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E Vicipaedia

This is the third century in this challenge; it follows continuously from the first two, making a total of 300 consecutive days. As before, in keeping with the strictest interpretation of the rules, each article was composed in the twenty-four hours before its posting—and in honor of Spiritia, who made the original challenge, the article posted on the penultimate day treats a topic relating to Bulgaria.

Coding of columns in the sortable table:

  • No. = serial number of the day, with letters added for multiple articles added in one day.
  • # = serial number of the article.
  • Dies = date, given as ymd.
  • D = basic number of the topic in Dewey Decimal Classification.
  • Pagina = lemma in commentario definitum (the lemma defined in the article).
  • = una e 10 000 paginis maximi momenti (one of the 10,000 pages of greatest importance).
  • ± = commentarius ab alio factus, omnino retractatus (commentary begun by someone else but entirely revised, always by more than doubling—often by more than quadrupling—the number of bytes).
  • Octeti = raw number of added bytes; it's not multiplied by the factors used for comparing the wikipedias on the 1000-word and 10,000-word lists at Meta (1.10 and 1.07, respectively).
No. # Dies D Pagina ± Octeti
1 1 20200119 299 Religio vulgaris Sinica 32014
2 2 20200120 378 Instituta Technologiae Indica 9755
3a 3 20200121 410 Munro S. Edmonson 4313
3b 4 20200121 597 Ranidae 8271
4 5 20200122 676 Papyrus (materies) 9027
5 6 20200123 751 Pictura olearia 8257
6a 7 20200124 790 Scaenarium 2223
6b 8 20200124 792 Lacus cycnorum 7767
7a 9 20200125 811 Alix Olson 3944
7b 10 20200125 933 Historia Israelis et Iudae 30010
7c 11 20200125 940 Gabriel Princip ± 5955
8 12 20200126 005 Ada (lingua programmandi) 10912
9 13 20200127 128 Miseria 9985
10 14 20200128 294 Vajrayana 11753
11 15 20200129 378 Institutum Scientiae Indicum 25588
12a 16 20200130 409 Andreas Carnie 6843
12b 17 20200130 540 Srinivasan Chandrasekaran 6688
12c 18 20200130 595 Heterocera 8301
12d 19 20200130 595 Saletara 1988
13a 20 20200131 595 Nymphalidae ± 2996
13b 21 20200131 681 Herbisectrum 8477
14 22 20200201 781 Auscultatio facilis 11196
15 23 20200202 895 Historia Trium Regnorum 8698
16 24 20200203 971 Historia Canadae 13062
17 25 20200204 004 Transmissio datorum 6468
18 26 20200205 160 Logica philosophica 6136
19 27 20200206 297 Husayn ibn Ali 9801
20 28 20200207 378 Instituta Administrationis Indica 16905
21a 29 20200208 410 Monica Nemni 3171
21b 30 20200208 595 Megalopyge 5105
21c 31 20200208 595 Metapterygota 1436
21d 32 20200208 595 Plecoptera 8001
22a 33 20200209 595 Norape 4770
22b 34 20200209 681 Forfex 4558
23 35 20200210 797 Gregorius Louganis 9897
24 36 20200211 843 Les Trois Mousquetaires 6068
25 37 20200212 980 Bella libertatis Hispano-Americana 8877
26 38 20200213 005 Lingua coactionis 6088
27 39 20200214 160 Argumentatio 12755
28 40 20200215 211 Antitheismus 4586
29 41 20200216 306 Sociologia familiae 6488
30a 42 20200217 400 Stephanus Pinker 9910
30b 43 20200217 597 Clupeiformes 11947
31 44 20200218 621 Motrum electricum 8995
32a 45 20200219 583 Juglandaceae ± 3093
32b 46 20200219 796 Ioannes Unitas 4284
33 47 20200220 809 Fictio inquisitoria 18320
34 48 20200221 951 Tria regna (Sina) 12675
35 49 20200222 004 Coacervatio datorum 5798
36 50 20200223 179 Proditio 8893
37 51 20200224 297 Diafarus Mahometi filius aṣ-Ṣādiq 5399
38 52 20200225 370 Diploma 3200
39a 53 20200226 409 Willard Richardson Espy 4953
39b 54 20200226 597 Scorpaeniformes 12394
