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11.10. Francisco Cayulef10.10. Amyoplasie · Elisabeth Maxwald · Leandro Pena · Robert Shaw (Rollstuhltennisspieler) · Saki Takamuro · Ymanitu Silva09.10. Uğur Altınel · Ahmet Kaplan · Maarten ter Hofte08.10. Angélica Bernal07.10. Morgagni-Syndrom05.10. Li Xiaohui (Rollstuhltennisspielerin)04.10. Servelle-Martorell-Syndrom03.10. Jason Giuranna · Linda Le Bon · Zhu Zhenzhen02.10. Bockenheimer-Syndrom · Momoko Ohtani01.10. Ruben Spaargaren29.09. Helmut Moog27.09. Australian Open 2004/Damendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2005/Damendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2006/Damendoppel-Rollstuhl · Cutis marmorata teleangiectatica congenita26.09. Harnleiterdivertikel · Australian Open 2002/Dameneinzel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2002/Herreneinzel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2003/Dameneinzel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2003/Herreneinzel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2004/Dameneinzel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2004/Herreneinzel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2005/Dameneinzel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2005/Herreneinzel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2006/Herreneinzel-Rollstuhl25.09. Australian Open 2004/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2005/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2006/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl24.09. Australian Open 2007/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2008/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2009/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Syndromale Diarrhoe23.09. Von-Voss-Cherstvoy-Syndrom · Australian Open 2010/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2011/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2012/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Deutsche Poolbillard-Meisterschaft 2017 (Rollstuhlfahrer) · Deutsche Poolbillard-Meisterschaft 2023 (Rollstuhlfahrer)22.09. Australian Open 2013/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2014/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2015/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Australian Open 2016/Herrendoppel-Rollstuhl · Deutsche Poolbillard-Meisterschaft 2016 (Rollstuhlfahrer)20.09. Donald Ramphadi · Lucas Sithole19.09. Fabiano Wey · Gregory Slade · Paracycling-Straßenweltmeisterschaften 202418.09. Guo Luoyao · Guy Sasson · Wang Ziying17.09. Daniel Caverzaschi · Martín de la Puente16.09. Xte-Syndrom · Badminton-Asienmeisterschaft für Behinderte 2004 · Badminton-Weltmeisterschaft für Behinderte 2003 · Badminton-Weltmeisterschaft für Behinderte 2005 · Manami Tanaka · Parapanamerikanische Badmintonmeisterschaft 2010 · Parapanamerikanische Badmintonmeisterschaft 2013 · Parapanamerikanische Badmintonmeisterschaft 2014 · Parapanamerikanische Badmintonmeisterschaft 2016 · Parapanamerikanische Badmintonmeisterschaft 2018 · Parapanamerikanische Badmintonmeisterschaft 2022 · Parapanamerikanische Badmintonmeisterschaft · Takuya Miki15.09. Sommer-Paralympics 2024/Teilnehmer (Norwegen)13.09. Niels Vink · Sam Schröder

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 Lückenhaft (35)

A.P.E.M.H. · Aktion T4 · Alexis Carrel · Behinderung · Betonkopf (Preis) · Deutsche Goalballmeisterschaft 2003 · Deutsche Goalballmeisterschaft 2006 · Die Unwertigen · Eshkol-Wachmann · Frühförderung interdisziplinär · Gedenkstein für Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Euthanasieverbrechen · Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses · Goalball-Bundesliga 2018 · Hörbehinderung · Italienische Gebärdensprache · John F. Kane · Mathilde Weber (Medizinerin) · Mozart und der Wal · Nationalsozialistische Rassenhygiene · Persönliches Budget · Promi Promotion inklusive · Pygmäen · Rassenhygienische Forschungsstelle · Rolf Kuschel · Rollstuhlleichtathletik · Schwerbehindertenrecht (Deutschland) · Sehbehinderung · Sommer-Paralympics 2020/Bogenschießen · Sommer-Paralympics 2020/Reiten · Sommer-Paralympics 2020/Rollstuhlrugby · Sommer-Paralympics 2020/Sitzvolleyball · Soziale Arbeit · The Bell Curve · Wahlschablone · Willibald Hentschel

 Belege fehlen (99)

AMF-Bruns · Alfred Leu · American Sign Language · Andreas Kapfinger · Apallisches Syndrom · Autismus · Badewannenlifter · Begleitetes Wohnen in Familien · Behindertenrecht · Behinderung · Bernd Kebelmann · Bernhard Conrads · Berufsförderungswerk Würzburg · Bresthaft · Christina Schönfeld · Contact (1997) · Die Zeit, die man Leben nennt · Dirk Mimberg · Einfache Sprache · Einzelfallhilfe · Einäugigkeit · Ektopie · Elisabeth Maxwald · Ergänzte Laut-Sprache · Fallot-Tetralogie · Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörung · Fingeralphabet · Freie Liebe · Gehörlosigkeit · George Veditz · Geschichte der Euthanasie · Gotthilf Hiller · Greifreifen · Gudula Demmelhuber · Günther Großmann · Günther Matzinger · Handbediengerät · Handbike · Heinz Hummitzsch · Holger Fromm · Holger Wölk · Hubertus Brauner · Hörzeitung · IBSA-Blindenfußball-Europameisterschaft 2017 · Implantierbare Hörsysteme · Infantile Zerebralparese · International Sign · Iossif Florianowitsch Geilman · Italienische Gebärdensprache · Katharina Lang (Sportlerin) · Konrad Franz Bundschuh · Kübra Sekin · Langstock · Louis-Braille-Schule Düren · Mario Oehme · Mobilitätsgarantie (Deutschland) · Nationalsozialistische Rassenhygiene · Nick Land · Nürnberger Ärzteprozess · Oldenburger Baby · Oralismus · Pia Gyger · Polyzephalie · Ragnhild Kaata · Rindenblindheit · Rollstuhl · Ronald Aylmer Fisher · Schalltrauma · Schwellpapier · Schwenklift · Sehbehinderung · Selbstbestimmtes Leben · Separation (Pädagogik) · Silver-Russell-Syndrom · Slovenský paralympijský výbor · Softmarker · Solresol · Sommer-Paralympics 2020/Rollstuhlrugby · Sonderschullehrer · Soziale Arbeit · Spazierstock · Spätertaubung · Starkey (Hörgeräte) · Stummheit · Tadoma · Tandemer · Tóra við Keldu · Umfeldsteuerung · Uwe Mehlmann · Verallgemeinerungsbestrebung · Verstümmelung · Vitos Rheingau · Volkmar Weiss · Waldschule (Wiener Neustadt) · Wanderstock · Warren Estabrooks · Werner Mössler · Wolfgang Garvelmann · Zuchtwart

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Albert Plohnke · Dysgenik · Separation (Pädagogik) · Vojta-Therapie

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 Redundanz (4)

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 Veraltet (16)

Betreutes Wohnen · Cybathlon (2020) · Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt · Expert Group on Accessibility (2003) · JobErfolg (2022) · LWL-Klinik Warstein (2019) · Lautsprachlich kommunizierende Hörgeschädigte (Vereine) (2020) · L’Histoire silencieuse des Sourds (2019) · Pygmäen · Retina-Implantat (2012) · Screenreader · Sozialbeistand · Soziale Arbeit (2013) · Torsten Brand Preis (2011) · Web Content Accessibility Guidelines · Łódź (2020)

 Defekter Weblink (auf max. 150 Artikel beschränkt)

2. Rollstuhlbasketball-Bundesliga · A Quiet Place (Film) · Achromatopsie · Aktion T4 · Alexander Riesle · Alfons Klein (Verwaltungsbeamter) · Alfred Ploetz · Alfred Wödl · Ali Ghardooni · Alisher Anarkulow · Am Spiegelgrund · American Sign Language · Amniotisches-Band-Syndrom · Andrew Jackson Foster · Anenzephalie · Angelika Trabert · Anna Schaffelhuber · Anna-Lena Forster · Annette Kahl · Annika Zeyen-Giles · Aphallie · Arbeitsassistenz (Disk) · Arbeitsintegration · Arbeitskreis Barrierefreies Internet · Asklepios Fachklinikum Brandenburg · Assistenzhund · Atacama-Skelett · Atypical · Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung bei Erwachsenen · Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung · Autism Is a World · Autismus · Bandera de la Superación y la Discapacidad · Barfi – Liebe braucht keine Worte · Barner 16 · Barney Storey · Barrierefreies Arbeiten am Computer · Barrierefreies Internet · Basale Kommunikation · Basketball (Special Olympics) · Be My Eyes · Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für die Belange von Menschen mit Behinderungen · Behinderten- und Rehabilitations-Sportverband Berlin · Behindertenbewegung · Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (Deutschland) · Behindertenparkplatz · Behindertenreitsport · Behinderung · Bernd Jeffré · Bernhard Conrads · Bernhard Fischer-Schweder · Berufliche Rehabilitation · Berufsverband der Heilpädagoginnen und Heilpädagogen · Betonkopf (Preis) (Disk) · Bharati-Brailleschrift (Disk) · Bildtelefon (Disk) · Bill Harriott (Disk) · Blasenekstrophie (Disk) · Blaumeier-Atelier · Blind & Hässlich · Blind (2014) · Blindenbaseball · Blindengeld (Disk) · Blindengrafik (Disk) · Blindeninstitutsstiftung · Blindenschriftübersetzungsprogramm · Blindsight (Film) (Disk) · Bobby (Preis) · Bobirjon Omonov · Boccia (Special Olympics) · Bogumiła Kapłoniak · Brachycephalie · Braillezeile · Brian Fortuna · Brief über die Blinden zum Gebrauch für die Sehenden (Disk) · British Sign Language · Britt Dillmann · Britta Näpel · Bronze Age Pervert · Budget für Arbeit · Bundesbehindertengesetz · Bundesgesetz über die Invalidenversicherung · Bundesteilhabegesetz · Böök-Syndrom · CP-Fußball · Carina Edlinger · Carl Langhein · Carol Eduard Novak · Certified Disability Management Professional (Disk) · Chinesische Brailleschrift (Disk) · Christian Mürner · Cobra (Screenreader) (Disk) · Coda (Film) · Constanze Angermann · Contergan-Skandal · Craig MacLean · Daniel Duda · Daniel Ling · Daniela Jutzeler · Dannielle Khan · Dansk Handicap Idræts-Forbund · Daredevil (Comic) · Das Fenster zum Hof (1954) · Das Herz ist ein einsamer Jäger (Film) · Das schwarze Buch der Farben · Deafula (Disk) · Deanne Bray · Defektologie · Der rote Teppich · Design für Alle (Disk) · Deutsche Gehörlosenzeitung · Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung · Deutsche Rollstuhlbasketballnationalmannschaft der Damen · Deutscher Rollstuhl-Sportverband · Deutsches Hörgeräte Institut · Die Blindgänger (Disk) · Die Randschau · Die Spur im Dunkel · Die blinden Männer und der Elefant (Disk) · Die stumme Herzogin (Disk) · Dieter Lotz · Diprosopus · Disability Mainstreaming (Disk) · Disability Pride · Dizephalie · Dorsonuchales Ödem (Disk) · Down-Syndrom · Du gehst nicht allein · Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen-Syndrom (Disk) · EUROCAT · Ed Roberts (Aktivist) (Disk) · Ein Lichtstrahl im Dunkel · Einzelfallhilfe · Ektodermale Dysplasie · Elektrisch-akustische Stimulation · Elektrorollstuhl-Hockey · Ellis-van-Creveld-Syndrom · Else von Löwis · Emilio Insolera · Emotionale Störungen des Kindesalters · Entmündigung (Disk) · Erhard Fischer (Pädagoge) · Erich Häßler (Disk) · Erich Walz · Ermündigung · Ernst Haeckel · Ernst Illing · Ernst Klebelsberg · Ernst Lossa (Disk) · Ernst Rüdin

