
Direct sum[2]
Tegum product[3]
A + B
A ⊕ B
A ×1,0 B
n A
n { }
A + { } = Fusil or bipyramid
A + B = Duofusil or duopyramid
A + B + C = Tri-fusil
n A = A-topal n-fusil
n { } = n-fusil, n-orthoplex, βn
n {p} = p-gonal n-fusil
Rectangular product[1]
Cartesian product[2]
Prism product[3]
A ×0,1 B
{ }n
A×{ } = Prism
A×B = Duoprism, duoprism
A×B×C = Tri-prism
An = A-topal n-prism
{ }n = n-prism, n-cube, γn
{p}n = p-gonal n-prism
Topological product[2]
Comb product[4]
Torus product
A ∧ B
A □ B
A ×0,0 B
{ }(n)
(fA)*(2) = (2fA)
(fA)*(fB) = (fA*fB)
(fA)*(fB)*(fC) = (fA*fB*fC)
(fA)n = (fAn)
(p,p)n = p(1,1)n
(∞,∞)n = ∞(1,1)n
(2)n = (2n)
A ∧ { } = Skew meet
A ∧ B = Skew duomeet
A ∧ B ∧ C = Skew tri-meet
A(n) = Skew A-topal n-meet
{p}(n) = Reg. skew p-gonal n-meet
{∞}(n) = cubic n-comb, δn+1
{ }(n) = Skew dionic n-meet
Hybrid product operators on polytopes
Operator names Symbols Powers f-vector Polytope names
Prism-meet A ⋋ B
A ⋌ B
A ⋋ { } = Semi-prism
{ } ⋋ A = Open-prism
A ⋋ B = Semi-duoprism


Four product operators on polytopes

Rank Polytope
Join product[2]
Pyramid product[3][4]
A ∨ B
A ⋈ B
A ×1,1 B

(1,fA,1) * (1,fB,1)
Rank(A) + Rank(B)+1 A ∨ ( ) = pyramid
A ∨ { } = wedge
A ∨ B = duowedge
A ∨ B ∨ C = tri-wedge
3D polyhedron
{ } ∨ { }
or {3,3}
[2,1] or [4,2+]
Dionic wedge

= (1,4,6,4,1)
4D skew polyhedron
3{ } ∨ { }

Trionic wedge

= (1,5,8,5,1)
4D polychoron
{3} ∨ { }
or {3,3,3}
Triangular wedge

5D polyteron
{3,3} ∨ { }
or {3,3,3,3}
Tetrahedral wedge

5D skew polyhedron
3{ } ∨ 3{ }

[3,2,3,1] or [[3,2,3],1]
Trionic duowedge

= (1,6,11,6,1)
5D skew polychoron
{3} ∨ 3{ }

Triangle-trion duowedge

5D polyteron
{3} ∨ {3}

= 2⋅{3} or {3,3,3,3}
[3,2,3,1] or [[3,2,3],1]
Triangular duowedge

6D polypeton
{3,3} ∨ {3}
or {3,3,3,3,3}
Tetrahedron-triangle duowedge

7D polyexon
{3,3} ∨ {3,3}

= 2⋅{3,3} or {3,3,3,3,3,3}
Tetrahedral duowedge

"Rhombic sum"[1]
Direct sum[2]
Tegum product[3]
A + B
A ⊕ B
A ×1,0 B

(1,fA) * (1,fB)
Rank(A) + Rank(B) A + { } = fusil
or bipyramid
A + B = duofusil
or duopyramid
A + B + C = tri-fusil
2D polygon
{ } + { }
= 2{ } or {4}
[ ]2 = [2] or [4]
Dionic fusil

(1,2)*(1,2) = (1,4,4)
3D skew polygon
3{ } + { }

Trionic fusil

(1,3)*(1,2) = (1,5,6)
3D polyhedron
{3} + { }

Triangular fusil

(1,3,3)*(1,2) = (1,5,9,6)
4D polychoron
{3,3} + { }

Tetrahedral fusil

(1,4,6,4)*(1,2) = (1,6,14,16,8)
4D skew polygon
3{ } + 3{ }
= 23{ }
[3,2,3] or [[3,2,3]]
Trionic duofusil

