White House Nazareth
Juulirde Daneere
Yemre | White House Complex |
Golle imaaɗe | 18. century |
Has use | official residence |
Lesdinkeejum | White House |
Duungal | North America |
Lesdi | Dowlaaji Dentuɗi |
Nder laamoore | Washington, D.C. |
Located on street | Pennsylvania Avenue |
Location | Northwest |
Jonde kwa'odineto | 38°53′52″N 77°2′12″W |
Owned by | Federal Government of the United States |
Significant event | Burning of Washington, architectural reconstruction |
Inspired by | Leinster House, Château de Rastignac |
Color | white |
Operator | National Park Service |
Architect | James Hoban |
Architectural style | Neoclassical architecture |
Date of official opening | 1 Jolal 1800 |
Occupant | President of the United States, first family of the United States |
Has facility | bathroom, elevator |
Heritage designation | National Historic Landmark, District of Columbia Inventory of Historic Sites |
Street address | 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 |
Postal code | 20500 |
Phone number | +1-202-456-1414, +1-202-456-1111 |
Laawol ngol laamu anndani | https://www.whitehouse.gov |
Official blog URL | https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/ |
Has characteristic | built using slave labor |
State of use | in use |
TDD number | +1-202-456-6213 |
Official shop URL | https://www.whitehousegiftshop.com |
Contact page URL | https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ |
Category for the interior of the item | Category:Interior of the White House |
Category for the view from the item | Category:Views from the White House |
(Aarabeere:المسجد الأبيض, Al-Masjid Al-Abyad; Ebere: המסגד המסגד הלבן, HaMisgad HaLavan) ko juulirde nde jamaanu Ottomaan en woni e nder Naasaara, Isra'iila.[1] Nde woni ko e Harat Alghama walla "Quarter Juulirde" e nder caka luumo ɓooyngo Naasaret.[2] Minaret jumaa oo ina waɗi sifaa pencil,[2] koɗorɗe daneeje, e mbaydi ɓaleeri e dome ko yeru mahdi Ottomaan ndi heewi taweede e nder wuro ngoo fof. Daartol e jeyi
[waylu iwdi]
Pewnugol juulirde ndee ko laamɗo Misra biyeteeɗo Suleymaan Pasha al-Adil, rokki ɗum kaalis e nder feccere sakkitiinde e teeminannde sappo e jeetatiire, ko komisinaajo mawɗo Naasaret, hono Sheek Abdullaah al-Fahoum, ardii ɗum.[1] Nde mahiraa ko hakkunde 1804 e 1808. Sheek Abdullaah rokkaama hoolaare mayre e mbaadi waqf ; o ardii juulirde nde haa o maayi e hitaande 1815.[1] Yannge makko ina woni e nder galle jumaa oo.[2]
Caggal maayde Sheek Abdullaah, njuɓɓudi golle juulirde ndee waɗtaa e juuɗe Sheek Amin al-Fahoum.[2] Hannde, juulirde ndee ina jokki e wonde e nder waqf galle al-Fahoum, tawi ina jeyaa heen kadi khan pasha to laawol Casa Nova.[1] Ko gooto e iwdi Sheek Abdullaah, hono ʾAtif al-Fahoum ardii nde.[1]
Juulirde Daneere Naasaret nde Sheek Abdullaah mahi nde ngam mawninde laamu gonnooɗo guwerneer Ottomaan, Jazzar Pasha, gardinooɗo Suleymaan Pasha. Sheek Abdullaah suɓii "daneejo" ngam hollirde jamaanu keso laaɓɗo, annoore, e jam ngam weltinde hakkunde diineeji Nasaratu.[2]
Kuutoragol renndo
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki][waylu iwdi]
Ñalnde kala, hakkunde 100 e 200 neɗɗo ina tawtoree juulde kikiiɗe e kikiiɗe, tawa kadi ko 2 000 haa 3 000 neɗɗo tawtortee juulde ñalnde aset.[1]
Juulirde nden ɗon huuwa ummaatoore juulɓe Nazareth ngam hokkugo sukaaɓe worɓe janngirde diina nden boo ɗon wallita "scout troop" juulɓe, nde 400 sukaaɓe worɓe e rewɓe ɓe duuɓi maɓɓe jeenay e ko ɓuri ɗum ɗon tawtora.[1] Kadi ina waɗi musee ina waɗi kollirɗe kollitooje daartol Naasaret ɓooyngol.[3]
Galle Ƴeew kadi
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki][waylu iwdi]
Lislaam e nder Israayiil
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki][waylu iwdi]
^ Juppude haa:a b c d e f g Caad F. Emmett (1995). Ko caggal Basilika: Kerecee’en e juulɓe to Naasaret. Duɗal jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Chicago. 136 haa 138. ISBN 0-226-20711-0.
^ Juppu haa:a b c d e "Naasaret: nokku juulirde". Yiytu Israayiil. Mooftaa ko e asli mum ñalnde 3 marse 2016. Heɓtinaama ñalnde 1 lewru Duujal 2007.
^ "Galili:Naasaret". MiijoIsraayiil.com. Mooftaa ko e asli mum ñalnde 25 noowammbar 2007. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 1 desaambar 2007.