



相對於男性心理的概念,男性研究計劃和課程通常包括當代討論男人的權利、男性主義女權主義理論、酷兒理論母系社會父權制,以及更普遍的男性和男子氣概的社會、歷史和文化建設。他們經常討論的問題,圍繞着看到周圍男性特權英語male privilege,演變成更微妙的形式,而不是消失在當今時代。

美國男性研究協會(American Men's Studies Association ,AMSA)追蹤有組織的男性研究領域至20世紀80年代初,以及學者的工作在參與反性別歧視的改變男性國家組織(National Organization for Changing Men,NOCM)下的被稱為男子的研究工作組(Men's Studies Task Group ,MSTG),其中包括馬丁·阿克爾(Mairtin Mac an Ghaill)、雪費布里斯、哈里·布羅德(Harry Brod)、山姆凡姆奧、馬丁費伯特和邁克爾·梅斯納(Michael Messner)。然而,男性研究的類別於也早於NOCM,以及少數遍佈了整個20世紀70年代在美國各地各高校任教的學者。









  • 通論
    • The Journal of Men's Studies (1992-)
    • Men and Masculinities (formerly Masculinities, and before that Men’s Studies Review) (Sage)
    • Psychology of Men & Masculinity (2000-)


  • Adams, Rachel, and David Savran. (eds). (2002). The Masculinity Studies Reader. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Avramenko, Richard. (2011) Courage: The Politics of Life and Limb. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
  • Berger, Maurice, Brian Wallis, and Simon Watson. (eds). (1995). Constructing Masculinity. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Blazina, Chris. (2003). The Cultural Myth of Masculinity. Westport, CT: Praeger
  • Blazina, C. (2008). The Secret Lives of Men: What Men Want You to Know About Love, Sex, and Relationships. Deerfield, FL: HCI.
  • Blazina, C., & Miller, D. (Eds.). (2010). An International Psychology of Men: Clinical Implications and Case Studies. New York: Routledge.
  • Bordo, Susan. (1999). The Male Body: A New Look at Men in Public and Private. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
  • Brod, Harry, and Michael Kaufman. (eds). (1994). Theorizing Masculinities. London: Sage.
  • Buchbinder, David. (1994). Masculinities and Identities. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
  • Buchbinder, David. (1998). Performance Anxieties: Re-producing Masculinity. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
  • Carver, Terrell (2004) Men in Political Theory. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Clatterbaugh, Kenneth. (1997). Contemporary Perspectives on Masculinity: Men, Women, and Politics in Modern Society. 2nd edition, Colorado & Oxford: Westview Press.
  • Connell, R.W. (1987). Gender and Power: Society, the Person and Sexual Politics. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
  • Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
  • Connell, R.W. (2000). The Men and the Boys. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
  • Digby, Tom. (ed.). (1998). Men Doing Feminism. New York & London: Routledge.
  • Edley, Nigel, and Margaret Wetherell. (1995). Men in Perspective: Practice, Power and Identity. London: Prentice-Hall.
  • Edwards, Tim. (1993). Erotics and Politics: Gay Male Sexuality, Masculinity, and Feminism. New York: Routledge.
  • Gardiner, Judith Kegan. (ed.). (2002). Masculinity Studies and Feminist Theory: New Directions. Columbia University Press.
  • Haddad, Tony. (ed.). (1993). Men and Masculinities: A Critical Anthology. Toronto: Canadian Scholars』 Press.
  • Hearn, Jeff, and David H.J. Morgan (eds). (1990). Men, Masculinities and Social Theory. London: Unwin Hyman.
  • Haywood, Chris, and Mairtin Mac an Ghaill (2003) Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research and Social Practice. Open University Press.
  • Katz, Jackson (2006) The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt women and how all men can help. Sourcebooks.
  • Kimmel, Michael S., Jeff Hearn and R. W. Connell (eds.) (2005) Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Kimmel, Michael S. (ed.). (1995). The Politics of Manhood: Profeminist Men Respond to the Mythopoetic Men’s Movement (and the Mythopoetic Leaders Answer). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
  • Kimmel, Michael S. (2000). The Gendered Society. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kimmel, Michael, and Amy Aronson (eds) (2003) Men and Masculinities: A social, cultural, and historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio Press.
  • Kimmel, Michael S., and Michael Messner. (eds). (1998). Men’s Lives. New York/Toronto: Macmillan/Maxwell (4th edition).
  • Kupers, Terry A. (1993). Revisioning Men’s Lives: Gender, Intimacy, and Power. New York & London: Guilford Press.
  • Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin (ed.). (1996). Understanding Masculinities: Social Relations and Cultural Arenas. Buckingham & Philadelphia: Open University Press.
  • May, Larry. (1998). Masculinity and Morality. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press.
  • May, Larry, and Robert Strikwerda. (eds). (1992). Rethinking Masculinity: Philosophical Explorations in Light of Feminism. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Messner, Michael A. (1997). Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements. University of Southern California: Sage.
  • Miedzian, Myriam. (1991). Boys Will Be Boys: Breaking the Link Between Masculinity and Violence. New York: Doubleday.
  • Pease, Bob. (1997). Men and Sexual Politics: Towards a Profeminist Practice. Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications.
  • Pease, Bob. (2000). Recreating Men: Postmodern Masculinity Politics. London: Sage.
  • Pease, Bob. (2002). Men and Gender Relations. Melbourne: Tertiary Press.
  • Petersen, Alan. (1998). Unmasking the Masculine: 『Men』 and 『Identity』 in a Sceptical Age. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Pfeil, Fred. (1995). White Guys: Studies in Postmodern Domination and Difference. London & New York: Verso.
  • Pringle, Keith. (1995). Men, Masculinities and Social Welfare. London: UCL Press.
  • Reeser, Todd (2010). Masculinities in Theory. Malden, MA: Wylie-Blackwell.
  • Schacht, Steven P., and Doris W. Ewing (2004) Feminism With Men: Bridging the gender gap. Roman and Littlefield.
  • Segal, Lynne. (1990). Slow Motion: Changing Masculinities, Changing Men. London: Virago.
  • Seidler, Victor J. (2005) Transforming Masculinities : Men, Cultures, Bodies, Power, Sex and Love. Routledge.
  • Simpson, Mark. (1994). Male Impersonators: Men Performing Masculinity. New York: Routledge.
  • Snodgrass, Jon. (ed.). (1977). A Book of Readings: For Men Against Sexism. Albion CA: Times Change Press.
  • Stoltenberg, John. (1990). Refusing To Be a Man: Essays on Sex and Justice. CA & Suffolk: Fontana/Collins.
  • Stoltenberg, John. (1993). The End of Manhood: A Book for Men of Conscience. New York: Dutton. (Also available from Baker & Taylor Replica Books, 1998)
  • Synnott, Anthony. (2009). Re-Thinking Men: Heroes Villains and Victims. London: Ashgate.
  • Whitehead, Stephen M. (2002). Men and Masculinities: Key Themes and New Directions. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Whitehead, Stephen M., and Frank J. Barrett. (eds). (2001). The Masculinities Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press

