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This page is About Larcooligy-oligy. Where I find 5 diffrent studys and combine them showing the similarity. chemistry-mathmatics, socialstudies, geography -english, litature-languges, science-health-technoligy-computers. and multiplying with math can have an esttanchual outcome.2 using and making a map of any system a human a blue-print or travlers map,so weve counted how many ions a human has using chemistry and math,also geography by mapping the human body and,_arts,_and_social_sciences.documenting and learning from which is translation for us to study other cultures. Many ideas start by plans being organized and seeking them next is science and health! But with help of anatomy and freinds or partners  we couldnt get any futher than the next guy science has been documented and sent to the next person to add their input and knollege ions in the human system is used in friction energy wich scientificly is counted through algorythms and ai for healh benefits By using technology and computers. Thank you scientis Freinds and god the one I pray to wich is a non-judging beleif as social studies is a big part of the study is religon and beleifs fro the a.d. time period.