
精神病人 (过时术语)

From The Women's Library: Suffrage Collection; Created by the Suffrage Atelier
A suffragist postcard depicting a lunatic, symbolized by a moon.


现多改用“精神不健全的人英语non compos mentis”(person of unsound mind)以替代该术语。[11]



英格兰及威尔斯,《1890至1922年精神错乱法令》使用“精神病人”(lunatics),而《1930年精神治疗法令》改用“精神不健全的人”(person of unsound mind)以替代该法律术语,并将“收容所[12](asylum)一词替换为“精神病院”(mental hospital)。《1959年的精神健康法令》的表述则为“精神病”(mental illness)。“精神不健全的人”亦是1950年《欧洲人权公约》英文版中使用的术语,作为一种可以通过司法程序剥夺自由的人。根据《1946年国民保健署法令》,犯罪精神病人于1948年成为布罗德穆医院英语Broadmoor Hospital的患者。





  1. ^ 第29章 《受託人條例》 ── 第2條 釋義. www.elegislation.gov.hk. 电子版香港法例. [2023-01-08]. 
  2. ^ Great Britain Census Office. Census of England and Wales, 1901. (63 Vict. C.4.): Middlesex. 1902. Census of England and Wales, 1901 (H.M. Stationery Office). 1902, 33: xi. 
  3. ^ Vermont Commission to Revise the Statutory Laws. The Public Laws of Vermont, 1933: (proposed Revision).. The Public Laws of Vermont (Capital City Press, 1933). 1933: 424. 
  4. ^ 第3章 《陪審團條例》 ── 第3條 審訊所需的陪審員人數. www.elegislation.gov.hk. 电子版香港法例. [2023-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-19). 
  5. ^ Sherman, Amy. Allen West said the House voted to remove the word 'lunatic' from federal law. PolitiFact. 17 December 2012 [18 December 2012]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-04). 
  6. ^ Rotton, James; Kelly, I. W. Much ado about the full moon: A meta-analysis of lunar-lunacy research.. Psychological Bulletin. 1985, 97 (2): 286–306. PMID 3885282. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.97.2.286. 
  7. ^ Forbes, Lebo Jr., Gordon B., George R. Antisocial Behavior and Lunar Activity: A Failure to Validate the Lunacy Myth. Psychological Reports. 1977, 40 (3 Pt. 2): 1309–1310. PMID 897044. S2CID 34308541. doi:10.2466/pr0.1977.40.3c.1309. 
  8. ^ Riva, M. A.; Tremolizzo, L.; Spicci, M; Ferrarese, C; De Vito, G; Cesana, G. C.; Sironi, V. A. The Disease of the Moon: The Linguistic and Pathological Evolution of the English Term "Lunatic". Journal of the History of the Neurosciences. January 2011, 20 (1): 65–73. PMID 21253941. S2CID 5886130. doi:10.1080/0964704X.2010.481101. 
  9. ^ Frey, J.; Rotton, J.; Barry, T. The effects of the full moon on human behavior: Yet another failure to replicate. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied. 1979, 103 (2): 159–162 [2023-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-08). 
  10. ^ D.E., Campbell. Lunar–lunacy research: When enough is enough.. Environment and Behavior. 1982, 14 (4): 418–424. S2CID 144508020. doi:10.1177/0013916582144002. 
  11. ^ Lunacy. The American Cyclopædia. 1879 [2023-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-06). 
  12. ^ 第136章 《精神健康條例》 ── 第66條 法律的解釋. www.elegislation.gov.hk. 电子版香港法例. [2022-11-12]. 
  13. ^ Sherman, Amy. Allen West said the House voted to remove the word 'lunatic' from federal law. PolitiFact. 17 December 2012 [18 December 2012]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-04). 
  14. ^ An act to strike the word "lunatic" from Federal law, and for other purposes. United States Statutes at Large, 112th Congress, 2nd Session. December 28, 2012, 126: 1619–1620 [March 11, 2020]. Public Law 112–231. (原始内容存档于2023-02-06). 
  15. ^ Statement by the Press Secretary on H.J. Res. 122, H.R. 3477, H.R. 3783, H.R. 3870, H.R. 3912, H.R. 5738, H.R. 5837, H.R. 5954, H.R. 6116, H.R. 6223, S. 285, S. 1379, S. 2170, S. 2367, S. 3193, S. 3311, S. 3315, S. 3564, and S. 3642. whitehouse.gov. December 28, 2012 [27 October 2013]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-08) –通过National Archives. 