(1,3)*(1,3) = (1,6,9)
4D skew polyhedron
{3} + 3{ }

Triangle-trion duofusil

(1,3,3)*(1,3) = (1,6,12,9)
4D polychoron
{3} + {3}
or 2{3}
[3,2,3] or [[3,2,3]]
Triangular duofusil

(1,3,3)*(1,3,3) = (1,6,15,18,9)
5D polyteron
{3,3} + {3}

Tetrahedron-triangle duofusil

(1,4,6,4)*(1,3,3) = (1,7,21,34,30,12)
6D polypeton
{3,3} + {3,3}

= 2{3,3}
Tetrahedral duofusil

(1,4,6,4)*(1,4,6,4) = (1,8,28,56,68,48,16)
Rectangular product[1]
Cartesian product[2]
Prism product[3]
A × B
A ×0,1 B

(fA,1) * (fB,1)
Rank(A) + Rank(B) A × { } = prism
A × B = duoprism
A × B × C = tri-prism
2D polygon
{ } × { }

= { }2 or {4}
[ ]2 = [2] or [4]
Dionic prism

(2,1)*(2,1) = (4,4,1)
3D skew polygon
3{ } × { }

Trionic prism

(3,1)*(2,1) = (6,5,1)
3D polyhedron
{3} × { }

Triangular prism

(3,3,1)*(2,1) = (6,9,5,1)
4D polychoron
{3,3} × { }

Tetrahedral prism

(4,6,4,1)*(2,1) = (8,16,14,6,1)
4D skew polygon
3{ } × 3{ }
= 3{ }2
[3,2,3] or [[3,2,3]]
Trionic duoprism

(3,1)*(3,1) = (9,6,1)
4D skew polyhedron
{3} × 3{ }

Triangle-trion duoprism

(3,3,1)*(3,1) = (9,12,6,1)
4D polychoron
{3} × {3}
or {3}2
[3,2,3] or [[3,2,3]]
Triangular duoprism

(3,3,1)*(3,3,1) = (9,18,15,6,1)
5D polyteron
{3,3} × {3}

Tetrahedron-triangle duoprism
(4,6,4,1)*(3,3,1) = (12,30,34,21,7,1)
6D polychoron
{3,3} × {3,3}

= {3,3}2
Tetrahedral duoprism

(4,6,4,1)*(4,6,4,1) = (16,48,68,56,28,8,1)
Topological product[2]
Comb product[4]
Torus product
Skew product
A ∧ B
A □ B
A ×0,0 B

fA * fB
Rank(A) + Rank(B)-1 A ∧ { } = meet
A ∧ B = duomeet
A ∧ B ∧ C = tri-meet
2D skew 1-polytope
{ } ∧ { }

= 2,2{ } or 4{ }
[ ]2 = [2] or [4]
Dionic meet

(2)*(2) = (4)
3D skew 1-polytope
3{ } ∧ { }

= 3,2{ }
Trionic meet

(3)*(2) = (6)
3D skew polygon
{3} ∧ { }

Triangular meet

(3,3)*(2) = (6,6)
4D skew polyhedron
{3,3} ∧ { }

Tetrahedral meet

(4,6,4)*(2) = (8,12,8)
4D skew 1-polytope
3{ } ∧ 3{ }

= 3,3{ }
= 3{ }(2)
[3,2,3] or [[3,2,3]]
Trionic duomeet

(3)*(3) = (9)
4D skew polygon
{3} ∧ 3{ }

Triangle-trion duomeet

(3,3)*(3) = (9,9)
4D skew polyhedron
{3} ∧ {3}
= {4,4|3}
[3,2,3] or [[3,2,3]]
Triangular duomeet

(3,3)*(3,3) = (9,18,9)
5D skew polychoron
{3,3} ∧ {3}

Tetrahedron-triangle duomeet

(4,6,4)*(3,3) = (12,30,30,12)
6D skew polyteron
{3,3} ∧ {3,3}

= {3,3}(2)
Tetrahedral duomeet

(4,6,4)*(4,6,4) = (16,48,68,48,16)

A product A*B, with f-vectors fA and fB, fA∨B=fA*fB is computed like a polynomial multiplication polynomial coefficients.