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1976 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Alpine skiing at the 1980 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Alpine skiing at the 1984 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Alpine skiing at the 1988 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Alpine skiing at the 1992 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Alpine skiing at the 1994 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Alpine skiing at the 1998 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Alpine skiing at the 2002 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Alpine skiing at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Alpine skiing at the 2014 Winter Paralympics – Women's downhill (wd*) · Alpine skiing at the Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Always () (wd) · ALYN Hospital (wd*) · Amanda Swafford (wd*) · Amastia (wd*) · Amelia () (wd*) · Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (wd*) · Ammar El Sherei (wd*) · Amputee football (wd*) · Ana Sršen (wd*) · Anaïs Garcia Balmaña (wd*) · Anakin Skywalker () (wd) · Andorra at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Andorra at the Paralympics (wd*) · André Malherbe (wd*) · André Marchal (wd*) · André Venter (wd*) · Andre 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Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria (wd*) · Archduke Leopold Joseph of Austria (wd*) · Archery at the 1960 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 1964 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 1968 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 1972 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 1976 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 1980 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 1984 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Archery at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's individual recurve (wd*) · Archery at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's team recurve (wd*) · Archery at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Arend Glas (wd*) · Argentina at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Argentina at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Argentina at the Paralympics (wd*) · Argentine Sign Language (wd*) · Argininosuccinic aciduria (wd*) · Arhinia (wd*) · Ari Telch (wd*) · Armenia at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Armenia at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Armenia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Armenian Sign Language (wd*) · Arnoldas Lukošius (wd*) · Arthur Bremer (wd*) · Arthur Pearson (wd*) · Artie Abrams (wd*) · Arya Stark (wd) · ASEAN ParaGames (wd*) · Ashot III Bagratuni (wd*) · Asia-Pacific Panasonic Open (wd*) · Asian Paralympic Committee (wd*) · Assertive community treatment (wd*) · Assia El Hannouni (wd*) · ATARU (wd*) · Athletics at the 1960 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 1964 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 1968 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 1972 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 1976 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 1980 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 1984 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Athletics at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's 100 metres (wd*) · Athletics at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's 200 metres (wd*) · Athletics at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's 400 metres (wd*) · Athletics at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Attention deficit disorder (wd*) · Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder controversies (wd*) · Atypysk autisme (wd*) · Aubrey Herbert (wd*) · Auditory brainstem response (wd*) · Augusto and Michaela Odone (wd*) · Auslan (wd*) · Australia at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Australian Open 2008 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2008 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2008 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2011 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2011 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2011 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2011 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2011 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2011 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2012 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2012 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2012 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2012 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2012 () (wd*) · Australian Open 2012 () (wd*) · Autism rights movement (wd*) · Autism therapies (wd*) · Autismusspektrum () (wd) · Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (wd*) · Azerbaijan at the Paralympics (wd*) · Össur (wd*) · Baby K (wd*) · Bagrat V of Imereti (wd*) · Bahamas at the Paralympics (wd*) · Bamako Sign Language (wd*) · Ban Khor Sign Language (wd*) · Bangladesh at the Paralympics (wd*) · Banner blindness (wd*) · BANZSL (wd*) · Bao Xishun (wd) · Barakat syndrome (wd*) · Barbados at the Paralympics (wd*) · Barbara Gordon (wd) · Bardanes Tourkos (wd*) · Barry George (wd*) · Bartolomeo d'Alviano (wd*) · Baruch Hagai (wd*) · Be with Me (wd*) · Beautiful Life (wd*) · Beautiful Rain (wd*) · Behavioral psychotherapy (wd*) · Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (wd*) · Belarus at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Belarus at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Belarus at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Belarus at the Paralympics (wd*) · Belgium at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Belgium at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Belgium at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Belgium at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Ben Cohen () (wd*) · Ben Lewin (wd*) · Benda Bilili! (wd*) · Bender-Gestalt Test (wd*) · Benin at the Paralympics (wd*) · Benn Jordan (wd*) · Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome (wd*) · Bermuda at the Paralympics (wd*) · Bernard Rimland (wd*) · Beyond the Years (wd*) · Biathlon at the 1988 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Biathlon at the 1992 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Biathlon at the 1994 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Biathlon at the 1998 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Biathlon at the 2002 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Biathlon at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Biathlon at the 2014 Winter Paralympics – Men's 12.5 kilometres (wd*) · Biathlon at the 2014 Winter Paralympics – Men's 7.5 kilometres (wd*) · Biathlon at the 2014 Winter Paralympics – Women's 6 kilometres (wd*) · Bibian Mentel (wd*) · Bids for the 2018 Winter Olympics (wd*) · Bifid penis (wd*) · Big Boss () (wd*) · Bill Gullickson (wd*) · Bill Oddie (wd*) · Billy Waters (wd*) · Binasal hemianopsia (wd*) · Biopsychosocial model (wd*) · Bitemporal hemianopsia (wd*) · Bituah Leumi (wd*) · Black Sea Games (wd*) · Blind () (wd*) · Blind () (wd*) · Blind Al (wd*) · Blind Dating (wd*) · Blind Detective (wd*) · Blind man of Bethsaida (wd*) · Blindfold () (wd*) · Blindfold () (wd*) · Blink () (wd) · Blue baby syndrome (wd*) · Boaz Kramer (wd) · Bob Wickman (wd*) · Bobby Steele (wd*) · Boccia () (wd*) · Boccia at the 1984 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Boccia at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Boccia at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Boccia at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Boccia at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Boccia at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Boccia at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Bogdan III the One-Eyed (wd*) · Boku no Aruku Michi (wd*) · Bolivian Sign Language (wd*) · Bone anchored hearing aid (wd*) · Boris Sadovskoy (wd*) · Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Brain damage (wd*) · Brain Gym (wd*) · Branchial cleft cyst (wd*) · Brandon Stark (wd) · Braquimetatarsia (wd*) · Brazil at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Brazil at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Brazil at the Paralympics (wd*) · Brazilian Sign Language (wd*) · Breaking the Silence () (wd*) · Brenda Costa (wd*) · Bruce Beaver (wd*) · Brunei at the Paralympics (wd*) · Bulgaria at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Bulgaria at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Bulgaria at the Paralympics (wd*) · Bulgarian Sign Language (wd*) · Buphthalmos (wd*) · Burkina Faso at the Paralympics (wd*) · Burundi at the Paralympics (wd*) · Bushwick Bill (wd*) · Butterflies Are Free () (wd*) · Byron Houston (wd*) · C'era una volta la città dei matti... (wd*) · Caleb Gattegno (wd*) · Cambodia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Cameroon at the Paralympics (wd*) · Canada at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Canada at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Canadian Caregivers Association (wd*) · Cape Verde at the Paralympics (wd*) · Capillary hemangioma (wd*) · Captain Harlock () (wd*) · Car Yuan od Lianga (wd*) · Carlo Orlandi (wd*) · Carlos Cadona (wd*) · Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency (wd*) · Carnosinemia (wd*) · Carol Yager (wd*) · Cassandra () (wd*) · Catherine Antonovna of Brunswick (wd*) · Cavigal Nice Basket 06 (wd*) · Central African Republic at the Paralympics (wd*) · Central cord