40 55 20200227 618 Prisma 4459
41 56 20200228 796 Robertus Beamon 3355
42 57 20200229 823 Count Dracula 16018
43 58 20200301 972 Historia Mexici 36596
44 59 20200302 005 Deprehensio et correctio mendorum 4553
45 60 20200303 133 Vaticinatio 4880
46a 61 20200304 204 Adoratio 2160
46b 62 20200304 331 Fabrica (officina) 9382
46c 63 20200304 409 Petrus T. Daniels 4194
46d 64 20200304 512 75 (numerus) 2974
47 65 20200305 597 Cypriniformes 11992
48 66 20200306 621 Cochleatorstrum 3912
49 67 20200307 797 Paulus Elvstrøm 8966
50 68 20200308 809 Fictio generum 5734
51 69 20200309 949 Historia Helvetiae 8378
52 70 20200310 004 Protocollum translationis hypertextuum 3831
53 71 20200311 100 Mimesis 10220
54 72 20200312 209 Mahometus Bucharius 7253
55 73 20200313 391 Ars corporea 4422
56a 74 20200314 409 Philippus Baldi 3151
56b 75 20200314 595 Mecoptera 9800
57a 76 20200315 595 Xylorycta 7664
57b 77 20200315 595 Xyloryctidae 8199
57c 78 20200315 630 Agricultura intensiva 3831
58 79 20200316 796 Henricus Armstrong 3675
59 80 20200317 796 Iosephus Ludovicus 9527
60a 81 20200318 813 The Call of the Wild 3812
60b 82 20200318 960 Historia Africae 8443
61 83 20200319 950 Historia Asiae 9089
62 84 20200320 998 Historia Antarcticae 9161
63 85 20200321 990 Historia Oceaniae 4456
64a 86 20200322 972 Historia Caribica 8764
64b 87 20200322 972 Tortuga 5846
65 88 20200323 972 Historia Mediae Americae 9987
66 89 20200324 972 Historia Haitiae 9693
67 90 20200325 921 Ferdinandus Braudel 11200
68 91 20200326 025 Machina quaesitoria 3709
69 92 20200327 150 Georgius Armitage Miller 21835
70 93 20200328 209 Muslim Nisaburensis 3707
71 94 20200329 306 Curriculum 8516
72a 95 20200330 409 Robbins Burling 4765
72b 96 20200330 595 Nephropidae 12215
73 97 20200331 595 Trichoptera 15873
74a 98 20200401 595 Xanthidae 11201
74b 99 20200401 599 Dasyuromorphia 4492
75 100 20200402 682 Faber ferrarius 4159
76a 101 20200403 720 Pagoda 4843
76b 102 20200403 720 Vihara 4937
77a 103 20200404 881 Thomas Bailey Aldrich 4483
77b 104 20200404 949 Historia Albaniae 4790
78 105 20200405 949 Historia Croatiae 8805
79 106 20200406 949 Historia Serbiae 26270
80 107 20200407 945 Historia Melitae 8679
81 108 20200408 947 Historia Armeniae 8950
82 109 20200409 947 Historia Georgiae 8008
83 110 20200410 963 Historia Erythraeae 4930
84 111 20200411 967 Historia Somaliae 4637
85 112 20200412 962 Historia Sudaniae 8041
86 113 20200413 953 Historia Arabiae Saudianae 5253
87 114 20200414 963 Historia Aethiopiae 9704
88 115 20200415 953 Historia Iemeniae 4750
89 116 20200416 962 Historia Aegypti 9925
90 117 20200417 006 Data (computatio) 3379
91 118 20200418 158 Charisma 6196
92 119 20200419 291 Conversio religiosa 8310
93a 120 20200420 339 Macrooeconomia ± 5045
93b 121 20200420 332 Renminbi 3607
94a 122 20200421 409 Leonardus Bloomfield 14449
94b 123 20200421 595 Psocoptera 3661
95 124 20200422 595 Strepsiptera 5291
96 125 20200423 595 Phasmatodea 5348
97 126 20200424 595 Thysanoptera 9234
98a 127 20200425 595 Annulipalpia 2033
98b 128 20200425 595 Integripalpia 1343
98c 129 20200425 595 Tasimioidea 1052
98d 130 20200425 595 Leptoceroidea 1134
98e 131 20200425 595 Limnephiloidea 1313
98f 132 20200425 595 Phryganeoidea 1297
98g 133 20200425 595 Sericostomatoidea 1474
98h 134 20200425 595 Sericostomatidae 4812
98i 135 20200425 595 Sericostoma 4504
98j 136 20200425 595 Sericostoma personatum 1698
98k 137 20200425 595 Helicopsychidae 1495
98l 138 20200425 595 Spicipalpia 1420
98m 139 20200425 595 Cerambycidae 8143
99 140 20200426 949 Secundum imperium Bulgaricum 20847
100 141 20200427 595 Glossina 10440