For example for join of a triangle and dion, {3} ∨ { }:

fA(x) = (1,3,3,1) = 1 + 3x + 3x2 + x3 (triangle)
fB(x) = (1,2,1) = 1 + 2x + x2 (dion)
fA∨B(x) = fA(x) * fB(x)
= (1 + 3x + 3x2 + x3) * (1 + 2x + x2)
= 1 + 5x + 10x2 + 10x3 + 5x4 + x5
= (1,5,10,10,5,1) (triangle ∨ dion = 5-cell)


Description f-vectors Images
Join[1] / wedge sum
Join product[2]
Pyramid product[3]
A ∨ B
A ⋈ B
A ×1,1 B
(1,fA,1) * (1,fB,1)
{ }∨{ }
(3D) disphenoid
= (1,4,6,4,1)
{3}∨{ } triangular wedge
(4D) 5-cell
= (1,5,10,10,5,1)
{3}∨{3} triangle duowedge
(5D) 5-simplex
= (1,6,15,20,15,6,1)
({4}∨( ))∨{ } square pyramid wedge
= (1,7,21,30,21,7,1)
({3}+{ })∨{ } triangular bipyramid wedge
= (1,7,20,29,22,8,1)
{3}×{ }∨{ } triangular prism wedge
= (1,8,22,29,20,7,1)
{3,3}∨{ } tetrahedral wedge
(5D) 5-simplex
= (1,6,15,20,15,6,1)
{3,3}∨{3} tetrahedral-triangle duowedge
(6D) 6-simplex
= (1,7,21,35,35,21,7,1)
{4,3}∨{4} cubic-square duowedge
= (1,12,48,87,81,40,10,1)
{3,4}∨{4} octahedron-square duowedge
= (1,10,40,81,87,48,12,1)
{3,3}∨{3,3} tetrahedral duowedge
(7D) 7-simplex
= (1,8,28,56,70,56,28,8,1)
"Rhombic sum"[1]
Direct sum[2]
Tegum product[3]
A + B
A ⊕ B
A ×1,0 B
(1,fA) * (1,fB)
{ }+{ }
(2D) rhombus
= (1,4,4)
{3}+{ } triangular fusil
(3D) triangular bipyramid
= (1,5,9,6)
{3}+{3} triangular duofusil
(4D) 3-3 duopyramid
= (1,6,15,18,9)
({4}∨( ))+{ } square pyramid fusil
= (1,7,20,25,10)
({3}+{ })+{ } triangular bipyramid fusil
= (1,7,19,24,12)
{3}×{ }+{ } triangular prism fusil
= (1,8,28,21,23,10)
{3,3}+{ } tetrahedral fusil
(4D) tetrahedral bipyramid
= (1,6,14,16,8)
{3,3}+{3} tetrahedron-triangle duofusil
(5D) tetrahedron-triangle duopyramid
= (1,7,21,34,30,12)
{4,3}+{4} cube-square duofusil
(5D) Cubic-square duopyramid
= (1,12,48,86,72,24)
{3,4}+{4} octahedron-square duofusil
(5D) Octahedral-square duopyramid
= (1,10,40,80,80,32)
{3,3}+{3,3} tetrahedral duofusil
(5D) tetrahedral duopyramid
= (1,8,28,56,68,48,16)
Description f-vectors Images
Rectangular product[1]
Cartesian product[2]
Prism product[3]
A × B
A ×0,1 B
(fA,1) * (fB,1)
{ }×{ }
(2D) rectangle
= (4,4,1)
{3}×{ } triangular prism
(3D) trip
= (6,9,5,1)
{3}×{3} triangular duoprism
(4D) 3-3 duoprism triddip
= (9,18,15,6,1)
({4}∨( ))×{ } square pyramid prism
(4D) tisdip
= (10,25,20,7,1)
({3}+{ })×{ } triangular bipyramid prism
= (10,23,21,8,1)
{3}×{ }×{ } triangular prism prism
(4D) 3-4 duoprism
= (12,24,19,7,1)
{3,3}×{ } tetrahedral prism
(4D) tepe
= (8,16,14,6,1)
{3,3}×{3} tetrahedron-triangle duoprism
(5D) tratet
= (12,30,34,21,7,1)
{3,4}×{3} octahedron-triangle duoprism
(5D) troct
= (18,54,66,39,11,1)
{4,3}×{3} cube-triangle duoprism
(5D) trahex
= (24,60,62,33,9,1)
{3,4}×{4} octahedron-square duoprism
(5D) squahex
= (24,72,86,48,12,1)
{4,3}×{4} cube-square duoprism
(5D) 5-cube pent
= (32,80,80,40,10,1)
{3,3}×{3,3} tetrahedral duoprism
(6D) tetdip
= (16,48,68,56,28,8,1)
Meet product
Topological product[2]
Honeycomb product[3]
A ∧ B
A □ B
A ×0,0 B
fA * fB
{ }∧{ } = 4{ } dion meet
(1D/2D) regular skew tetron
= (4)
{3}∧{ } triangle meet
(2D/3D) regular skew hexagon
= (6,6)
{3}∧{3} = triangular duomeet
(3D/4D) {4,4|3} = {4,4}3,0
= (9,18,9)
({4}∨( ))∧{ } square pyramid meet
= (10,20,10)
({3}+{ })∧{ } triangular bipyramid meet
= (10,18,12)
({3}×{ })∧{ } triangular prism meet
= (12,18,10)
{3,3}∧{ } tetrahedral meet
= (8,12,8)
{3,3}∧{3} tetrahedron-triangle duomeet
= (12,30,30,12)
{3,4}∧{3} octahedron-triangle duomeet
= (18,54,60,24)
{4,3}∧{3} cube-triangle duomeet
= (24,60,54,18)
{3,4}∧{4} octahedron-square duomeet
= (24,72,80,32)
{4,3}∧{4} cube-square duomeet
= (32,80,72,24)
{3,3}∧{3,3} tetrahedral duomeet
= (16,48,68,48,16)