syndrome (wd*) · Cephalic disorder (wd*) · Cerebellar hypoplasia (wd*) · Cerebral visual impairment (wd*) · Cerebrotendineous xanthomatosis (wd*) · Cesare Magarotto (wd*) · Cetilistat (wd*) · Chaker Khazaal (wd*) · Challenging behaviour (wd*) · Charles Hunter () (wd*) · Charlotte Cleverley-Bisman (wd) · Charmaine Dragun (wd*) · Chen Yinke (wd*) · Cherology (wd*) · Chicago bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics (wd*) · Child of deaf adult (wd*) · CHILD syndrome (wd*) · Children of a Lesser God () (wd*) · Chile at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Chile at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Chile at the Paralympics (wd*) · Chilean Sign Language (wd*) · China Agricultural University Gymnasium (wd*) · China at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · China at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · China at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · China at the Paralympics (wd*) · Chinese Sign Language (wd*) · Chinese Taipei at the Paralympics (wd*) · Chiyoko Shimakura (wd*) · Chizuko Mifune (wd*) · Choledochal cysts (wd*) · Chondritis (wd*) · Christoffer Lindhe (wd*) · Christopher Scarver (wd*) · Chwaraeon Paralympaidd (wd*) · Cinchonism (wd*) · CIP () (wd*) · Citrullinemia (wd*) · City Guys (wd*) · Claude André Deseine (wd*) · Claudia Mitchell (wd*) · Cleidocranial dysostosis (wd*) · Clodoaldo Silva (wd*) · CNIB (wd*) · Coca-Cola C2 (wd*) · Coca-Cola Cherry (wd*) · Coca-Cola Citra (wd*) · Coca-Cola Zero (wd*) · Cognitive disorder (wd*) · Cognitive ergonomics (wd*) · Colette Bourgonje (wd*) · Colin Blythe (wd*) · Colombia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Colombian Sign Language (wd*) · Comandament universal (wd*) · Comitato Internazionale degli Sport dei Sordi (wd*) · Communication disorder (wd*) · Comoros at the Paralympics (wd*) · Computer accessibility (wd*) · Computertastatur () (wd) · Congenital abnormality (wd*) · Congenital glaucoma (wd*) · Cor triatriatum (wd*) · Corneal ulcer (wd*) · Coroideremia (wd*) · Cortical blindness (wd*) · Corum Jhaelen Irsei (wd*) · Costa Rica at the Paralympics (wd*) · Costa Rican Sign Language (wd*) · Count Vertigo (wd*) · Coxa valga () (wd*) · Craniopagus parasiticus (wd) · Criptotia (wd*) · Cristina Yang (wd*) · Croatia at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Croatia at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Croatia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Croatian Sign Language (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 1980 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 1984 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 1992 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 1994 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 1998 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 2002 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 2014 Winter Paralympics - Sprint 1 km (female) (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 2014 Winter Paralympics - Sprint 1 km (male) (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 2014 Winter Paralympics – Men's 20 km Free (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 2014 Winter Paralympics – Women's 15 km Free (wd*) · Cross-country skiing at the 2014 Winter Paralympics – Women's 5 km (wd*) · Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (wd*) · Cryptophthalmos (wd*) · Cuba at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Cuba at the Paralympics (wd*) · Cuban Sign Language (wd*) · Cued speech (wd*) · Curb cut (wd*) · Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita (wd*) · Cycling at the 1984 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Cycling at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Cycling at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Cycling at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Cycling at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Cycling at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Cyclopamine (wd*) · Cyrinda Foxe (wd) · Czech Republic at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Czech Republic at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Czech Republic at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Czech Sign Language (wd*) · 琵琶法師 (wd*) · D-3 (wd*) · D5 HD (wd*) · Daan Breeuwsma (wd*) · Dacryocystocele (wd*) · Dactilologia (wd*) · Dactyly (wd*) · Dafydd Jones () (wd*) · Dagfinn Enerly (wd*) · Daisuki!! (wd*) · Dallan Forgaill (wd*) · Dambadondogiin Baatarjav (wd*) · Damir Desnica (wd*) · DAMP (wd*) · Dan Bentley (wd*) · Daniel Dias (wd*) · Danielle Brown (wd) · Danmark ved de Paralympiske Lege 2010 (wd*) · Danmark ved de paralympiske lege 2014 (wd*) · Danny Wallace (wd) · Dansk tegnsprog (wd*) · Darko Kralj (wd*) · Darrell Hammond (wd) · Darren Drozdov (wd*) · Darryl Neighbour (wd*) · Dartchery at the 1960 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Dartchery at the 1964 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Dartchery at the 1968 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Dartchery at the 1972 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Dartchery at the 1976 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Dartchery at the 1980 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Darth Vader () (wd) · Dav Pilkey (wd*) · David Casinos (wd*) · David Hall () (wd) · David Jacobs () (wd*) · David Lander (wd) · David Neeleman (wd*) · David Rappaport (wd*) · David Rotem (wd*) · David Smétanine (wd*) · David Smith () (wd) · David Weir () (wd*) · Davis Tarwater (wd*) · Dead & Breakfast (wd*) · Deaf basketball (wd*) · Deaf International Basketball Federation (wd*) · Deaf white cat (wd*) · Debra Lafave (wd*) · Deddf Gwahaniaethu ar sail Anabledd (wd*) · Defektologija (wd*) · Deinstitutionalisation (wd*) · Denis Pettiaux (wd) · Denmark at the 1968 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Denmark at the 1972 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Denmark at the 1976 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Denmark at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Dens evaginatus (wd*) · Dens invaginatus () (wd*) · Deokhye, Princess of Korea (wd*) · Derek Paravicini (wd*) · Derrick Coleman () (wd*) · Destiny () (wd*) · Destiny () (wd*) · Developmental disorder (wd*) · Dexfenfluramine (wd*) · Diabetes mellitus and deafness (wd*) · Diabetes mellitus type 2 (wd*) · Diana Golden (wd*) · Die Caine war ihr Schicksal () (wd) · Die Tochter des Fotografen (wd) · Die Weissagung des Meisters (wd) · Diflaniad April Jones (wd*) · Dimitra Arapoglou (wd*) · Dimitri Tsafendas (wd*) · Diodoto (wd*) · Dirceu Pinto (wd*) · Disability insurance (wd*) · Disability pension (wd*) · Disability sport classification (wd*) · Disabled skiing at the 1984 Winter Olympics (wd*) · Disgrafia (wd*) · Dislocation of hip (wd*) · Disortografia (wd*) · Djibouti at the Paralympics (wd*) · Dmitrii Kokarev (wd*) · Doctor Mid-Nite (wd*) · Domanmetoden (wd*) · Dominican Republic at the Paralympics (wd*) · Dominican Sign Language (wd*) · Donald Harington (wd*) · Donohue syndrome (wd*) · Dragoslav Bokan (wd*) · Drury Lane () (wd*) · Dubowitz syndrome (wd*) · Duffman () (wd) · Dummy Hoy (wd*) · Dummy Mommy (wd*) · Dunia () (wd*) · Dutch Braille (wd*) · DV8 Physical Theatre (wd*) · Dysplazja przynasadowa McKusicka (wd*) · Дзмітрый Гаўрылавіч Бібікаў (wd*) · Early childhood intervention (wd*) · Early intervention in psychosis (wd*) · East Germany at the Paralympics (wd*) · Echo () (wd) · Ecuador at the Paralympics (wd*) · Ecuadorian Sign Language (wd*) · Eddie Gaedel (wd*) · Edward Bramwell Clarke (wd*) · Edward Elric (wd*) · Edward M. Kennedy, Jr. (wd*) · Edward Nino Hernandez (wd*) · Egypt at the Paralympics (wd*) · Egyptian Sign Language (wd*) · EHF therapy (wd*) · Eiji Ezaki (wd*) · Eino Friberg (wd*) · El Salvador at the Paralympics (wd*) · Eliseu dos Santos (wd*) · Elizabeth Clare Prophet (wd*) · Elliott Yamin (wd*) · Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah (wd*) · Emmanuel Philibert, Prince of Carignano (wd*) · Emperor Fei of Northern Qi (wd*) · Empress Dou (wd*) · Enamel pearl (wd*) · English Braille (wd*) · Enhamed Enhamed (wd*) · Ente Nazionale Sordi (wd*) · Enteric duplication cyst (wd*) · Environmental dependency syndrome (wd*) · Equestrian at the 1984 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Equestrian at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Equestrian at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Eric Villalon (wd*) · Erin Popovich (wd*) · Erling Stordahl (wd*) · Erminio Blotta (wd*) · Erna Brinkman (wd*) · Ernst van Dyk (wd*) · Erworbene Fehlfunktion (wd) · Erythrism (wd*) · Erzsébet Krüzselyi (wd*) · Escafocefalia (wd*) · Escriptori remot (wd*) · Estelle Bennett () (wd*) · Estonia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Estonian Sign Language (wd*) · Ethiopia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Ethiopian sign languages (wd*) · Eugen Relgis (wd*) · Eugene Jansson (wd*) · European Platform for Rehabilitation (wd*) · Eurosia (wd) · Eurycea neotenes (wd) · Ever 17: The Out of Infinity (wd*) · Exencefalia (wd*) · Exploding head syndrome (wd*) · 蒯恩 (wd*) · Ștefan Surdul (wd*) · 謝遜 (wd*) · Failure to attain academic qualification (wd*) · Faith () (wd*) · Faldir Chahbari (wd*) · Farhat Chida (wd*) · Faroe Islands at the Paralympics (wd*) · Fast Food Nation () (wd*) · Fat Acceptance Movement (wd) · Fawzia Farouk (wd*) · FC Barcelona-Institut Guttmann (wd*) · Features of the Opera web browser (wd*) · Felipe Antonio (wd*) · Female Athlete Triad Syndrome (wd*) · Fentermin/topiramat (wd*) · Fernest Arceneaux (wd*) · FESPIC Games (wd) · FESPIC Games 2006 (wd) · Fiji at the Paralympics (wd*) · Finger agnosia (wd*) · Finland at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Finland at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Finland at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Finland at the Paralympics (wd*) · Finnish Sign Language (wd*) · Fissured tongue (wd*) · Five Modern Noh Plays (wd*) · Flämische Gebärdensprache (wd) · Flowers for Algernon (wd*) · Floyd Gibbons (wd*) · Flugzeugmodell (wd) · Football 5-a-side at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Football 5-a-side