Skew 1-polytopes


Skew polytopes can be topologically connected or unconnected. Skew 1-polytopes can be drawn disconnected, but when part of a k-face of a larger polytope, the interior can be filled to show their relatedness.

Meet operators allow polytopes to be defined by "polytope holes" so can produce skew polytopes with prism ridges as facets.

As well, an operator ~P implies a polytope P is reduced by rank by one, making a complex skew polytope.

1-polytopes are self-dual.

Skew 1-polytopes
Notation { }∧{ } = 2,2{ }
= 4{ } = ~{4}
3{ }∧{ } = 3,2{ }
= ~~{3}×{ }
{ }∧{ }∧{ }= 2,2,2{ }
= ~~{4,3}
{ }∧{ }∧{ }∧{ }= 2,2,2,2{ }
= ~~~{4,3,3}
3{ }∧3{ }=3,3{ }
= ~~~{3}×{3}
3{ } = ~{3} 4{ } = ~{4} 5{ } = ~{5} 6{ } = ~{6}
Name Tetron Hexon Octon Hexadekon Enneon Trion Tetron Penton Hexon
Dimension 2 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 2
f-vector (2)*(2)=(4) (3)*(2)=(6) (2)3=(8) (2)4=(16) (3)2=(9) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Prisms and meets


Pair composites


For example { }×{ }, is a topological square.

Rank Operator Name f-vector Vertices Edges χ Image Dual
2 { }×{ }
Regular {4}
Dion prism
4 4 0
{ }+{ }
1 { }∧{ } =2,2{ }
Regular 4{ }
Dion meet
4 4 Self-dual

Triple composites


For example { }×{ }×{ }, is a topological cube has three skew version with meet operators. There are 2 skew polygons and 1 skew 1-polytope sharing all the vertices.