at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Football 7-a-side at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Forgotten One (wd*) · France at the 1964 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · France at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · France at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · France at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · France at the Paralympics (wd*) · Francesca Porcellato (wd*) · Francis Kompaon (wd*) · Francis Libermann (wd*) · Francisco Arce Montes (wd*) · Francisco de Salinas (wd*) · Francisco Garcia Escalero (wd*) · Francisco Javier Beltrán Manero (wd*) · Francisco Javier Muñoz Perez (wd*) · Frank Duffy (wd*) · Freda Du Faur (wd) · Fredrik Glad Balchen (wd*) · Freeter, Ie wo Kau (wd*) · FreeTrack (wd*) · French Belgian Sign Language (wd*) · French Braille (wd*) · Frontonasal dysplasia (wd*) · Fu Niu Lele (wd*) · Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy (wd*) · Fusanosuke Gotō (wd*) · Fuyue Anzai (wd*) · Gabon at the Paralympics (wd*) · Gabor Mate (wd*) · Gail Porter (wd*) · Gangart () (wd*) · Gehgestell (wd) · Genghis Blues (wd*) · Geoff Bullock (wd*) · Geoff Rickly (wd*) · Geoffrey Bawa (wd*) · Geordi La Forge () (wd) · George Dalgarno (wd*) · George Lopez () (wd*) · Geräuschminderung in Personalcomputern (wd) · Ghana at the Paralympics (wd*) · Gil Aldema (wd*) · Giovanni Gonelli (wd*) · Girisha Nagarajegowda (wd*) · Giv'at Halfon Eina Ona (wd*) · Gizem Girismen (wd*) · Glenn Ikonen (wd*) · Gnopernicus (wd) · Goalball at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Goalball at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Golden Grand Prix Kawasaki (wd*) · Goltz-Gorlin-Syndrom () (wd) · Gra pojedyncza w tenisie na quadach na Letnich Igrzyskach Paraolimpijskich 2012 (wd*) · Great Britain at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Great Britain at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Great Britain at the Paralympics (wd*) · Greece at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Greece at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Greek Braille (wd*) · Greek Sign Language (wd*) · Gregorio Perfecto (wd*) · Gregory House () (wd*) · Grigorios Polychronidis (wd*) · Grisi siknis (wd) · Grygorii Vovchynskyi (wd*) · Guatemalan Sign Language (wd*) · Guide horse (wd*) · Guinea at the Paralympics (wd*) · Gul Mohammed (wd*) · Gung Ye (wd*) · Guro Fjellanger (wd*) · Gustavo Chacín (wd*) · Gusukuma Seihō (wd*) · H.E.A.R. (wd*) · H2O: Footprints in the Sand (wd*) · Hacinas (wd*) · Haiti at the Paralympics (wd*) · Haitske Pijlman (wd*) · Halliwick (wd*) · Hannes de Boer (wd*) · Hans Ulrik Gyldenløve (wd*) · Harlequin-type ichthyosis (wd*) · Haru Kobayashi (wd*) · Hassan ibn Thabit (wd*) · Hausa Sign Language (wd*) · Hausmeister Willie (wd) · Hawaii Pidgin Sign Language (wd*) · Hawkeye () (wd) · Hayate Yagami (wd*) · Hayim () (wd*) · Healing the deaf mute of Decapolis (wd*) · Hear Me (wd*) · Heather Kuzmich (wd*) · Heather Whitestone (wd*) · Hebrew Braille (wd*) · Hector Hammond (wd*) · Helen Flanagan (wd*) · Helga Stevens (wd*) · Helge Flo (wd*) · Hemeralopia (wd*) · Hemiparesia (wd*) · Henk Rouwé (wd*) · Henrieta Farkašová (wd*) · Henriett Seth F. (wd*) · Henrik Havas (wd*) · Herbert Vianna (wd*) · Hereditary pancreatitis (wd*) · Herman Rouwé (wd*) · Herveu de Bretanya (wd*) · Hidekatsu Shibata (wd*) · Hideo Murata (wd*) · Hidranencefalia (wd*) · Hifumi Suzuki (wd*) · Hikari Oe (wd*) · Hironoshin Furuhashi (wd*) · Hirotada Ototake (wd*) · Hisao Otsuka (wd*) · Hisayasu Nagata (wd*) · Hoichi the Earless (wd*) · Home sign (wd*) · Homonym hemianopsi (wd*) · Honda Shigetsugu (wd*) · Honduras at the Paralympics (wd*) · Honduras Sign Language (wd*) · Hong Qigong (wd*) · Hoshi no Kinka (wd*) · Howard Jones () (wd*) · Howard Winstone (wd*) · Howie Mandel (wd*) · Hsieh Tung-min (wd*) · Hudson Soft HuC6280 (wd*) · Hugh Daily (wd*) · Hungarian Sign Language (wd*) · Hungary at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Hungary at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Hungary at the Paralympics (wd*) · Hunter × Hunter: Phantom Rouge (wd*) · Hunter vs. farmer hypothesis (wd*) · Hurler syndrome (wd*) · Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (wd*) · Hypothalamus-hypofyse-bijnieras (wd*) · I, Claudius (wd*) · IAHD (wd*) · Ibn Sidah (wd*) · Ibn Sirin (wd*) · ICD-10 Kapitel XVII: Angeborene Fehlbildungen, Deformitäten und Chromosomenanomalien (Q00-Q99) (wd) · Ice sledge racing (wd*) · Ice sledge speed racing at the 1980 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Ice sledge speed racing at the 1984 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Ice sledge speed racing at the 1988 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Ice sledge speed racing at the 1994 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Ice sledge speed racing at the 1998 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Ice sledge speed racing at the Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Icelandic Sign Language (wd*) · ICF syndrome (wd*) · Ichi (wd*) · Ignat Bednarik (wd*) · Ihar Boki (wd*) · Ikuo Matsumoto (wd*) · Il futuro (wd*) · Ilan Gilon (wd*) · Iliesa Delana (wd*) · Imbecil (wd*) · In the Company of Men (wd*) · In the Land of the Deaf (wd*) · Ina Forrest (wd*) · Inbal Pezaro (wd*) · Inborn error of metabolism (wd*) · Incapacitat permanent (wd*) · India at the Paralympics (wd*) · Indiana Jones Adventure (wd*) · Individualized Education Program (wd*) · Indo-Pakistani Sign Language (wd*) · Indonesian Sign Language (wd*) · Infelici e contenti (wd*) · Ingo Schwichtenberg () (wd*) · Ingrid Fuzjko V. Georgii-Hemming (wd*) · Iniencefalia (wd*) · Institut Guttmann (wd*) · Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles (wd*) · Institut national des jeunes sourds (wd*) · Integratie (wd*) · Intellectual disability (wd*) · International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (wd*) · International Blind Sports Federation (wd*) · International Braille Chess Association (wd*) · International human rights law (wd*) · International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies (wd*) · International Symbol of Access (wd*) · International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (wd*) · Intolerancia a la trehalosa (wd*) · Invisible disability (wd*) · IPC Ice Sledge Hockey European Championships (wd*) · IPC Ice Sledge Hockey World Championships (wd*) · IPC Swimming World Championships (wd*) · IPhone 6 Plus () (wd) · Iqbal () (wd*) · Iran at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Iran at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Irene Villa (wd) · Irina Odoyevtseva (wd*) · Irische Zeichensprache (wd) · Isaiah Austin (wd) · Isao Harimoto (wd*) · Israel at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Israel at the Paralympics (wd*) · Israeli Sign Language (wd*) · ISSF shooting events (wd*) · Italy at the 1960 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Italy at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Italy at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Italy at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Italy at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Italy at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Italy at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Italy at the Paralympics (wd*) · Itoshi kimi e (wd*) · Itzhak Mamistvalov (wd*) · Iuliia Batenkova (wd*) · Iurii Kostiuk (wd*) · Ivan Kozlov () (wd) · Iván Castro (wd*) · Ivoorkust op de Paralympische Spelen (wd*) · Izelvroek (wd*) · Jabir ibn Abd-Allah (wd*) · Jacqueline Freney (wd*) · Jade Etherington (wd*) · Jaipur leg (wd*) · Jakub Krako (wd*) · Jalle Jungnell (wd*) · Jamaica at the Paralympics (wd*) · James Carr () (wd*) · James Douglas, 3rd Marquess of Queensberry (wd*) · James Durbin (wd*) · James J. Hill (wd*) · Jan () (wd*) · Jan Ankerman (wd*) · Jan Lammers () (wd*) · Jan Syrový (wd*) · Jan Ykema (wd*) · Japan at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Japan at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Japan Braille Library (wd*) · Jared Lee Loughner () (wd*) · Javier Conde (wd*) · Jean Lejeune (wd*) · Jean Massieu (wd*) · Jean Pierre Polnareff (wd*) · Jedida (wd*) · Jeff Fabry (wd*) · Jeff Float (wd*) · Jens Kask (wd*) · Jeroen Boere (wd*) · Jerome Singleton (wd*) · Jervine (wd*) · Jessica Long (wd*) · Jessica White (wd*) · Jetze Doorman (wd*) · Jillian Michaels (wd) · Jim Abbott (wd) · Jim Armstrong () (wd*) · Jimmy Clitheroe (wd*) · Jimmy Piersall (wd*) · Jimmy Vulmer (wd*) · Jin Jing (wd*) · Joachim Gérard (wd) · Joan Lascorz (wd*) · Joan Waste (wd*) · Joaquín Camacho (wd*) · Joaquín Mosquera (wd*) · João Paulo Fernandes (wd*) · Joe Swanson (wd*) · John Bulwer (wd*) · John List () (wd*) · John Locke () (wd*) · John Slessor (wd*) · John Wayne Glover (wd*) · John William Boone (wd*) · Johnny Got His Gun (wd*) · Jon Santacana Maiztegui (wd*) · Jonathan Katz () (wd*) · Jonnie Peacock (wd*) · Jonty Rhodes (wd*) · José Vaquerizo (wd*) · Jose Armando Sayovo (wd*) · Josee, the Tiger and the Fish (wd*) · Josefa Benitez (wd*) · Joseph Joestar (wd*) · Josephine Siao (wd*) · Josh Blue (wd*) · Journée de solidarité envers les personnes âgées (wd*) · Judo at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Judo at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Judo at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Judo at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Judo at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Judo at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Juegos Parapanamericanos de 2007 (wd*) · Julia Carpenter (wd*) · Julia Lennon (wd) · Julien Rassam (wd*) · Ka'apor Sign Language (wd*) · Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasa (wd*) · Kamen Rider Agito (wd*) · Kanzi () (wd) · Karin Elharar (wd*) · Karpal Singh (wd*) · Kartavado (wd*) · Kat Bjelland (wd*) · Kata Kolok (wd*) · Katie Compton (wd*) · Kazakhstan at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Kazakhstan at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Kazakhstan at the Paralympics (wd*) · Kazuo Kawasaki (wd*) · Kazuyuki Kyoya (wd*) · Kdeaccessibility (wd*) · Kelly Gallagher (wd*) · Kelly van Zon (wd*) · Kenny van Weeghel (wd*) · Kenshi () (wd*) · Kenya at the Paralympics (wd*) · Kenyan Sign Language (wd*) · Keren Leibovitch (wd*) · Kerry McGregor (wd*) · Kerry Von Erich () (wd*) · Khalil Greene (wd*) · Kimio Eto (wd*) · Kinesthetic learning (wd*) · King Snake (wd*) · Kirill Mikhaylov (wd*) · Kirin Kiki (wd) · Kiyoshi Yamashita (wd*) · Kjartan Haugen (wd*) · Klumpke paralysis (wd*) · Kobayashi Torasaburō (wd*) · Koe no Katachi (wd*) · Kokoro () (wd*) · Kong Nay (wd*) · Kontuziya (wd*) · Korean Braille (wd*) · Korean Sign Language (wd*) · Korie Homan (wd) · Kotaro Yanagi (wd*) · Kura () (wd*) · Kuriyagawa Hakuson (wd*) · Kwak Tae-Hwi (wd*) · Kyrgyzstan at the Paralympics (wd*) · La Ligne droite (wd*) · La Niña de La Puebla (wd*) · Lada Nesterenko (wd*) · Lais Souza (wd) · Lance Allred (wd*) · Larry van Wieren (wd*) · Lars Grael (wd*) · Lauren Potter (wd) · Lawn bowls at the 1968 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Lawn bowls at the 1972 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Lawn bowls at the 1976 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Lawn bowls at the 1980 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Lawn bowls at the 1984 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Lawn bowls at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Lawn bowls at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Le Pavillon d'or (wd*) · Leandro Díaz (wd*) · Leatherface () (wd) · Lee Joon (wd*) · Lee Mack (wd*) · Lee Tockar (wd) · Legal recognition of sign languages (wd*) · Legius syndrome (wd*) · Leo-Pekka Tähti (wd*) · Lesotho at the Paralympics (wd*) · Liberia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Libya at the Paralympics (wd*) · Libyan Sign Language (wd*) · Lift () (wd*) · Lin Yü-chih (wd*) · Liquid Snake (wd*) · Lirnyk (wd*) · List of 2014 Winter Paralympics medal winners (wd*) · List of blind people (wd*) · List of deaf people (wd*) · List of HIV-positive people (wd*) · List of Paralympic mascots (wd*) · List of people diagnosed with dyslexia (wd*) · List of people with autism spectrum disorders (wd*) · List of voice disorders (wd*) · Lithuanian Sign Language (wd*) · Little Emperor Syndrome (wd*) · Liu Yu (wd*) · Lizard () (wd) · Lizzi velasquee (wd*) · Ljudmila Wautschok (wd) · Llengua de signes valenciana (wd*) · London Dial-a-Ride (wd*) · Long Yun (wd*) · Longstreet () (wd*) · Looking for a True Fiancee (wd*) · Lori and George Schappell (wd*) · Los ojos de Julia (wd*) · Lothar the Lame (wd*) · Lou Dijkstra (wd*) · Louis Antoine (wd*) · Louise Mensch (wd*) · Louise Watkin (wd*) · Low vision (wd*) · Luca Pancalli (wd*) · Lucas Prado (wd*) · Lucey-Driscollov sindrom (wd*) · Lucia Joyce (wd*) · Luna Vachon (wd*) · Luther Wright (wd*) · Lykantropie (wd*) · Lyons Sign Language (wd*) · Lyudmyla Pavlenko (wd*) · M () (wd*) · Macau at the 2008 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Macedonia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Machine () (wd) · Maciej Szuła (wd*) · Macrodontia (wd) · Macropsia (wd*) · Madagascar at the Paralympics (wd*) · Madame Web (wd*) · Madrid bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics (wd*) · Magnifier (wd*) · Maher Bouallegue (wd*) · Mahmoud Khaldi (wd*) · Maikel Scheffers (wd) · Mainstreaming (wd*) · Majewski's polydactyly syndrome (wd*) · Makaton (wd*) · Makoto Shishio (wd*) · Mal de Pott (wd*) · Malaysian Sign Language (wd*) · Mali at the Paralympics (wd*) · Maltese Sign Language (wd*) · Mamoru Samuragochi (wd*) · Man geni (wd*) · Man of a Thousand Faces (wd*) · Manuel Angel Martin Perez (wd*) · Manuel Delgado Villegas (wd*) · Manuel Pereira (wd*) · Mara Gabrilli (wd*) · Marc Dorion (wd*) · Marcelo Rubens Paiva (wd*) · Mareena Karim (wd*) · Margaret of Castello (wd*) · Margriet Zegers (wd*) · Maria Grzegorzewska (wd*) · Maria Iovleva (wd*) · Marie Bochet (wd*) · Marie Noe (wd*) · Marie-Amélie Le Fur (wd*) · Marie-Anne Montchamp (wd*) · Mariko Takamura (wd*) · Marit Bouwmeester (wd*) · Maritime Sign Language (wd*) · Marjon Wijnsma (wd*) · Marlou van Rhijn (wd*) · Martín Ramírez (wd*) · Martin Kemp () (wd*) · Mary Ann Bevan (wd*) · Mary Lambert () (wd*) · Masanori Hata (wd*) · Masazumi Soejima (wd*) · Mascarita Dorada (wd*) · Mason Verger (wd*) · Matt Hamill (wd*) · Matt Parkman (wd*) · Matthew Cowdrey (wd*) · Maulwürfe () (wd) · Maurice Vachon (wd*) · Maurissa Tancharoen (wd) · Mauritania at the Paralympics (wd*) · Mauritius at the Paralympics (wd*) · Max Clifford (wd*) · Mayan Sign Language (wd*) · Mayumi Narita (wd*) · Małgorzata Olejnik (wd*) · MBD () (wd*) · McLeod syndrome (wd*) · Mechanotherapy (wd*) · Medical students' disease (wd*) · Melchiorre Murenu (wd*) · Melissa Stockwell (wd*) · Mello Yello (wd*) · Memories of Tomorrow (wd*) · Meningocele () (wd*) · Mental () (wd*) · Mental age (wd*) · Mentalism (wd*) · Mercedes Scelba-Shorte (wd) · Mexican Sign Language (wd*) · Mexico at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Mexico at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Mexico at the Paralympics (wd*) · MF Grimm (wd*) · Michael Glycas (wd*) · Michael Jeremiasz (wd) · Michael Strunge (wd*) · Michailas Margolinas (wd*) · Michel Delacroix () (wd*) · Microdontia (wd*) · Microempresa (wd*) · Microgenia (wd*) · Micrognathie (wd*) · Micromastia (wd*) · Micropsia (wd*) · Microsoft Narrator (wd*) · Miga, Quatchi i Sumi (wd*) · Miguel de Fuenllana (wd*) · Miha Zupan (wd*) · MII () (wd*) · Mikey Welsh (wd*) · Mikhail Beketov (wd*) · Mikhail Terentiev (wd*) · Mikhalina Lysova (wd) · Miles Hilton-Barber (wd*) · Mimics and Gesture Theatre (wd*) · Mind-blindness (wd*) · MindFreedom International (wd*) · Ming Yuzhen (wd*) · Ministry of Social Affairs, Health Women's Rights (wd*) · Minute Maid (wd*) · Miracle de Calanda (wd*) · Miriam College (wd*) · Mirjam de Koning (wd*) · Mislata (wd) · Mockingbird Don't Sing (wd*) · Modern competitive archery (wd*) · Mohamed Charmi (wd*) · Mojo Mathers (wd*) · Moldova at the Paralympics (wd*) · Mole Man (wd*) · MOMO syndrome (wd*) · Monaam Elabed (wd*) · Monastic sign languages (wd*) · Mongolia at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Mongolia at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Mongolia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Mongolian Sign Language (wd*) · Monsters, Inc. Ride & Go Seek (wd*) · Montenegro at the Paralympics (wd*) · Moonlight Resonance (wd*) · Morishima Chūryō (wd*) · Moroccan Olympic Committee (wd*) · Moroccan Sign Language (wd*) · Moron () (wd*) · Moshe Matalon (wd*) · Moshe Mizrahi () (wd*) · Motoko Kusanagi (wd*) · Mourad Idoudi (wd*) · Mucopolisacaridosis tipo VI (wd*) · Muhammad Rifat (wd*) · Mulibrey nanism (wd*) · Multiple complex developmental disorder (wd*) · Multiple disabilities (wd*) · Musée Valentin-Haüy (wd*) · Myrtle Corbin (wd*) · Mystery meat navigation (wd*) · Nabil Shaban (wd*) · Namibian Sign Language (wd*) · Natali Pronina (wd*) · National Technical Institute for the Deaf (wd*) · National University Corporation Tsukuba University of Technology (wd*) · Neal Walk (wd*) · Nelsonov sindrom (wd*) · Neo () (wd) · Neonatal onset multisystem inflammatory disease (wd*) · Nepal at the Paralympics (wd*) · Nepali Sign Language (wd*) · Nephritic syndrome (wd*) · Nepociano de Asturias (wd*) · Netherlands at the 1960 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Netherlands at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Netherlands at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Netherlands at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Netherlands at the Paralympics (wd*) · Neurodevelopmental disorder (wd*) · Neve i Gliz (wd*) · New Zealand at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · New Zealand at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Nezelof syndrome (wd*) · Nicaragua at the Paralympics (wd*) · Nicola Pagett (wd*) · Nicolas Berejny (wd*) · Nicolas Dorigny (wd*) · Nicolas-Sébastien Adam (wd*) · Niger auf den Paralympischen Spielen (wd) · Nigerian Sign Language (wd*) · Night writing (wd*) · Nikola Altomanović (wd*) · Nikolay Polukhin (wd*) · Nil Chasewycz (wd*) · Nils Erik Ulset (wd*) · Nino Salvaneschi (wd*) · Noam Gershony (wd*) · NOC*NSF (wd*) · Norman-Robertsin lissenkefaliaoireyhtymä (wd*) · Northern Calloway (wd*) · Norway at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Norway at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Norway at the Paralympics (wd*) · Norwegian Sign Language (wd*) · Nothing About Us Without Us (wd*) · O'Neil Longson (wd*) · Obesity in the United States (wd*) · Observatoire astronomique de La Sagra (wd*) · Odwalla (wd*) · Ofer Shelah (wd*) · Oftalmoplegia (wd*) · Oksana Masters (wd*) · Oleg Cretul (wd*) · Oleksandra Kononova (wd*) · Olena Iurkovska (wd*) · Oleoil-estron (wd*) · Olof van der Meulen (wd*) · Olympic Delivery Authority (wd*) · Olympic Green Convention Center (wd*) · Olympic Green Tennis Center (wd*) · Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium () (wd*) · Oman at the Paralympics (wd*) · Omenn syndrome (wd*) · One Goal (wd*) · Open di Francia 2010 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2010 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2010 - Singolare femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2010 - Singolare maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2011 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2011 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2011 - Singolare femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2011 - Singolare maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2012 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2012 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2012 - Singolare femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2012 - Singolare maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2014 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2014 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2014 - Singolare femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Open di Francia 2014 - Singolare maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Oralux (wd*) · Orange Days (wd*) · Orazio Fagone (wd*) · Oreste Carpi (wd*) · Orotic aciduria (wd*) · Oscar De Pellegrin (wd*) · Ostap Veresai (wd*) · Ottavio Assarotti (wd*) · Ovidi de Braga (wd*) · Oxicefalia (wd*) · Oxyride (wd*) · Անաշխատունակություն (wd*) · Pablo Cimadevila Alvarez (wd*) · Pablo Nassarre (wd*) · Palestine at the Paralympics (wd*) · Papua New Guinea at the Paralympics (wd*) · Para table tennis (wd*) · Paralympic athletics (wd*) · Paralympic biathlon (wd*) · Paralympic cross-country skiing (wd*) · Paralympic Hall of Fame (wd) · Paralympic Nordic skiing (wd*) · Paralympic powerlifting (wd*) · Paralympic shooting (wd*) · Paralympic swimming (wd*) · Paralympic symbols (wd*) · Parapan American Games (wd*) · Parasitic twin (wd*) · Paratonia (wd*) · Paratransit (wd*) · Paratriathlon (wd*) · Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (wd*) · Pascal Kleiman (wd*) · Pathlight School (wd*) · Paul Atreides () (wd*) · Paul Johnson () (wd*) · Paul Wade (wd*) · Paula Sage (wd*) · Pauline & Paulette (wd*) · Pauline Musters (wd*) · Pál Szekeres (wd) · Pär Aron Borg (wd*) · PDD-NOS (wd*) · Pedro Bucaneg (wd*) · Penang Sign Language (wd*) · Peng Ming-min (wd*) · Perforace (wd*) · Perkins School for the Blind (wd*) · Persistent truncus arteriosus (wd*) · Personer med multipel sklerose (wd*) · Peruvian Sign Language (wd*) · Peter Norfolk (wd) · Peter the Lame (wd*) · Petr Muk (wd*) · Petro Tkachenko (wd*) · PHACE association (wd*) · Phil Cavarretta (wd*) · Philippe Rahmy (wd*) · Philippine Sign Language (wd*) · Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin () (wd) · Piccola Casa della Divina Provvidenza (wd*) · Picture communication symbols (wd*) · Picture Exchange Communication System (wd*) · Pied Piper (wd*) · Pierre Akendengué (wd*) · Pierre Desloges (wd*) · Pierre Fitch (wd*) · Piet Hoekstra (wd*) · Pieter-Jan Postma (wd*) · Piotr Franciszek Jamet (wd*) · Pit () (wd*) · Plains Indian Sign Language (wd*) · POEMS syndrome (wd*) · Poland at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Polimastia (wd*) · Polonek (wd*) · Polydactyl cat (wd*) · Polymicrogyrie (wd*) · Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (wd*) · Polyp () (wd) · Polysplenia (wd*) · Portugal at the Paralympics (wd*) · Portugalek (wd*) · Poruchy hybnosti (wd*) · Post-lingual deafness (wd*) · Powerade () (wd*) · Powerchair Football (wd*) · Powerlifting at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Powerlifting at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Powerlifting at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Powerlifting at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Powerlifting at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Pragmatic language impairment (wd*) · Preauricular sinus and cyst (wd*) · Prelingual deafness (wd*) · Primärer Progressiver Aphasie (wd) · Prince Ernest Casimir of the Netherlands (wd*) · Prince Friedrich of Hesse and by Rhine (wd*) · Prince Gaetan, Count of Girgenti (wd*) · Prince William, Duke of Gloucester (wd*) · Princess Changping (wd*) · Professor X () (wd*) · Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia (wd) · Project X () (wd*) · Proof () (wd*) · Providence Island Sign Language (wd*) · Prozac Nation () (wd*) · Pseudoexfoliation syndrome (wd*) · Pseudohermaphroditism (wd*) · Psychiatric rehabilitation (wd*) · Psychiatrist Irabu series (wd*) · Pulmonary atresia (wd*) · Purificacion Santamarta (wd*) · Qatar at the Paralympics (wd*) · Quart de Poblet (wd*) · Quasimodo () (wd*) · Quebec'sche Zeichensprache (wd) · Quintus Pedius () (wd*) · Rachel Goswell (wd*) · Rachischisis (wd*) · Radek Procházka (wd*) · Radim Běleš (wd*) · Ragnhild Myklebust (wd*) · Rainbow Song (wd*) · Raketenlenkung (wd) · Rank Xerox () (wd*) · Róisín Shortall (wd*) · Readspeaker (wd*) · Real () (wd*) · Real Sound: Kaze no Regret (wd*) · Reasonable accommodation (wd*) · Reasonable Doubts (wd*) · Regressive autism (wd*) · Rehabilitace (wd*) · Reinette L'Oranaise (wd*) · Reiten () (wd) · Renal agenesis (wd*) · René Charles Joseph Ernest Maire (wd) · Representational systems (wd*) · Resocializace (wd*) · Ressha Sentai ToQger (wd*) · Reynolds Price (wd*) · Rheed McCracken (wd) · Rhinotomy (wd*) · Richard Jeni (wd) · Richard Lawrence (wd*) · Richard Oribe (wd*) · Rick Grimes (wd*) · Rick Harrison (wd*) · Rihard Jakopič (wd*) · Ring chromosome 20 syndrome (wd*) · Rio de Janeiro bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics (wd*) · Robert Earl Hughes (wd*) · Robert Fagan (wd*) · Robert Munsch (wd*) · Roberto Alcaide (wd*) · Roberto Arias (wd*) · Robotic telescope (wd*) · Rolf Johansson (wd*) · Roman Petushkov (wd*) · Romania at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Romania at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Romania at the Paralympics (wd*) · Ron Turcotte (wd*) · Ronald Vink (wd) · Rory Bremner (wd*) · Rowing at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Roy Campanella (wd*) · Roy Mustang (wd*) · Rubeosis iridis () (wd*) · Russell Barkley (wd*) · Russia at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Russia at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Russia at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Russia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Russian Braille (wd*) · Russische Gebärdensprache (wd) · Rustam Garifoullin (wd*) · Ruth Duccini (wd) · Ryne Duren (wd*) · Sad Love Story (wd*) · Sailing at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Sailing at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Sailing at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Sailing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Sailing at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Salvo () (wd*) · Samari Rolle (wd*) · Samoa at the Paralympics (wd*) · San Marino at the Paralympics (wd*) · Sandra Zwolle (wd*) · Sarah Reinertsen (wd*) · Saudi Arabia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Saudi Sign Language (wd*) · Sayed Mekawy (wd*) · Schatzki ring (wd*) · Schmetterling und Taucherglocke () (wd) · Sci alpino agli XI Giochi paralimpici invernali - Discesa libera maschile (wd*) · Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (wd*) · Section 8 (wd*) · See Spot Run (wd*) · Seigō Nakano (wd*) · Seiichi Sugano (wd*) · Seisaku Nakamura (wd*) · Selangor Sign Language (wd*) · Semantic compaction (wd*) · Senegal at the Paralympics (wd*) · Senior–Løken syndrome (wd*) · Seopyeonje (wd*) · Serbia at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Serbia at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Service animal (wd*) · Servicehund () (wd*) · Seva Foundation (wd*) · Sever's disease (wd*) · Sexuality and disability (wd*) · Seychelles at the Paralympics (wd*) · Shaul Amor (wd*) · Shavarsh Karapetyan (wd*) · Sheikh Imam (wd*) · Shigeo Gochō (wd*) · Shigeru Izumiya (wd*) · Shiro Kishibe (wd*) · Shiryu (wd*) · Shoko Ota (wd*) · Shooting at the 1976 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Shooting at the 1980 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Shooting at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Shooting at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Shooting at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Shooting at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Shooting at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's 10 metre air pistol SH1 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's 10 metre air rifle standing SH1 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's 50 metre rifle 3 positions SH1 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Mixed 10 metre air rifle prone SH1 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Mixed 10 metre air rifle prone SH2 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Mixed 10 metre air rifle standing SH2 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Mixed 25 metre pistol SH1 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Mixed 50 metre pistol SH1 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Mixed 50 metre rifle prone SH1 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's 10 metre air pistol SH1 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's 10 metre air rifle standing SH1 (wd*) · Shooting at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's 50 metre rifle 3 positions SH1 (wd*) · Short Sleeve Sampson (wd*) · Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome (wd*) · Shraga Weinberg (wd) · Shroud (wd*) · Si può fare (wd*) · Siamand Rahman (wd*) · Sid Barnes (wd*) · Sidney Bradford (wd*) · Siegfried Rapp (Pianist) (wd) · Sierra Leone at the Paralympics (wd*) · Sign name (wd*) · Signuno (wd*) · Sijtje van der Lende (wd*) · Simona Atzori (wd*) · Sindrom kelas ekonomi (wd*) · Sindrom kompjuterskog vida (wd*) · Sindrome di McCune-Albright-Sternberg (wd*) · Sindrome di Weill-Marchesani (wd*) · Sipke Castelein (wd*) · Sippie Tigchelaar (wd*) · Sit-ski (wd*) · Six-a-side football (wd*) · Sjoerd Hamburger (wd*) · Skanado (wd*) · Skleroplastika (wd*) · Slovak Braille (wd*) · Slovak Sign Language (wd*) · Slovakia at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Slovakia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Slovenia at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Slovenia at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Slovenia at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Smile Again (wd*) · SMZ cycle-car (wd*) · Snooker at the 1960 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Snooker at the 1964 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Snooker at the 1968 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Snooker at the 1972 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Snooker at the 1976 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Snooker at the 1984 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Snooker at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Sochi 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Organizing Committee (wd*) · Social security contribution (wd*) · Social security in France (wd*) · Solène Jambaqué (wd*) · Solomon Islands at the Paralympics (wd*) · Somaya Bousaid (wd*) · Sommer-Paralympics 2008/7er-Fußball () (wd) · Sommer-Paralympics/Ewiger Medaillenspiegel () (wd) · Sommer-PL (wd*) · Son-Rise (wd*) · Sonja Gaudet (wd*) · Sophie Howard (wd*) · Sophie Pascoe (wd*) · South Africa at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · South Africa at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · South Africa at the Paralympics (wd*) · South African Sign Language (wd*) · South Korea at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · South Korea at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · South Korea at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Spagnolek (wd*) · Spain at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Spain at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Spain at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Spain at the Paralympics (wd*) · Spalax (wd) · Spalax arenarius (wd) · Spalax carmeli (wd*) · Spalax ehrenbergi (wd) · Spalax giganteus (wd) · Spalax golani (wd) · Spalax graecus (wd) · Spalax judaei (wd*) · Spalax nehringi (wd) · Spalax uralensis (wd) · Spalax zemni (wd) · Spanish Paralympic Committee (wd*) · Spastic diplegia (wd*) · Special needs (wd*) · Speech and language impairment (wd*) · Speech of Silence (wd*) · Square foot gardening (wd*) · Sri Lankan sign languages (wd*) · Stanley Elkin (wd) · Stanley Knowles (wd*) · Stapedectomy (wd*) · Stéphane Houdet (wd) · Stefan Branković (Despot) (wd*) · Stephanie Dixon (wd*) · Steve Kekana (wd*) · Steven Fletcher () (wd*) · Student syndrome (wd*) · SubRip (wd*) · SubStation Alpha (wd*) · SubViewer (wd*) · Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (wd*) · Suid-Afrikaanse Sport Konfederasie en Olimpiese Komitee (wd*) · Summer Mortimer (wd*) · Suomi talviparalympialaisissa 2002 (wd*) · Surdas (wd*) · Surdophobie (wd) · Surender Mohan Pathak (wd*) · Suriname at the Paralympics (wd*) · Susan Smith (wd*) · Susannah Mushatt Jones (wd*) · Sussie Pedersen (wd*) · Sven Decaesstecker (wd*) · Svetlana Konovalova (wd*) · Sweden at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Sweden at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Sweden at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Sweet Nothing in My Ear (wd*) · Swimming at the 1960 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the 1964 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the 1968 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the 1972 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the 1976 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the 1980 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the 1984 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Swimming at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Switch access scanning (wd*) · Sybil () (wd*) · Sybren Jansma (wd*) · Syndrome de Doege-Potter (wd*) · Syndrome de Kearns-Sayre (wd*) · Syndrome de Loeys-Dietz (wd*) · Syndrome de Melnick-Needles (wd*) · Syndrome de Mowat-Wilson (wd*) · Syndrome de Pallister-Hall (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's individual – Class 10 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's individual – Class 11 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's individual – Class 2 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's individual – Class 3 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's individual – Class 6 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's individual – Class 7 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's individual – Class 8 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's individual – Class 9 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's team – Class 1–2 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's team – Class 3 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's team – Class 9–10 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual – Class 10 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual – Class 11 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual – Class 1–2 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual – Class 3 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual – Class 4 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual – Class 5 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual – Class 6 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual – Class 7 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual – Class 8 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual – Class 9 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's team – Class 1–3 (wd*) · Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's team – Class 6–10 (wd*) · Table tennis at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Tactile signing (wd*) · Tadao Umesao (wd*) · Taiwanese Sign Language (wd*) · Tajikistan at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Tajikistan at the Paralympics (wd*) · Takaya Kuroda (wd*) · Take Asai (wd*) · Tall poppy syndrome (wd*) · Tamori (wd*) · Tanzania at the Paralympics (wd*) · Tanzanian sign languages (wd*) · Tarcisio Merati (wd*) · Taura syndrome virus (wd) · Taurodontismo (wd*) · Technics SL-1200 (wd*) · Telecomandament (wd*) · Terence Parkin (wd*) · Teresa de Cartagena (wd) · Teresa Perales (wd*) · Terezinha Guilhermina (wd*) · Terlingvo (wd*) · Tetra-amelia syndrome (wd*) · Tetsuya Watari (wd*) · Thai Braille (wd*) · Thai Sign Language (wd*) · Thailand at the Paralympics (wd*) · That Winter, The Wind Blows (wd*) · The Biggest Loser () (wd*) · The Blue Mountain (wd*) · The Bone Collector () (wd*) · The Boss () (wd*) · The Classic (wd*) · The Crucible () (wd*) · The Crucible () (wd*) · The Doll Family (wd*) · The Eye () (wd*) · The Housekeeper and the Professor (wd*) · The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential (wd*) · The Jennie Project (wd*) · The Lost Prince (wd*) · The Miracle Worker () (wd*) · The O2 Arena (wd*) · The Sandlot 2 (wd*) · The Temple of the Golden Pavilion (wd*) · The Tribe () (wd*) · The White Countess (wd*) · Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell (wd*) · Theodore Lidz (wd*) · Theodosius III of Abkhazia (wd*) · Thu Kamkasomphou (wd*) · Tic disorder (wd*) · Tifloteknologia (wd*) · Tilly Aston (wd*) · Tim Raines (wd*) · Timmy () (wd) · Timor-Leste at the Paralympics (wd*) · Timothy Shriver (wd*) · Timothy syndrome (wd*) · Toby Kane (wd*) · Toki () (wd*) · Tokyo bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics (wd*) · Tom Fletcher (wd*) · Tone deafness (wd*) · Tonga at the Paralympics (wd*) · Tony Slattery (wd*) · Toph Beifong (wd) · Torneo di Wimbledon 2010 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Torneo di Wimbledon 2010 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Torneo di Wimbledon 2011 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Torneo di Wimbledon 2011 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Torneo di Wimbledon 2012 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Torneo di Wimbledon 2012 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Torneo di Wimbledon 2014 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · Torneo di Wimbledon 2014 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · Total Communication (wd*) · Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window (wd*) · Touch of the Light (wd*) · Toughbook (wd) · Tove Linnea Brandvik (wd*) · Trachtenberg system (wd*) · Trastornos del lenguaje (wd*) · Traumatic brain injury (wd*) · Triple-A syndrome (wd*) · Troy Kotsur (wd*) · Tshotlego Morama (wd*) · Tsuneo Horiuchi (wd*) · Tsure ga Utsu ni Narimashite (wd*) · Tsutomu Aragaki (wd*) · Tunisia at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Tunisia at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Tunisia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Tunisian Sign Language (wd*) · Tunnelblick () (wd) · Turkey at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Turkey men's national goalball team (wd*) · Turkmenistan at the Paralympics (wd*) · TX1 () (wd*) · TX4 (wd*) · TXII () (wd*) · Uganda at the Paralympics (wd*) · Uhl anomaly (wd*) · Ukraine at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Ukraine at the 2010 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Ukraine at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Ukraine at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Ukraine at the Paralympics (wd*) · United States at the 2006 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · United States at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · United States at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · United States at the Paralympics (wd*) · Universal Signs (wd*) · Universal Subtitle Format (wd*) · Up the Down Steroid (wd*) · Upper motor neuron lesion (wd*) · Urofacial syndrome (wd*) · Uruguay at the Paralympics (wd*) · US Open 2009 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · US Open 2009 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · US Open 2009 - Quad doppio (wd*) · US Open 2009 - Quad singolare (wd*) · US Open 2009 - Singolare femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · US Open 2009 - Singolare maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · US Open 2010 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · US Open 2010 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · US Open 2010 - Quad doppio (wd*) · US Open 2010 - Quad singolare (wd*) · US Open 2011 - Doppio femminile in carrozzina (wd*) · US Open 2011 - Doppio maschile in carrozzina (wd*) · US Open 2011 - Quad doppio (wd*) · US Open 2011 - Quad singolare (wd*) · UTAU (wd*) · Uuno Kailas (wd*) · Uzbekistan at the 2014 Winter Paralympics (wd*) · Valérie Grand'Maison (wd*) · Valeriy Sushkevich (wd*) · Valgusstellung () (wd) · Vallathol Narayana Menon (wd*) · Van der Woude syndrome (wd*) · VANOC (wd*) · Vanuatu at the Paralympics (wd*) · Vascular dementia (wd*) · Vehicle no tripulat (wd*) · Velopharyngeal inadequacy (wd*) · Venezuelan Sign Language (wd*) · Venues of the 2008 Summer Olympics (wd*) · Venues of the 2012 Summer Olympics and Paralympics (wd*) · Venues of the 2014 Winter Olympics (wd*) · Venues of the 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics (wd*) · Viacheslav Datsik (wd*) · Vicent Arzo Diago (wd*) · Video Relay Service (wd*) · Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (wd*) · Vietnam at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Vietnam at the Paralympics (wd*) · Vietnam Syndrome (wd*) · Vietnamese sign languages (wd*) · Viktor Smyrnov (wd*) · Vincent Gauthier-Manuel (wd*) · Vinux (wd*) · Vision On (wd*) · Visoko funkcionalni autizam (wd*) · Vitaliy Lukyanenko (wd*) · Vitamin A deficiency (wd*) · Vladimir Kiselev (wd*) · Vladislav