All the skew forms are vertex-transitive, while 2 can be considered regular: polyhedron {4,3}, skew polygon 4{ }×{ } and skew 1-polytope { }∧{ }∧{ } = 2,2,2{ }.

Rank Operator Name f-vector Vertices Edges Faces χ Image Dual
3 { }×{ }×{ } = { }3
{4}×{ }
Regular {4,3}
Dion triprism
Square prism
8 12 6 {4} 2
{ }+{ }+{ }
2 ({ }×{ })∧{ }
Regular {4}∧{ }
Rectangle meet
Square meet
8 8 0 Self-dual
2 ({ }∧{ })×{ }
4{ }×{ }
Dion meet prism
Tetron prism
8 6
4 {}, 2 4{}
({ }∧{ })+{ }
1 { }∧{ }∧{ } = { }(3)
Regular 2,2,2{ }
Dion tri-meet (2)*(2)*(2)
8 8 Self-dual

Quadruple composites


For example { }×{ }×{ }×{ }, is a topological tesseract. There are 4 skew polyhedra and 4 skew polygons sharing all the vertices, and finally one skew 1-polytope with 16 points.

All the skew forms are vertex-transitive, while 5 can be considered regular: 4-polytope {4,3,3}, skew polyhedron {4}∧{4} = 2{4}, skew polygon, 4}∧4{ }, and skew 1-polytope { }∧{ }∧{ }∧{ } = 2,2,2,2{ } = 4,4{ }.

Rank Operator Name f-vector Vertices Edges Faces Cells χ Image Dual
4 { }×{ }×{ }×{ } = { }4
{4}×{ }×{ }
Regular {4,3,3}
Dion prism prism prism
Square prism prism
Square duoprism
Tesseract, tes
16 32 24 8 0
{ }+{ }+{ }+{ }
3 ({ }×{ })∧({ }×{ }) = ({ }2)(2)
{4}∧({ }×{ })
Regular 2{4} ={4,4|4}
Rectangle duomeet
Square-rectangle duomeet
Square duomeet
16 32 16 0 Self-dual
3 ({ }×{ }×{ })∧{ }
({4}×{ })∧{ }
{4,3}∧{ }
Cuboid meet
Square prism meet
Cubic meet
16 24 12 4 {3,4}∧{ }
3 (({ }×{ })∧{ })×{ }
({4}∧{ })×{ }
Rectangle meet prism
Square meet prism
16 24 10 2 ({4}∧{ })+{ }
3 { }×{ }×({ }∧{ })
{4}×({ }∧{ })
{4}×4{ }
Rectangle-(dion meet) duoprism
Square-(dion meet) duoprism
Square-tetron duoprism
16 20 8 4 {4}+4{ }
2 ({ }×{ })∧{ }∧{ }
{4}∧{ }∧{ }
Regular {4}∧4{ }
Rectangle meet meet
Square meet meet
Square-tetron duomeet
16 16 0 Self-dual
2 (({ }∧{ })×{ })∧{ }
(4{ }×{ })∧{ }
Tetron prism meet (8,6)*(2)
16 12 4 (4{ }+{ })∧{ }
2 ({ }∧{ }∧{ })×{ }
2,2,2{ }×{ } = 2,4{ }×{ }
Dion tri-meet prism
Octon prism
16 10 6 2,4{ }+{ }
2 ({ }∧{ })×({ }∧{ })
4{ }×4{ }=4{ }2
Dion meet duoprism
Tetron duoprism
16 8 8 ({ }∧{ })+({ }∧{ })
1 { }∧{ }∧{ }∧{ } = { }(4)
4{ }∧4{ } = 4{ }(2)
Regular 4,4{ } or 2,2,2,2{ }
Tetron duomeet
Dion tetra-meet
16 16 Self-dual


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Geometries and TransformationNorman Johnson, 2018, 11.3 Pyramids, Prisms, and Antiprisms, p.163
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Products of abstract polytopes Ian Gleason and Isabel Hubard, 2016
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l https://bendwavy.org/klitzing/explain/product.htm
  4. ^ a b c d http://www.os2fan2.com/gloss/polytope.pdf