A. Lekomtsev (wd*) · Voldo (wd*) · Volkert van der Graaf () (wd*) · Volleyball at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Volta Laboratory and Bureau (wd*) · Vugar Mehdiyev (wd*) · Wagon-bed riding (wd*) · Waist chop (wd*) · Wakamaru (wd*) · Walid Ktila (wd*) · Walter Hudson (wd*) · Water basketball (wd*) · Web standards (wd*) · WebAIM (wd*) · Webbed neck (wd*) · Weightlifting at the 1964 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Weightlifting at the 1968 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Weightlifting at the 1972 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Weightlifting at the 1976 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Weightlifting at the 1980 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Weightlifting at the 1984 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Weightlifting at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Weightlifting at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Welcome to the Quiet Room (wd*) · Wheelchair basketball at the 1960 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair basketball at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair basketball at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair basketball at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair Basketball World Championship (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 1960 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 1964 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 1968 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 1972 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 1976 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 1980 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 1984 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's épée A (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's épée B (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's foil A (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's foil B (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's sabre A (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's sabre B (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's team open (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's épée A (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's épée B (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's foil A (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's foil B (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's team open (wd*) · Wheelchair fencing at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair rugby at the 2012 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair rugby at the Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair tennis at the 1988 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair tennis at the 1992 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair tennis at the 1996 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair tennis at the 2000 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair tennis at the 2004 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wheelchair tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's Doubles (wd*) · Wheelchair tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Men's Singles (wd*) · Wheelchair tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Quad Doubles (wd*) · Wheelchair tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's Doubles (wd*) · Wheelchair tennis at the 2012 Summer Paralympics – Women's Singles (wd*) · Widex (wd*) · Wilby Wonderful (wd*) · William Kurelek (wd*) · Winter Paralympic Games (wd*) · With the Light (wd*) · Witold Zagórski (wd*) · Wolf Vilenski (wd*) · Words in Blue (wd*) · Wrestling at the 1980 Summer Paralympics (wd*) · Wu Shu-chen (wd*) · Xantopsia (wd*) · Xiao Huang-Chi (wd*) · Ya'akov Katz (wd*) · Yad Sarah (wd*) · Yamamoto Kakuma (wd*) · Yana's Friends (wd*) · Yatsuhashi Kengyo (wd*) · Yemen at the Paralympics (wd*) · Yevgeny Golubinsky (wd*) · Yevhen Adamtsevych (wd*) · Yohann Taberlet (wd*) · Yolanda Martin Franco (wd*) · Yong-Sik Jin (wd*) · Yoo Ye Eun (wd*) · Yoshio Tabata (wd*) · Young Shik Rhee (wd*) · Yugoslavia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Yuki Nakai (wd*) · Yulia Shamalov-Berkovich (wd*) · Yunidis Castillo (wd*) · Yuri of Uglich (wd*) · Yvonne Nauta (wd*) · Yūko Gotō (wd*) · Zach Gowen (wd*) · Zack Greinke (wd) · Zambia at the Paralympics (wd*) · Zebastian Modin (wd*) · Zeng Jinlian (wd*) · Zentrum für Chancengleichheit und für Rassismusbekämpfung (wd) · Zimbabwe at the Paralympics (wd*) · Zimbabwean sign languages (wd*) · Zion Pinyan (wd*) · Zoe Robinson (wd*) · 尚元王 (wd*) · 山本元柳齋重國 (wd*)

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∅ Zugriffe
pro Tag
∅ Zugriffe
pro Tag
Anmerkungen / Bearbeiter
Adolf Hitler 005000 0001 003371 0001 003721
Elena Semechin 000007 0026 000550 0002 003324 +24
Oskar Picht 000026 1966 000001 0003 002645 +1963
Markus Rehm 000052 0045 000384 0004 002150 +41
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung 000338 0004 001889 0005 001925 -1
Sommer-Paralympics 2024 000379 0002 002120 0006 001740 -4
Paralympische Spiele 001088 0003 001931 0007 001507 -4
Josia Topf 000011 0211 000077 0008 001481 +203
Taliso Engel 000013 0245 000064 0009 001466 +236
Autismus 000797 0008 001537 0010 001439 -2
Startklassen der paralympischen Sportarten 000143 0043 000416 0011 001238 +32
Prader-Willi-Syndrom 000065 0022 000585 0012 001227 +10
Sommer-Paralympics 2024/Medaillenspiegel 000034 0073 000247 0013 001205 +60
Ludwig van Beethoven 004450 0013 000930 0014 001159 -1
Josef Mengele 000256 0012 000992 0015 001031 -3
Heinrich Popow 000029 0094 000193 0016 001024 +78
The Accountant (2016) 000037 0005 001828 0017 001019 -12
Ableismus 000020 0046 000381 0018 000994 +28
Borussia Dortmund 003706 0011 001007 0019 000938 -8
Nele Moos 000007 000- 000000 0020 000908
T38 (Paralympics) 000021 0092 000199 0021 000871 +71
FC Schalke 04 003712 0015 000699 0022 000871 -7
Contergan-Skandal 000138 0020 000615 0023 000741 -3
Infantile Zerebralparese 000177 0031 000515 0024 000710 +7
Irmgard Bensusan 000013 0425 000029 0025 000705 +400
T44 (Paralympics) 000017 0629 000014 0026 000698 +603
Lindy Ave 000018 0101 000179 0027 000695 +74
Maike Hausberger 000021 0039 000446 0028 000673 +11
Steffi Nerius 000211 0218 000075 0029 000656 +189
Tanja Scholz 000005 000- 000000 0030 000651
Ziemlich beste Freunde 000122 0047 000379 0031 000620 +16
Sandra Mikolaschek 000010 0207 000080 0032 000614 +175
Johannes Floors 000024 0083 000221 0033 000612 +50
Hamburger SV 004212 0017 000659 0034 000601 -17
Regine Mispelkamp 000010 1017 000005 0035 000596 +982
TAR-Syndrom 000014 0274 000056 0036 000596 +238
Dysmelie 000062 0122 000146 0037 000591 +85
Thomas Wandschneider 000030 0097 000186 0038 000576 +59
Kirsten Bruhn 000025 0019 000618 0039 000575 -20
Cop Land 000062 0243 000065 0040 000574 +203
Mathias Mester 000052 0064 000272 0041 000563 +23
Angelman-Syndrom 000043 0007 001612 0042 000555 -35
Forrest Gump 000305 0025 000552 0043 000555 -18
Startklassen im paralympischen Schwimmsport 000038 0054 000313 0044 000554 +10
Down-Syndrom 000468 0028 000534 0045 000521 -17
Liste der Konzentrationslager des Deutschen Reichs 000086 0035 000473 0046 000501 -11
Natascha Hiltrop 000011 0734 000011 0047 000487 +687
Morteza Mehrzad 000003 0161 000107 0048 000448 +113
Eugenik 000621 0042 000417 0049 000448 -7
Aktion T4 001219 0041 000436 0050 000447 -9
A Quiet Place (Film) 000064 0030 000518 0051 000445 -21
FC St. Pauli 002200 0021 000587 0052 000435 -31
Tourette-Syndrom 000151 0029 000526 0053 000430 -24
TSV 1860 München 002671 0044 000410 0054 000429 -10
Die Brücke – Transit in den Tod 000115 0049 000376 0055 000390 -6
Oscar Pistorius 000055 0048 000378 0056 000387 -8
Sommer-Paralympics 2024/Teilnehmer (Deutschland) 000132 0112 000162 0057 000382 +55
Hertha BSC 002968 0036 000464 0058 000375 -22
Norbert Hofer 000220 0057 000288 0059 000364 -2
Tan Çağlar 000023 0072 000248 0060 000363 +12
Turner-Syndrom 000074 0038 000452 0061 000360 -23
Niko Kappel 000028 0058 000286 0062 000355 -4
Gattaca 000086 0010 001160 0063 000336 -53
Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörung 000008 0066 000263 0064 000329 +2
Heidemarie Dresing 000008 0493 000023 0065 000327 +428
Spina bifida 000134 0062 000273 0066 000320 -4
Wojtek Czyz 000031 0027 000546 0067 000318 -40
Kleinwuchs 000380 0051 000368 0068 000300 -17
Makuladegeneration 000153 0056 000300 0069 000300 -13
Helen Keller 000139 0071 000252 0070 000289 +1
Robert Förstemann 000184 0053 000342 0071 000284 -18
Denise Schindler 000030 0032 000494 0072 000280 -40
Ella Schön 000088 0209 000080 0073 000274 +136
T64 (Paralympics) 000015 0405 000031 0074 000273 +331
Ray Charles 000922 0078 000235 0075 000273 +3
Catherine Debrunner 000014 0312 000044 0076 000272 +236
Geistige Behinderung 000707 0069 000255 0077 000267 -8
A Quiet Place 2 000047 0059 000284 0078 000264 -19
Martha’s Vineyard 000190 0119 000150 0079 000258 +40
Sommer-Paralympics 2020/Medaillenspiegel 000034 0160 000107 0080 000256 +80
Sommer-Paralympics 2020 000386 0070 000254 0081 000254 -11
Treacher-Collins-Syndrom 000012 0300 000048 0082 000246 +218
Hydrocephalus 000141 0060 000281 0083 000243 -23
Gaskammer (Massenmord) 000702 0075 000243 0084 000239 -9
Thomas Schmidberger 000023 0102 000179 0085 000239 +17
Deutschland schafft sich ab 000063 0077 000237 0086 000237 -9
Rosalie (Film) 000012 0422 000029 0087 000235 +335
Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte 000176 0098 000184 0088 000233 +10
Edwards-Syndrom 000056 0063 000272 0089 000231 -26
Łódź 002486 0033 000494 0090 000230 -57
Williams-Beuren-Syndrom 000053 0074 000243 0091 000227 -17
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung bei Erwachsenen 000017 0086 000212 0092 000226 -6
Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD 000640 0082 000222 0093 000222 -11
Felix Streng 000023 0520 000021 0094 000219 +426
Rot-Grün-Sehschwäche 000046 0106 000172 0095 000217 +11
Michael Teuber (Radsportler) 000042 0566 000017 0096 000215 +470
Léon Schäfer 000021 0061 000281 0097 000215 -36
Lost in Fuseta – Ein Krimi aus Portugal 000019 0006 001676 0098 000211 -92
Fantastic Four (2005) 000093 0068 000255 0099 000209 -31
Siamesische Zwillinge 000112 0109 000167 0100 000209 +9